import { send } from '../../platform/client/fetch'; import constants from '../constants'; import { addNotification } from './notifications'; import { getPayees, getAccounts } from './queries'; export function setAccountsSyncing(name) { return { type: constants.SET_ACCOUNTS_SYNCING, name }; } export function markAccountFailed(id, errorType, errorCode) { return { type: 'ACCOUNT_SYNC_STATUS', id, failed: true, errorType, errorCode }; } export function markAccountSuccess(id) { return { type: 'ACCOUNT_SYNC_STATUS', id, failed: false }; } export function setFailedAccounts(syncErrors) { return { type: 'ACCOUNT_SYNC_FAILURES', syncErrors }; } export function unlinkAccount(id) { return async dispatch => { await send('account-unlink', { id }); dispatch(markAccountSuccess(id)); dispatch(getAccounts()); }; } export function linkAccount(institution, publicToken, accountId, upgradingId) { return async dispatch => { await send('accounts-link', { institution, publicToken, accountId, upgradingId }); await dispatch(getPayees()); await dispatch(getAccounts()); }; } export function connectAccounts( institution, publicToken, accountIds, offbudgetIds ) { return async dispatch => { let ids = await send('accounts-connect', { institution, publicToken, accountIds, offbudgetIds }); await dispatch(getPayees()); await dispatch(getAccounts()); return ids; }; } export function syncAccounts(id) { return async (dispatch, getState) => { if (getState().account.accountsSyncing) { return false; } if (id) { let account = getState().queries.accounts.find(a => === id); dispatch(setAccountsSyncing(; } else { dispatch(setAccountsSyncing('__all')); } const { errors, newTransactions, matchedTransactions, updatedAccounts } = await send('accounts-sync', { id }); dispatch(setAccountsSyncing(null)); if (id) { let error = errors.find(error => error.accountId === id); if (error) { // We only want to mark the account as having problem if it // was a real syncing error. if (error.type === 'SyncError') { dispatch(markAccountFailed(id, error.category, error.code)); } } else { dispatch(markAccountSuccess(id)); } } else { dispatch( setFailedAccounts( errors .filter(error => error.type === 'SyncError') .map(error => ({ id: error.accountId, type: error.category, code: error.code })) ) ); } errors.forEach(error => { if (error.type === 'SyncError') { dispatch( addNotification({ type: 'error', message: error.message }) ); } else { dispatch( addNotification({ type: 'error', message: error.message, internal: error.internal }) ); } }); dispatch({ type: constants.SET_NEW_TRANSACTIONS, newTransactions, matchedTransactions, updatedAccounts }); return newTransactions.length > 0 || matchedTransactions.length > 0; }; } // Remember the last transaction manually added to the system export function setLastTransaction(transaction) { return { type: constants.SET_LAST_TRANSACTION, transaction }; } export function parseTransactions(filepath, options) { return async dispatch => { return await send('transactions-parse-file', { filepath, options }); }; } export function importTransactions(id, transactions) { return async dispatch => { let { errors = [], added, updated } = await send('transactions-import', { accountId: id, transactions }); errors.forEach(error => { dispatch( addNotification({ type: 'error', message: error.message, internal: error.internal }) ); }); dispatch({ type: constants.SET_NEW_TRANSACTIONS, newTransactions: added, matchedTransactions: updated, updatedAccounts: added.length > 0 ? [id] : [] }); return added.length > 0 || updated.length > 0; }; } export function updateNewTransactions(changedId) { return { type: constants.UPDATE_NEW_TRANSACTIONS, changedId }; } export function markAccountRead(accountId) { return { type: constants.MARK_ACCOUNT_READ, accountId: accountId }; } export function getBanks() { return async dispatch => { dispatch({ type: constants.LOAD_BANKS, banks: await send('banks') }); }; }