import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { useLocation, useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'; import Platform from 'loot-core/src/client/platform'; import q, { runQuery } from 'loot-core/src/client/query-helpers'; import { send } from 'loot-core/src/platform/client/fetch'; import { getRecurringDescription } from 'loot-core/src/shared/schedules'; import { View, Stack, Button, ButtonWithLoading, P } from 'loot-design/src/components/common'; import { Table, TableHeader, Row, Field, SelectCell } from 'loot-design/src/components/table'; import useSelected, { useSelectedDispatch, useSelectedItems, SelectedProvider } from 'loot-design/src/components/useSelected'; import { colors } from 'loot-design/src/style'; import { Page } from '../Page'; import DisplayId from '../util/DisplayId'; import { ScheduleAmountCell } from './SchedulesTable'; let ROW_HEIGHT = 43; function DiscoverSchedulesTable({ schedules, loading }) { let selectedItems = useSelectedItems(); let dispatchSelected = useSelectedDispatch(); function renderItem({ item }) { let selected = selectedItems.has(; let amountOp = item._conditions.find(c => c.field === 'amount').op; let recurDescription = getRecurringDescription(; return ( { dispatchSelected({ type: 'select', id: }); }} borderColor={selected ? colors.b8 : colors.border} style={{ cursor: 'pointer', backgroundColor: selected ? colors.selected : 'white', ':hover': { backgroundColor: selected ? colors.selected : colors.hover } }} > { dispatchSelected({ type: 'select', id: }); }} /> {recurDescription} ); } return ( 0} onSelect={() => dispatchSelected({ type: 'select-all' })} /> Payee Account When Amount selectedItems.has(id)} renderItem={renderItem} renderEmpty="No schedules found" /> ); } export default function DiscoverSchedules() { let location = useLocation(); let history = useHistory(); let [schedules, setSchedules] = useState(); let [creating, setCreating] = useState(false); let selectedInst = useSelected('discover-schedules', schedules, []); useEffect(() => { async function run() { setSchedules(await send('schedule/discover')); } run(); }, []); async function onCreate() { let items = selectedInst.items; let selected = schedules.filter(s => selectedInst.items.has(; setCreating(true); for (let schedule of selected) { let scheduleId = await send('schedule/create', { conditions: schedule._conditions }); // Now query for matching transactions and link them automatically let { filters } = await send('make-filters-from-conditions', { conditions: schedule._conditions }); if (filters.length > 0) { let { data: transactions } = await runQuery( q('transactions') .filter({ $and: filters }) .select('id') ); await send('transactions-batch-update', { updated: => ({ id:, schedule: scheduleId })) }); } } setCreating(false); history.goBack(); } return (

We found some possible schedules in your current transactions. Select the ones you want to create.

If you expected a schedule here and don't see it, it might be because the payees of the transactions don't match. Make sure you rename payees on all transactions for a schedule to be the same payee.

You can always do this later {Platform.isBrowser ? ' from the "Find schedules" item in the sidebar menu' : ' from the "Tools > Find schedules" menu item'} .

Create schedules
); }