import React from 'react'; import * as d from 'date-fns'; import q, { runQuery } from 'loot-core/src/client/query-helpers'; import * as monthUtils from 'loot-core/src/shared/months'; import { integerToCurrency, integerToAmount, amountToInteger } from 'loot-core/src/shared/util'; import { AlignedText } from 'loot-design/src/components/common'; import { index } from '../util'; export default function createSpreadsheet(start, end, accounts) { return async (spreadsheet, setData) => { if (accounts.length === 0) { return null; } const data = await Promise.all( acct => { let [starting, balances] = await Promise.all([ runQuery( q('transactions') .filter({ account:, date: { $lt: start + '-01' } }) .calculate({ $sum: '$amount' }) ).then(({ data }) => data), runQuery( q('transactions') .filter({ account:, $and: [ { date: { $gte: start + '-01' } }, { date: { $lte: end + '-31' } } ] }) .groupBy({ $month: '$date' }) .select([ { date: { $month: '$date' } }, { amount: { $sum: '$amount' } } ]) ).then(({ data }) => data) ]); return { id:, balances: index(balances, 'date'), starting }; }) ); setData(recalculate(data, start, end)); }; } function recalculate(data, start, end) { const months = monthUtils.rangeInclusive(start, end); const accountBalances = => { // Start off with the balance at that point in time let balance = account.starting; return => { if (account.balances[month]) { balance += account.balances[month].amount; } return balance; }); }); let hasNegative = false; let startNetWorth = 0; let endNetWorth = 0; const graphData = months.reduce((arr, month, idx) => { let debt = 0; let assets = 0; let total = 0; const last = arr.length === 0 ? null : arr[arr.length - 1]; accountBalances.forEach(balances => { const balance = balances[idx]; if (balance < 0) { debt += -balance; } else { assets += balance; } total += balance; }); if (total < 0) { hasNegative = true; } const x = d.parseISO(month + '-01'); const change = last ? total - amountToInteger(last.y) : 0; const label = (
{d.format(x, 'MMMM yyyy')}
{integerToCurrency(total)}} />
); if (arr.length === 0) { startNetWorth = total; } endNetWorth = total; arr.push({ x, y: integerToAmount(total), premadeLabel: label }); return arr; }, []); return { graphData: { data: graphData, hasNegative, start, end }, netWorth: endNetWorth, totalChange: endNetWorth - startNetWorth }; }