import React from 'react'; import { NativeCategorySelect } from 'loot-design/src/components/CategorySelect'; import { View, Text, Block, Modal, Button } from 'loot-design/src/components/common'; import { colors } from 'loot-design/src/style'; class ConfirmCategoryDelete extends React.Component { state = { transferCategory: null, error: null }; componentDidMount() { // Hack: 200ms is the timing of the modal animation setTimeout(() => { this.input.focus(); }, 200); } onDelete = () => { let { transferCategory } = this.state; let { category, group, onDelete } = this.props; if (!transferCategory) { this.setState({ error: 'required-transfer' }); } else { onDelete(transferCategory); this.props.modalProps.onClose(); } }; renderError = error => { let msg; switch (error) { case 'required-transfer': msg = 'You must select a category'; break; default: msg = 'Something bad happened, sorry!'; } return {msg}; }; render() { const { modalProps, category, group, categoryGroups } = this.props; const { transferCategory, error } = this.state; const isIncome = !!(category || group).is_income; return ( {() => ( {group ? ( Categories in the group {} are used by existing transaction {!isIncome && ' or it has a positive leftover balance currently'} . Are you sure you want to delete it? If so, you must select another category to transfer existing transactions and balance to. ) : ( {} is used by existing transactions {!isIncome && ' or it has a positive leftover balance currently'} . Are you sure you want to delete it? If so, you must select another category to transfer existing transactions and balance to. )} {error && this.renderError(error)} Transfer to: (this.input = el)} categoryGroups={ group ? categoryGroups.filter( g => !== && !!g.is_income === isIncome ) : categoryGroups .filter(g => !!g.is_income === isIncome) .map(g => ({ ...g, categories: g.categories.filter( c => !== ) })) } name="category" value={transferCategory} onChange={e => this.setState({ transferCategory: }) } /> )} ); } } export default ConfirmCategoryDelete;