import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import * as actions from 'loot-core/src/client/actions'; import { View, Button, Tooltip } from 'loot-design/src/components/common'; import { colors } from 'loot-design/src/style'; import ExclamationOutline from 'loot-design/src/svg/v1/ExclamationOutline'; import { reauthorizeBank } from '../../plaid'; function getErrorMessage(type, code) { switch (type.toUpperCase()) { case 'ITEM_ERROR': switch (code.toUpperCase()) { case 'NO_ACCOUNTS': return 'No open accounts could be found. Did you close the account? If so, unlink the account.'; case 'ITEM_LOGIN_REQUIRED': return 'Your password or something else has changed with your bank and you need to login again.'; default: } break; case 'INVALID_INPUT': switch (code.toUpperCase()) { case 'INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN': return 'Item is no longer authorized. You need to login again.'; default: } break; case 'API_ERROR': switch (code.toUpperCase()) { case 'PLANNED_MAINTENANCE': return 'Our servers are currently undergoing maintenance and will be available again soon.'; default: } break; case 'RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED': return 'Rate limit exceeded for this item. Please try again later.'; default: } return 'An internal error occurred. Try to login again, or contact for support.'; } function AccountSyncCheck({ id, accounts, failedAccounts, syncAndDownload, markAccountSuccess, unlinkAccount, pushModal, closeModal, getAccounts, addNotification }) { if (!failedAccounts) { return null; } let error = failedAccounts.get(id); if (!error) { return null; } let [open, setOpen] = useState(false); let account = accounts.find(account => === id); let { type, code } = error; let showAuth = (type === 'ITEM_ERROR' && code === 'ITEM_LOGIN_REQUIRED') || (type === 'INVALID_INPUT' && code === 'INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN'); function reauth() { setOpen(false); let modalOpened = reauthorizeBank(pushModal, account.bankId, () => { closeModal(); // Re-sync accounts. If there are multiple failed account, that // means all accounts were synced to resync all of them. // Multiple accounts can be tied to the same bank id. syncAndDownload(failedAccounts.size > 1 ? null :; }); if (!modalOpened) { addNotification({ type: 'error', message: 'Unable to process this item, sorry!' }); } } async function unlink() { unlinkAccount(; setOpen(false); } return ( {open && ( setOpen(false)} style={{ fontSize: 14, padding: 15, maxWidth: 400 }} >
The server returned the following error:
{getErrorMessage(error.type, error.code)}
{showAuth ? ( <> ) : ( )}
); } export default connect( state => ({ accounts: state.queries.accounts, failedAccounts: state.account.failedAccounts }), actions )(AccountSyncCheck);