BEGIN TRANSACTION; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS v_transactions_layer2; CREATE VIEW v_transactions_layer2 AS SELECT AS id, t.isParent AS is_parent, t.isChild AS is_child, t.acct AS account, CASE WHEN t.isChild = 0 THEN NULL ELSE t.parent_id END AS parent_id, CASE WHEN t.isParent = 1 THEN NULL ELSE cm.transferId END AS category, pm.targetId AS payee, t.imported_description AS imported_payee, IFNULL(t.amount, 0) AS amount, t.notes AS notes, AS date, t.financial_id AS imported_id, t.error AS error, t.starting_balance_flag AS starting_balance_flag, t.transferred_id AS transfer_id, t.sort_order AS sort_order, t.cleared AS cleared, t.tombstone AS tombstone FROM transactions t LEFT JOIN category_mapping cm ON = t.category LEFT JOIN payee_mapping pm ON = t.description WHERE IS NOT NULL AND t.acct IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX trans_sorted ON transactions(date desc, starting_balance_flag, sort_order desc, id); DROP VIEW IF EXISTS v_transactions_layer1; CREATE VIEW v_transactions_layer1 AS SELECT t.* FROM v_transactions_layer2 t LEFT JOIN transactions t2 ON (t.is_child = 1 AND = t.parent_id) WHERE IFNULL(t.tombstone, 0) = 0 AND IFNULL(t2.tombstone, 0) = 0; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS v_transactions; CREATE VIEW v_transactions AS SELECT t.* FROM v_transactions_layer1 t ORDER BY desc, t.starting_balance_flag, t.sort_order desc,; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS v_categories; CREATE VIEW v_categories AS SELECT id, name, is_income, cat_group AS "group", sort_order, tombstone FROM categories; COMMIT;