/*************************************************************************** ofx_sgml.cpp ------------------- copyright : (C) 2002 by Benoit Grégoire email : benoitg@coeus.ca ***************************************************************************/ /**@file \brief OFX/SGML parsing functionnality. * Almost all of the SGML parser specific code is contained in this file (some is in messages.cpp and ofx_utilities.cpp). To understand this file you must read the documentation of OpenSP's generic interface: see http://openjade.sourceforge.net/ */ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "ParserEventGeneratorKit.h" #include "libofx.h" #include "ofx_utilities.hh" #include "messages.hh" #include "ofx_containers.hh" #include "ofx_sgml.hh" using namespace std; OfxMainContainer * MainContainer = NULL; extern SGMLApplication::OpenEntityPtr entity_ptr; extern SGMLApplication::Position position; /** \brief This object is driven by OpenSP as it parses the SGML from the ofx file(s) */ class OFXApplication : public SGMLApplication { private: OfxGenericContainer *curr_container_element; /**< The currently open object from ofx_proc_rs.cpp */ OfxGenericContainer *tmp_container_element; bool is_data_element; /**< If the SGML element contains data, this flag is raised */ string incoming_data; /**< The raw data from the SGML data element */ LibofxContext * libofx_context; public: OFXApplication (LibofxContext * p_libofx_context) { MainContainer = NULL; curr_container_element = NULL; is_data_element = false; libofx_context = p_libofx_context; } ~OFXApplication() { message_out(DEBUG, "Entering the OFXApplication's destructor"); } /** \brief Callback: Start of an OFX element * An OpenSP callback, get's called when the opening tag of an OFX element appears in the file */ void startElement (const StartElementEvent & event) { string identifier; CharStringtostring (event.gi, identifier); message_out(PARSER, "startElement event received from OpenSP for element " + identifier); position = event.pos; switch (event.contentType) { case StartElementEvent::empty: message_out(ERROR, "StartElementEvent::empty\n"); break; case StartElementEvent::cdata: message_out(ERROR, "StartElementEvent::cdata\n"); break; case StartElementEvent::rcdata: message_out(ERROR, "StartElementEvent::rcdata\n"); break; case StartElementEvent::mixed: message_out(PARSER, "StartElementEvent::mixed"); is_data_element = true; break; case StartElementEvent::element: message_out(PARSER, "StartElementEvent::element"); is_data_element = false; break; default: message_out(ERROR, "Unknown SGML content type?!?!?!? OpenSP interface changed?"); } if (is_data_element == false) { /*------- The following are OFX entities ---------------*/ if (identifier == "OFX") { message_out (PARSER, "Element " + identifier + " found"); MainContainer = new OfxMainContainer (libofx_context, curr_container_element, identifier); curr_container_element = MainContainer; } else if (identifier == "STATUS") { message_out (PARSER, "Element " + identifier + " found"); curr_container_element = new OfxStatusContainer (libofx_context, curr_container_element, identifier); } else if (identifier == "STMTRS" || identifier == "CCSTMTRS" || identifier == "INVSTMTRS") { message_out (PARSER, "Element " + identifier + " found"); curr_container_element = new OfxStatementContainer (libofx_context, curr_container_element, identifier); } else if (identifier == "BANKTRANLIST") { message_out (PARSER, "Element " + identifier + " found"); //BANKTRANLIST ignored, we will process it's attributes directly inside the STATEMENT, if (curr_container_element->type != "STATEMENT") { message_out(ERROR, "Element " + identifier + " found while not inside a STATEMENT container"); } else { curr_container_element = new OfxPushUpContainer (libofx_context, curr_container_element, identifier); } } else if (identifier == "STMTTRN") { message_out (PARSER, "Element " + identifier + " found"); curr_container_element = new OfxBankTransactionContainer (libofx_context, curr_container_element, identifier); } else if (identifier == "BUYDEBT" || identifier == "BUYMF" || identifier == "BUYOPT" || identifier == "BUYOTHER" || identifier == "BUYSTOCK" || identifier == "CLOSUREOPT" || identifier == "INCOME" || identifier == "INVEXPENSE" || identifier == "JRNLFUND" || identifier == "JRNLSEC" || identifier == "MARGININTEREST" || identifier == "REINVEST" || identifier == "RETOFCAP" || identifier == "SELLDEBT" || identifier == "SELLMF" || identifier == "SELLOPT" || identifier == "SELLOTHER" || identifier == "SELLSTOCK" || identifier == "SPLIT" || identifier == "TRANSFER" ) { message_out (PARSER, "Element " + identifier + " found"); curr_container_element = new OfxInvestmentTransactionContainer (libofx_context, curr_container_element, identifier); } /*The following is a list of OFX elements whose attributes will be processed by the parent container*/ else if (identifier == "INVBUY" || identifier == "INVSELL" || identifier == "INVTRAN" || identifier == "SECID") { message_out (PARSER, "Element " + identifier + " found"); curr_container_element = new OfxPushUpContainer (libofx_context, curr_container_element, identifier); } /* The different types of accounts */ else if (identifier == "BANKACCTFROM" || identifier == "CCACCTFROM" || identifier == "INVACCTFROM") { message_out (PARSER, "Element " + identifier + " found"); curr_container_element = new OfxAccountContainer (libofx_context, curr_container_element, identifier); } else if (identifier == "SECINFO") { message_out (PARSER, "Element " + identifier + " found"); curr_container_element = new OfxSecurityContainer (libofx_context, curr_container_element, identifier); } /* The different types of balances */ else if (identifier == "LEDGERBAL" || identifier == "AVAILBAL") { message_out (PARSER, "Element " + identifier + " found"); curr_container_element = new OfxBalanceContainer (libofx_context, curr_container_element, identifier); } else { /* We dont know this OFX element, so we create a dummy container */ curr_container_element = new OfxDummyContainer(libofx_context, curr_container_element, identifier); } } else { /* The element was a data element. OpenSP will call one or several data() callback with the data */ message_out (PARSER, "Data element " + identifier + " found"); /* There is a bug in OpenSP 1.3.4, which won't send endElement Event for some elements, and will instead send an error like "document type does not allow element "MESSAGE" here". Incoming_data should be empty in such a case, but it will not be if the endElement event was skiped. So we empty it, so at least the last element has a chance of having valid data */ if (incoming_data != "") { message_out (ERROR, "startElement: incoming_data should be empty! You are probably using OpenSP <= 1.3.4. The following data was lost: " + incoming_data ); incoming_data.assign (""); } } } /** \brief Callback: End of an OFX element * An OpenSP callback, get's called at the end of an OFX element (the closing tags are not always present in OFX) in the file. */ void endElement (const EndElementEvent & event) { string identifier; bool end_element_for_data_element; CharStringtostring (event.gi, identifier); end_element_for_data_element = is_data_element; message_out(PARSER, "endElement event received from OpenSP for element " + identifier); position = event.pos; if (curr_container_element == NULL) { message_out (ERROR, "Tried to close a " + identifier + " without a open element (NULL pointer)"); incoming_data.assign (""); } else //curr_container_element != NULL { if (end_element_for_data_element == true) { incoming_data = strip_whitespace(incoming_data); curr_container_element->add_attribute (identifier, incoming_data); message_out (PARSER, "endElement: Added data '" + incoming_data + "' from " + identifier + " to " + curr_container_element->type + " container_element"); incoming_data.assign (""); is_data_element = false; } else { if (identifier == curr_container_element->tag_identifier) { if (incoming_data != "") { message_out(ERROR, "End tag for non data element " + identifier + ", incoming data should be empty but contains: " + incoming_data + " DATA HAS BEEN LOST SOMEWHERE!"); } if (identifier == "OFX") { /* The main container is a special case */ tmp_container_element = curr_container_element; curr_container_element = curr_container_element->getparent (); if (curr_container_element == NULL) { //Defensive coding, this isn't supposed to happen curr_container_element = tmp_container_element; } if (MainContainer != NULL) { MainContainer->gen_event(); delete MainContainer; MainContainer = NULL; curr_container_element = NULL; message_out (DEBUG, "Element " + identifier + " closed, MainContainer destroyed"); } else { message_out (DEBUG, "Element " + identifier + " closed, but there was no MainContainer to destroy (probably a malformed file)!"); } } else { tmp_container_element = curr_container_element; curr_container_element = curr_container_element->getparent (); if (MainContainer != NULL) { tmp_container_element->add_to_main_tree(); message_out (PARSER, "Element " + identifier + " closed, object added to MainContainer"); } else { message_out (ERROR, "MainContainer is NULL trying to add element " + identifier); } } } else { message_out (ERROR, "Tried to close a " + identifier + " but a " + curr_container_element->type + " is currently open."); } } } } /** \brief Callback: Data from an OFX element * An OpenSP callback, get's called when the raw data of an OFX element appears in the file. Is usually called more than once for a single element, so we must concatenate the data. */ void data (const DataEvent & event) { string tmp; position = event.pos; AppendCharStringtostring (event.data, incoming_data); message_out(PARSER, "data event received from OpenSP, incoming_data is now: " + incoming_data); } /** \brief Callback: SGML parse error * An OpenSP callback, get's called when a parser error has occurred. */ void error (const ErrorEvent & event) { string message; string string_buf; OfxMsgType error_type = ERROR; position = event.pos; message = message + "OpenSP parser: "; switch (event.type) { case SGMLApplication::ErrorEvent::quantity: message = message + "quantity (Exceeding a quantity limit):"; error_type = ERROR; break; case SGMLApplication::ErrorEvent::idref: message = message + "idref (An IDREF to a non-existent ID):"; error_type = ERROR; break; case SGMLApplication::ErrorEvent::capacity: message = message + "capacity (Exceeding a capacity limit):"; error_type = ERROR; break; case SGMLApplication::ErrorEvent::otherError: message = message + "otherError (misc parse error):"; error_type = ERROR; break; case SGMLApplication::ErrorEvent::warning: message = message + "warning (Not actually an error.):"; error_type = WARNING; break; case SGMLApplication::ErrorEvent::info: message = message + "info (An informationnal message. Not actually an error):"; error_type = INFO; break; default: message = message + "OpenSP sent an unknown error to LibOFX (You probably have a newer version of OpenSP):"; } message = message + "\n" + CharStringtostring (event.message, string_buf); message_out (error_type, message); } /** \brief Callback: Receive internal OpenSP state * An Internal OpenSP callback, used to be able to generate line number. */ void openEntityChange (const OpenEntityPtr & para_entity_ptr) { message_out(DEBUG, "openEntityChange()\n"); entity_ptr = para_entity_ptr; }; private: }; /** ofx_proc_sgml will take a list of files in command line format. The first file must be the DTD, and then any number of OFX files. */ int ofx_proc_sgml(LibofxContext * libofx_context, int argc, char * const* argv) { message_out(DEBUG, "Begin ofx_proc_sgml()"); assert(argc >= 3); message_out(DEBUG, argv[0]); message_out(DEBUG, argv[1]); message_out(DEBUG, argv[2]); ParserEventGeneratorKit parserKit; parserKit.setOption (ParserEventGeneratorKit::showOpenEntities); EventGenerator *egp = parserKit.makeEventGenerator (argc, argv); egp->inhibitMessages (true); /* Error output is handled by libofx not OpenSP */ OFXApplication *app = new OFXApplication(libofx_context); unsigned nErrors = egp->run (*app); /* Begin parsing */ delete egp; //Note that this is where bug is triggered return nErrors > 0; }