import * as prefs from '../prefs'; import * as db from '../db'; import * as sheet from '../sheet'; import * as sync from './index'; import Timestamp, { deserializeClock, getClock } from '../timestamp'; import * as merkle from '../merkle'; import * as encoder from './encoder'; const Database = require('better-sqlite3'); const fs = require('fs'); const jsc = require('jsverify'); const uuid = require('uuid'); const uuidGenerator = jsc .integer(97, 122) .smap(x => String.fromCharCode(x), x => x.charCodeAt(x)); const mockSyncServer = require('../tests/mockSyncServer'); beforeEach(() => { sync.setSyncingMode('enabled'); mockSyncServer.reset(); global.restoreDateNow(); }); afterEach(() => { sync.setSyncingMode('disabled'); global.resetTime(); }); let schema = { spreadsheet_cells: { expr: 'text' }, accounts: { account_id: 'text', name: 'text', balance_current: 'integer', balance_available: 'integer', balance_limit: 'integer', mask: 'text', official_name: 'text', type: 'text', subtype: 'text', bank: 'text', offbudget: 'integer', closed: 'integer', tombstone: 'integer' }, transactions: { isParent: 'integer', isChild: 'integer', acct: 'text', category: 'text', amount: 'integer', description: 'text', notes: 'text', date: 'integer', financial_id: 'text', type: 'text', location: 'text', error: 'text', imported_description: 'text', starting_balance_flag: 'integer', transferred_id: 'text', sort_order: 'real', tombstone: 'integer' }, categories: { name: 'text', is_income: 'integer', cat_group: 'text', sort_order: 'real', tombstone: 'integer' }, category_groups: { name: 'text', is_income: 'integer', sort_order: 'real', tombstone: 'integer' }, category_mapping: { transferId: 'text' }, payees: { name: 'text', transfer_acct: 'text', category: 'text', tombstone: 'integer' }, payee_rules: { payee_id: 'text', type: 'text', value: 'text', tombstone: 'integer' }, payee_mapping: { targetId: 'text' } }; // The base time is 2019-08-09T18:14:31.903Z let baseTime = 1565374471903; let clientId1 = '80dd7da215247293'; let clientId2 = '90xU1sd5124329ac'; function makeGen({ table, row, field, value }) { return jsc.record({ dataset: jsc.constant(table), row: row || uuidGenerator, column: jsc.constant(field), value, timestamp: jsc.integer(1000, 10000).smap( x => { let clientId; switch (jsc.random(0, 1)) { case 0: clientId = clientId1; break; case 1: default: clientId = clientId2; } return new Timestamp(baseTime + x, 0, clientId); }, x => x.millis - baseTime ) }); } let generators = []; Object.keys(schema).forEach(table => { Object.keys(schema[table]).reduce((obj, field) => { if (table === 'spreadsheet_cells' && field === 'expr') { generators.push( makeGen({ table, row: jsc.asciinestring.smap(x => 'sheet!' + x, x => x), field: 'expr', value: jsc.constant(JSON.stringify('fooooo')) }) ); return obj; } let type = schema[table][field]; switch (type) { case 'text': generators.push(makeGen({ table, field, value: jsc.asciinestring })); break; case 'integer': if (field === 'amount') { generators.push(makeGen({ table, field, value: jsc.uint8 })); } else { generators.push( makeGen({ table, field, value: jsc.elements([0, 1]) }) ); } break; case 'real': generators.push(makeGen({ table, field, value: jsc.uint32 })); break; default: throw new Error('Unknown type: ' + type); } return obj; }, {}); }); function shuffle(arr) { let src = [...arr]; let shuffled = new Array(src.length); let item; while ((item = src.pop())) { let idx = (Math.random() * shuffled.length) | 0; if (shuffled[idx]) { src.push(item); } else { shuffled[idx] = item; } } return shuffled; } function divide(arr) { let res = []; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 10) { res.push(arr.slice(i, i + 10)); } return res; } async function run(msgs) { mockSyncServer.reset(); // Do some post-processing of the data let knownTimestamps = new Set(); let res = msgs.reduce( (acc, msg) => { // Filter out duplicate timestamps let ts = msg.timestamp.toString(); if (knownTimestamps.has(ts)) { return acc; } knownTimestamps.add(ts); if (msg.timestamp.node() === clientId1) { acc.firstMessages.push(msg); } else if (msg.timestamp.node() === clientId2) { acc.secondMessages.push(msg); } else { throw new Error('unknown client'); } return acc; }, { firstMessages: [], secondMessages: [] } ); prefs.loadPrefs(); prefs.savePrefs({ groupId: 'group', lastSyncedTimestamp: new Timestamp(, 0, '0000000000000000' ).toString() }); await global.emptyDatabase()(); await sheet.loadSpreadsheet(db, () => {}); // The test: split up the messages into chunks and in parallel send // them all through `sendMessages`. Then add some messages to the // server from another client, wait for all the `sendMessages` to // complete, then do another `fullSync`, and finally check the // merkle tree to see if there are any differences. let chunks = divide(res.firstMessages); let client1Sync = Promise.all( chunks.slice(0, -1).map(slice => sync.receiveMessages(slice)) ); await client1Sync; await mockSyncServer.handlers['/sync/sync']( await encoder.encode( 'group', clientId2,, => ({ ...x, value: sync.serializeValue(x.value), timestamp: x.timestamp.toString() })) ) ); let syncPromise = sync.fullSync(); // Add in some more messages while the sync is running, this makes // sure that the loop works let lastReceive = sync.receiveMessages(chunks[chunks.length - 1]); mockSyncServer.handlers['/sync/sync']( await encoder.encode( 'group', clientId2,, => ({ ...x, value: sync.serializeValue(x.value), timestamp: x.timestamp.toString() })) ) ); let { error } = await syncPromise; if (error) { console.log(error); throw error; } let serverMerkle = mockSyncServer.getClock().merkle; // Double-check that the data is in sync let diff = merkle.diff(serverMerkle, getClock().merkle); if (diff !== null) { return false; } // Make sure that last batch of messages is applied await lastReceive; // The full sync should have looped completely until it was fully in // sync, including the messages we sent while it was syncing. Make // sure it properly finished by compared the previous merkle trie on // the server. diff = merkle.diff(serverMerkle, getClock().merkle); if (diff !== null) { return false; } return true; } describe('sync property test', () => { xit('should always sync clients into the same state', async () => { let test = await jsc.check( jsc.forall( jsc.tuple(Array.from(new Array(100)).map(() => jsc.oneof(generators))), async msgs => { let r; try { r = await run(msgs); } catch (e) { console.log(e); throw e; } if (r === false) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { let shuffled = shuffle(msgs); r = await run(shuffled); if (r === false) { return false; } } return true; } ), { tests: 100, quiet: true } ); if (test.counterexample) { console.log('---------------------'); console.log( test.counterexample[0].map(x => ({ ...x, timestamp: x.timestamp.toString() })) ); throw new Error('property test failed'); } }, 50000); xit('should run a counterexample that needs to be fixed', async () => { function convert(data) { return => ({ ...x, timestamp: Timestamp.parse(x.timestamp) })); } // Copy and paste a counterexample that the property test finds // here. That way you can work on it separately and figure out // what's wrong. let msgs = convert([ { dataset: 'accounts', row: 't', column: 'balance_limit', value: 0, timestamp: '2019-08-09T18:14:34.545Z-0000-90xU1sd5124329ac' } // ... ]); let res = await run(msgs); expect(res).toBe(true); }); });