import './polyfills'; import { differenceInDays } from 'date-fns'; import asyncStorage from '../platform/server/asyncStorage'; import { captureException, captureBreadcrumb } from '../platform/exceptions'; import * as prefs from './prefs'; import fs from '../platform/server/fs'; import * as sqlite from '../platform/server/sqlite'; import logger from '../platform/server/log'; import Platform from './platform'; import * as db from './db'; import * as sheet from './sheet'; import { withUndo, clearUndo, undo, redo } from './undo'; import { updateVersion } from './update'; import { Condition, Action, rankRules } from './accounts/rules'; import * as rules from './accounts/transaction-rules'; import * as mappings from './db/mappings'; import { batchUpdateTransactions } from './accounts/transactions'; import { FIELD_TYPES as ruleFieldTypes } from '../shared/rules'; import { getAvailableBackups, loadBackup, makeBackup, startBackupService, stopBackupService } from './backups'; import { amountToInteger, stringToInteger } from '../shared/util'; import * as monthUtils from '../shared/months'; import { fromPlaidAccountType } from '../shared/accounts'; import * as budget from './budget/base'; import * as bankSync from './accounts/sync'; import * as link from './accounts/link'; import { uniqueFileName, idFromFileName } from './util/budget-name'; import { mutator, runHandler } from './mutators'; import * as timestamp from './timestamp'; import * as merkle from './merkle'; import { initialFullSync, fullSync, batchMessages, setSyncingMode, makeTestMessage, clearFullSyncTimeout, syncAndReceiveMessages, resetSync, repairSync } from './sync'; import * as syncMigrations from './sync/migrate'; import { getStartingBalancePayee } from './accounts/payees'; import { parseFile } from './accounts/parse-file'; import { exportToCSV, exportQueryToCSV } from './accounts/export-to-csv'; import { getServer, setServer } from './server-config'; import installAPI from './api'; import injectAPI from '@actual-app/api/injected'; import * as cloudStorage from './cloud-storage'; import encryption from './encryption'; import * as tracking from './tracking/events'; import { get, post } from './post'; import { APIError, TransactionError, PostError, RuleError } from './errors'; import { createTestBudget } from '../mocks/budget'; import { runQuery as aqlQuery } from './aql/schema/run-query'; import { Query } from '../shared/query'; import q from '../shared/query'; import app from './main-app'; // Apps import schedulesApp from './schedules/app'; import budgetApp from './budget/app'; import notesApp from './notes/app'; import toolsApp from './tools/app'; const YNAB4 = require('@actual-app/import-ynab4/importer'); const YNAB5 = require('@actual-app/import-ynab5/importer'); const uuid = require('../platform/uuid'); const connection = require('../platform/server/connection'); const { resolveName, unresolveName } = require('./spreadsheet/util'); const SyncPb = require('./sync/proto/sync_pb'); // let indexeddb = require('../platform/server/indexeddb'); let VERSION; let DEMO_BUDGET_ID = '_demo-budget'; let TEST_BUDGET_ID = '_test-budget'; let UNCONFIGURED_SERVER = 'https://not-configured/'; // util function onSheetChange({ names }) { const nodes = => { let node = sheet.get()._getNode(name); return { name:, value: node.value }; }); connection.send('cells-changed', nodes); } // handlers export let handlers = {}; handlers['undo'] = mutator(async function() { return undo(); }); handlers['redo'] = mutator(function() { return redo(); }); handlers['transactions-batch-update'] = mutator(async function({ added, deleted, updated, learnCategories }) { return withUndo(async () => { let result = await batchUpdateTransactions({ added, updated, deleted, learnCategories }); // Return all data updates to the frontend return result.updated; }); }); handlers['transaction-add'] = mutator(async function(transaction) { await handlers['transactions-batch-update']({ added: [transaction] }); return {}; }); handlers['transaction-update'] = mutator(async function(transaction) { await handlers['transactions-batch-update']({ updated: [transaction] }); return {}; }); handlers['transaction-delete'] = mutator(async function(transaction) { await handlers['transactions-batch-update']({ deleted: [transaction] }); return {}; }); handlers['transactions-filter'] = async function({ term, accountId, latestDate, count, notPaged, options = {} }) { return db.getTransactions( term, accountId, latestDate, notPaged ? null : count == null ? undefined : count, options ); }; handlers['transactions-parse-file'] = async function({ filepath, options }) { return parseFile(filepath, options); }; handlers['transactions-export'] = async function({ transactions, accounts, categoryGroups, payees }) { return exportToCSV(transactions, accounts, categoryGroups, payees); }; handlers['transactions-export-query'] = async function({ query: queryState }) { return exportQueryToCSV(new Query(queryState)); }; handlers['get-categories'] = async function() { return { grouped: await db.getCategoriesGrouped(), list: await db.getCategories() }; }; handlers['get-earliest-transaction'] = async function() { let { data } = await aqlQuery( q('transactions') .options({ splits: 'none' }) .orderBy({ date: 'asc' }) .select('*') .limit(1) ); return data[0] || null; }; handlers['get-budget-bounds'] = async function() { return budget.createAllBudgets(); }; handlers['rollover-budget-month'] = async function({ month }) { let groups = await db.getCategoriesGrouped(); let sheetName = monthUtils.sheetForMonth(month); function value(name) { let v = sheet.getCellValue(sheetName, name); return { value: v === '' ? 0 : v, name: resolveName(sheetName, name) }; } let values = [ value('available-funds'), value('last-month-overspent'), value('buffered'), value('total-budgeted'), value('to-budget'), value('from-last-month'), value('total-income'), value('total-spent'), value('total-leftover') ]; for (let group of groups) { if (group.is_income) { values.push(value('total-income')); for (let cat of group.categories) { values.push(value(`sum-amount-${}`)); } } else { values = values.concat([ value(`group-budget-${}`), value(`group-sum-amount-${}`), value(`group-leftover-${}`) ]); for (let cat of group.categories) { values = values.concat([ value(`budget-${}`), value(`sum-amount-${}`), value(`leftover-${}`), value(`carryover-${}`) ]); } } } return values; }; handlers['report-budget-month'] = async function({ month }) { let groups = await db.getCategoriesGrouped(); let sheetName = monthUtils.sheetForMonth(month); function value(name) { let v = sheet.getCellValue(sheetName, name); return { value: v === '' ? 0 : v, name: resolveName(sheetName, name) }; } let values = [ value('total-budgeted'), value('total-budget-income'), value('total-saved'), value('total-income'), value('total-spent'), value('real-saved'), value('total-leftover') ]; for (let group of groups) { values = values.concat([ value(`group-budget-${}`), value(`group-sum-amount-${}`), value(`group-leftover-${}`) ]); for (let cat of group.categories) { values = values.concat([ value(`budget-${}`), value(`sum-amount-${}`), value(`leftover-${}`) ]); if (!group.is_income) { values.push(value(`carryover-${}`)); } } } return values; }; handlers['budget-set-type'] = async function({ type }) { if (type !== 'rollover' && type !== 'report') { throw new Error('Invalid budget type: ' + type); } // It's already the same; don't do anything if (type === prefs.getPrefs().budgetType) { return; } // Save prefs return prefs.savePrefs({ budgetType: type }); }; handlers['category-create'] = mutator(async function({ name, groupId, isIncome }) { return withUndo(async () => { if (!groupId) { throw APIError('Creating a category: groupId is required'); } return db.insertCategory({ name, cat_group: groupId, is_income: isIncome ? 1 : 0 }); }); }); handlers['category-update'] = mutator(async function(category) { return withUndo(async () => { try { await db.updateCategory(category); } catch (e) { if (e.message.toLowerCase().includes('unique constraint')) { return { error: { type: 'category-exists' } }; } throw e; } return {}; }); }); handlers['category-move'] = mutator(async function({ id, groupId, targetId }) { return withUndo(async () => { await batchMessages(async () => { await db.moveCategory(id, groupId, targetId); }); return 'ok'; }); }); handlers['category-delete'] = mutator(async function({ id, transferId }) { return withUndo(async () => { let result = {}; await batchMessages(async () => { let row = await db.first( 'SELECT is_income FROM categories WHERE id = ?', [id] ); if (!row) { result = { error: 'no-categories' }; return; } let transfer = transferId && (await db.first('SELECT is_income FROM categories WHERE id = ?', [ transferId ])); if (!row || (transferId && !transfer)) { result = { error: 'no-categories' }; return; } else if (transferId && row.is_income !== transfer.is_income) { result = { error: 'category-type' }; return; } // Update spreadsheet values if it's an expense category // TODO: We should do this for income too if it's a reflect budget if (row.is_income === 0) { if (transferId) { await budget.doTransfer([id], transferId); } } await db.deleteCategory({ id }, transferId); }); return result; }); }); handlers['category-group-create'] = mutator(async function({ name, isIncome }) { return withUndo(async () => { return db.insertCategoryGroup({ name, is_income: isIncome ? 1 : 0 }); }); }); handlers['category-group-update'] = mutator(async function(group) { return withUndo(async () => { return db.updateCategoryGroup(group); }); }); handlers['category-group-move'] = mutator(async function({ id, targetId }) { return withUndo(async () => { await batchMessages(async () => { await db.moveCategoryGroup(id, targetId); }); return 'ok'; }); }); handlers['category-group-delete'] = mutator(async function({ id, transferId }) { return withUndo(async () => { const groupCategories = await db.all( 'SELECT id FROM categories WHERE cat_group = ? AND tombstone = 0', [id] ); return batchMessages(async () => { if (transferId) { await budget.doTransfer( =>, transferId); } await db.deleteCategoryGroup({ id }, transferId); }); }); }); handlers['must-category-transfer'] = async function({ id }) { const res = await db.runQuery( `SELECT count( as count FROM transactions t LEFT JOIN category_mapping cm ON = t.category WHERE cm.transferId = ? AND t.tombstone = 0`, [id], true ); // If there are transactions with this category, return early since // we already know it needs to be tranferred if (res[0].count !== 0) { return true; } // If there are any non-zero budget values, also force the user to // transfer the category. return [...sheet.get().meta().createdMonths].some(month => { const sheetName = monthUtils.sheetForMonth(month); const value = sheet.get().getCellValue(sheetName, 'budget-' + id); return value !== 0; }); }; handlers['payee-create'] = mutator(async function({ name }) { return withUndo(async () => { return db.insertPayee({ name }); }); }); handlers['payees-get'] = async function() { return db.getPayees(); }; handlers['payees-get-rule-counts'] = async function() { let payeeCounts = {}; let allRules = rules.getRules(); rules.iterateIds(rules.getRules(), 'payee', (rule, id) => { if (payeeCounts[id] == null) { payeeCounts[id] = 0; } payeeCounts[id]++; }); return payeeCounts; }; handlers['payees-merge'] = mutator(async function({ targetId, mergeIds }) { return withUndo( async () => { return db.mergePayees(targetId, mergeIds); }, { targetId, mergeIds } ); }); handlers['payees-batch-change'] = mutator(async function({ added, deleted, updated }) { return withUndo(async () => { return batchMessages(async () => { if (deleted) { await Promise.all( => db.deletePayee(p))); } if (added) { await Promise.all( => db.insertPayee(p))); } if (updated) { await Promise.all( => db.updatePayee(p))); } }); }); }); handlers['payees-check-orphaned'] = async function({ ids }) { let orphaned = new Set(await db.getOrphanedPayees()); return ids.filter(id => orphaned.has(id)); }; handlers['payees-get-rules'] = async function({ id }) { return rules.getRulesForPayee(id).map(rule => rule.serialize()); }; handlers['payees-delete-rule'] = mutator(async function({ id, payee_id }) { return withUndo( async () => { return await db.deletePayeeRule({ id }); }, { payeeId: payee_id } ); }); handlers['payees-update-rule'] = mutator(async function(rule) { return withUndo( async () => { return await db.updatePayeeRule(rule); }, { payeeId: rule.payee_id } ); }); handlers['payees-add-rule'] = mutator(async function(rule) { return withUndo( async () => { let id = await db.insertPayeeRule(rule); return { ...rule, id }; }, { payeeId: rule.payee_id } ); }); function validateRule(rule) { // Returns an array of errors, the array is the same link as the // passed-in `array`, or null if there are no errors function runValidation(array, validate) { let result = => { try { validate(item); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof RuleError) { console.warn('Invalid rule', e); return e.type; } throw e; } return null; }); return result.some(Boolean) ? result : null; } let conditionErrors = runValidation( rule.conditions, cond => new Condition( cond.op, cond.field, cond.value, cond.options, ruleFieldTypes ) ); let actionErrors = runValidation( rule.actions, action => new Action( action.op, action.field, action.value, action.options, ruleFieldTypes ) ); if (conditionErrors || actionErrors) { return { conditionErrors, actionErrors }; } return null; } handlers['rule-validate'] = async function(rule) { let error = validateRule(rule); return { error }; }; handlers['rule-add'] = mutator(async function(rule) { let error = validateRule(rule); if (error) { return { error }; } let id = await rules.insertRule(rule); return { id }; }); handlers['rule-update'] = mutator(async function(rule) { let error = validateRule(rule); if (error) { return { error }; } await rules.updateRule(rule); return {}; }); handlers['rule-delete'] = mutator(async function(rule) { return rules.deleteRule(rule); }); handlers['rule-delete-all'] = mutator(async function(ids) { let someDeletionsFailed = false; await batchMessages(async () => { for (let id of ids) { let res = await rules.deleteRule({ id }); if (res === false) { someDeletionsFailed = true; } } }); return { someDeletionsFailed }; }); handlers['rule-apply-actions'] = mutator(async function({ transactionIds, actions }) { return rules.applyActions(transactionIds, actions, handlers); }); handlers['rule-add-payee-rename'] = mutator(async function({ fromNames, to }) { return rules.updatePayeeRenameRule(fromNames, to); }); handlers['rules-get'] = async function() { return rankRules(rules.getRules()).map(rule => rule.serialize()); }; handlers['rule-get'] = async function({ id }) { let rule = rules.getRules().find(rule => === id); return rule ? rule.serialize() : null; }; handlers['rules-run'] = async function({ transaction }) { return rules.runRules(transaction); }; handlers['rules-migrate'] = async function() { await rules.migrateOldRules(); }; handlers['make-filters-from-conditions'] = async function({ conditions }) { return rules.conditionsToAQL(conditions); }; handlers['getCell'] = async function({ sheetName, name }) { // Fields is no longer used - hardcode let fields = ['name', 'value']; let node = sheet.get()._getNode(resolveName(sheetName, name)); if (fields) { let res = {}; fields.forEach(field => { if (field === 'run') { res[field] = node._run ? node._run.toString() : null; } else { res[field] = node[field]; } }); return res; } else { return node; } }; handlers['getCells'] = async function({ names }) { return => ({ value: sheet.get()._getNode(name).value })); }; handlers['getCellNamesInSheet'] = async function({ sheetName }) { let names = []; for (let name of sheet .get() .getNodes() .keys()) { let { sheet: nodeSheet, name: nodeName } = unresolveName(name); if (nodeSheet === sheetName) { names.push(nodeName); } } return names; }; handlers['debugCell'] = async function({ sheetName, name }) { let node = sheet.get().getNode(resolveName(sheetName, name)); return { ...node, _run: node._run && node._run.toString() }; }; handlers['create-query'] = async function({ sheetName, name, query }) { // Always run it regardless of cache. We don't know anything has changed // between the cache value being saved and now sheet.get().createQuery(sheetName, name, query); return 'ok'; }; handlers['query'] = async function(query) { if (query.table == null) { throw new Error('query has no table, did you forgot to call `.serialize`?'); } return aqlQuery(query); }; handlers['bank-delete'] = async function({ id }) { const accts = await db.runQuery( 'SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE bank = ?', [id], true ); await db.delete_('banks', id); await Promise.all( acct => { // TODO: This will not sync across devices because we are bypassing // the "recorded" functions await db.runQuery('DELETE FROM transactions WHERE acct = ?', []); await db.delete_('accounts',; }) ); return 'ok'; }; handlers['account-update'] = mutator(async function({ id, name }) { return withUndo(async () => { await db.update('accounts', { id, name }); return {}; }); }); handlers['accounts-get'] = async function() { return db.getAccounts(); }; handlers['account-properties'] = async function({ id }) { const { balance } = await db.first( 'SELECT sum(amount) as balance FROM transactions WHERE acct = ? AND isParent = 0 AND tombstone = 0', [id] ); const { count } = await db.first( 'SELECT count(id) as count FROM transactions WHERE acct = ? AND tombstone = 0', [id] ); return { balance: balance || 0, numTransactions: count }; }; handlers['accounts-link'] = async function({ institution, publicToken, accountId, upgradingId }) { let bankId = await link.handoffPublicToken(institution, publicToken); let [[, userId], [, userKey]] = await asyncStorage.multiGet([ 'user-id', 'user-key' ]); // Get all the available accounts and find the selected one let accounts = await bankSync.getAccounts(userId, userKey, bankId); let account = accounts.find(acct => acct.account_id === accountId); await db.update('accounts', { id: upgradingId, account_id: account.account_id, official_name: account.official_name, type: fromPlaidAccountType(account.type), balance_current: amountToInteger(account.balances.current), balance_available: amountToInteger(account.balances.available), balance_limit: amountToInteger(account.balances.limit), mask: account.mask, bank: bankId }); await bankSync.syncAccount( userId, userKey, upgradingId, account.account_id, bankId ); connection.send('sync-event', { type: 'success', tables: ['transactions'] }); return 'ok'; }; handlers['accounts-connect'] = async function({ institution, publicToken, accountIds, offbudgetIds }) { let bankId = await link.handoffPublicToken(institution, publicToken); let ids = await link.addAccounts(bankId, accountIds, offbudgetIds); return ids; }; handlers['account-create'] = mutator(async function({ name, type, balance, offBudget, closed }) { return withUndo(async () => { const id = await db.insertAccount({ name, type, offbudget: offBudget ? 1 : 0, closed: closed ? 1 : 0 }); await db.insertPayee({ name: '', transfer_acct: id }); if (balance != null) { let payee = await getStartingBalancePayee(); await db.insertTransaction({ account: id, amount: amountToInteger(balance), category: offBudget ? null : payee.category, payee:, date: monthUtils.currentDay(), cleared: true, starting_balance_flag: true }); } return id; }); }); handlers['account-close'] = mutator(async function({ id, transferAccountId, categoryId, forced }) { // Unlink the account if it's linked. This makes sure to remove it // from Plaid. (This should not be undo-able, as it mutates the // remote server and the user will have to link the account again) await handlers['account-unlink']({ id }); return withUndo(async () => { let account = await db.first( 'SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id = ? AND tombstone = 0', [id] ); // Do nothing if the account doesn't exist or it's already been // closed if (!account || account.closed === 1) { return; } const { balance, numTransactions } = await handlers['account-properties']({ id }); // If there are no transactions, we can simply delete the account if (numTransactions === 0) { await db.deleteAccount({ id }); } else if (forced) { let rows = await db.runQuery( 'SELECT id, transfer_id FROM v_transactions WHERE account = ?', [id], true ); let { id: payeeId } = await db.first( 'SELECT id FROM payees WHERE transfer_acct = ?', [id] ); await batchMessages(() => { // TODO: what this should really do is send a special message that // automatically marks the tombstone value for all transactions // within an account... or something? This is problematic // because another client could easily add new data that // should be marked as deleted. rows.forEach(row => { if (row.transfer_id) { db.updateTransaction({ id: row.transfer_id, payee: null, transfer_id: null }); } db.deleteTransaction({ id: }); }); db.deleteAccount({ id }); db.deleteTransferPayee({ id: payeeId }); }); } else { if (balance !== 0 && transferAccountId == null) { throw APIError('balance is non-zero: transferAccountId is required'); } await db.update('accounts', { id, closed: 1 }); // If there is a balance we need to transfer it to the specified // account (and possibly categorize it) if (balance !== 0) { let { id: payeeId } = await db.first( 'SELECT id FROM payees WHERE transfer_acct = ?', [transferAccountId] ); await handlers['transaction-add']({ id: uuid.v4Sync(), payee: payeeId, amount: -balance, account: id, date: monthUtils.currentDay(), notes: 'Closing account', category: categoryId || null }); } } }); }); handlers['account-reopen'] = mutator(async function({ id }) { return withUndo(async () => { await db.update('accounts', { id, closed: 0 }); }); }); handlers['account-move'] = mutator(async function({ id, targetId }) { return withUndo(async () => { await db.moveAccount(id, targetId); }); }); let stopPolling = false; handlers['poll-web-token'] = async function({ token }) { let [[, userId], [, key]] = await asyncStorage.multiGet([ 'user-id', 'user-key' ]); let startTime =; stopPolling = false; async function getData(cb) { if (stopPolling) { return; } if ( - startTime >= 1000 * 60 * 10) { cb('timeout'); return; } let data = await post( getServer().PLAID_SERVER + '/get-web-token-contents', { userId, key, token } ); if (data) { if (data.error) { cb('unknown'); } else { cb(null, data); } } else { setTimeout(() => getData(cb), 3000); } } return new Promise(resolve => { getData((error, data) => { if (error) { resolve({ error }); } else { resolve({ data }); } }); }); }; handlers['poll-web-token-stop'] = async function() { stopPolling = true; return 'ok'; }; handlers['accounts-sync'] = async function({ id }) { let [[, userId], [, userKey]] = await asyncStorage.multiGet([ 'user-id', 'user-key' ]); let accounts = await db.runQuery( `SELECT a.*, as bankId FROM accounts a LEFT JOIN banks b ON = WHERE a.tombstone = 0 AND a.closed = 0`, [], true ); if (id) { accounts = accounts.filter(acct => === id); } let errors = []; let newTransactions = []; let matchedTransactions = []; let updatedAccounts = []; let { groupId } = prefs.getPrefs(); for (var i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) { const acct = accounts[i]; if (acct.bankId) { try { const res = await bankSync.syncAccount( userId, userKey,, acct.account_id, acct.bankId ); let { added, updated } = res; newTransactions = newTransactions.concat(added); matchedTransactions = matchedTransactions.concat(updated); if (added.length > 0 || updated.length > 0) { updatedAccounts = updatedAccounts.concat(; } } catch (err) { if (err.type === 'BankSyncError') { errors.push({ type: 'SyncError', accountId:, message: 'Failed syncing account "' + + '".', category: err.category, code: err.code }); } else if (err instanceof PostError && err.reason !== 'internal') { errors.push({ accountId:, message: `Account "${ }" is not linked properly. Please link it again` }); } else { errors.push({ accountId:, message: 'There was an internal error. Please email for support.', internal: err.stack }); err.message = 'Failed syncing account: ' + err.message; captureException(err); } } } } if (updatedAccounts.length > 0) { connection.send('sync-event', { type: 'success', tables: ['transactions'] }); } return { errors, newTransactions, matchedTransactions, updatedAccounts }; }; handlers['transactions-import'] = mutator(function({ accountId, transactions }) { return withUndo(async () => { if (typeof accountId !== 'string') { throw APIError('transactions-import: accountId must be an id'); } try { return await bankSync.reconcileTransactions(accountId, transactions); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof TransactionError) { return { errors: [{ message: err.message }], added: [], updated: [] }; } throw err; } }); }); handlers['account-unlink'] = mutator(async function({ id }) { let { bank: bankId } = await db.first( 'SELECT bank FROM accounts WHERE id = ?', [id] ); if (!bankId) { return 'ok'; } await db.updateAccount({ id, account_id: null, bank: null, balance_current: null, balance_available: null, balance_limit: null }); let { count } = await db.first( 'SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM accounts WHERE bank = ?', [bankId] ); if (count === 0) { // No more accounts are associated with this bank. We can remove // it from Plaid. let [[, userId], [, key]] = await asyncStorage.multiGet([ 'user-id', 'user-key' ]); await post(getServer().PLAID_SERVER + '/remove-access-token', { userId, key, item_id: bankId }); } return 'ok'; }); handlers['make-plaid-public-token'] = async function({ bankId }) { let [[, userId], [, userKey]] = await asyncStorage.multiGet([ 'user-id', 'user-key' ]); let data = await post(getServer().PLAID_SERVER + '/make-public-token', { userId: userId, key: userKey, item_id: '' + bankId }); if (data.error_code) { return { error: '', code: data.error_code, type: data.error_type }; } return { linkToken: data.link_token }; }; handlers['save-global-prefs'] = async function(prefs) { if ('maxMonths' in prefs) { await asyncStorage.setItem('max-months', '' + prefs.maxMonths); } if ('trackUsage' in prefs) { tracking.toggle(prefs.trackUsage); await asyncStorage.setItem('track-usage', '' + prefs.trackUsage); } if ('autoUpdate' in prefs) { await asyncStorage.setItem('auto-update', '' + prefs.autoUpdate); process.send({ type: 'shouldAutoUpdate', flag: prefs.autoUpdate }); } if ('documentDir' in prefs) { if (await fs.exists(prefs.documentDir)) { await asyncStorage.setItem('document-dir', prefs.documentDir); } } if ('floatingSidebar' in prefs) { await asyncStorage.setItem('floating-sidebar', '' + prefs.floatingSidebar); } return 'ok'; }; handlers['load-global-prefs'] = async function() { let [ [, floatingSidebar], [, seenTutorial], [, maxMonths], [, trackUsage], [, autoUpdate], [, documentDir], [, encryptKey] ] = await asyncStorage.multiGet([ 'floating-sidebar', 'seen-tutorial', 'max-months', 'track-usage', 'auto-update', 'document-dir', 'encrypt-key' ]); return { floatingSidebar: floatingSidebar === 'true' ? true : false, seenTutorial: seenTutorial === 'true' ? true : false, maxMonths: stringToInteger(maxMonths || ''), // Default to true trackUsage: trackUsage == null || trackUsage === 'true' ? true : false, autoUpdate: autoUpdate == null || autoUpdate === 'true' ? true : false, documentDir: documentDir || getDefaultDocumentDir(), keyId: encryptKey && JSON.parse(encryptKey).id }; }; handlers['save-prefs'] = async function(prefsToSet) { let { cloudFileId } = prefs.getPrefs(); // Need to sync the budget name on the server as well if (prefsToSet.budgetName && cloudFileId) { let userToken = await asyncStorage.getItem('user-token'); await post(getServer().SYNC_SERVER + '/update-user-filename', { token: userToken, fileId: cloudFileId, name: prefsToSet.budgetName }); } await prefs.savePrefs(prefsToSet); return 'ok'; }; handlers['load-prefs'] = async function() { return prefs.getPrefs(); }; handlers['sync-reset'] = async function() { return await resetSync(); }; handlers['sync-repair'] = async function() { await repairSync(); }; // A user can only enable/change their key with the file loaded. This // will change in the future: during onboarding the user should be // able to enable encryption. (Imagine if they are importing data from // another source, they should be able to encrypt first) handlers['key-make'] = async function({ password }) { if (!prefs.getPrefs()) { throw new Error('user-set-key must be called with file loaded'); } let cloudFileId = prefs.getPrefs().cloudFileId; let salt = encryption.randomBytes(32).toString('base64'); let id = uuid.v4Sync(); let key = await encryption.createKey({ id, password, salt }); // Load the key await encryption.loadKey(key); // Make some test data to use if the key is valid or not let testContent = await makeTestMessage(key.getId()); // Changing your key necessitates a sync reset as well. This will // clear all existing encrypted data from the server so you won't // have a mix of data encrypted with different keys. return await resetSync({ key, salt, testContent: JSON.stringify({ ...testContent, value: testContent.value.toString('base64') }) }); }; // This can be called both while a file is already loaded or not. This // will see if a key is valid and if so save it off. handlers['key-test'] = async function({ fileId, password }) { let userToken = await asyncStorage.getItem('user-token'); if (fileId == null) { fileId = prefs.getPrefs().cloudFileId; } let res; try { res = await post(getServer().SYNC_SERVER + '/user-get-key', { token: userToken, fileId }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); return { error: { reason: 'network' } }; } let { id, salt, test } = res; if (test == null) { return { error: { reason: 'old-key-style' } }; } test = JSON.parse(test); let key = await encryption.createKey({ id, password, salt }); encryption.loadKey(key); try { await encryption.decrypt(Buffer.from(test.value, 'base64'), test.meta); } catch (e) { console.log(e); // Unload the key, it's invalid encryption.unloadKey(key); return { error: { reason: 'decrypt-failure' } }; } // Persist key in async storage let keys = JSON.parse((await asyncStorage.getItem(`encrypt-keys`)) || '{}'); keys[fileId] = key.serialize(); await asyncStorage.setItem('encrypt-keys', JSON.stringify(keys)); // Save the key id in prefs if the are loaded. If they aren't, we // are testing a key to download a file and when the file is // actually downloaded it will update the prefs with the latest key id if (prefs.getPrefs()) { await prefs.savePrefs({ encryptKeyId: key.getId() }); } return {}; }; handlers['should-pitch-subscribe'] = async function() { let seenSubscribe = await asyncStorage.getItem('seenSubscribe'); return seenSubscribe !== 'true'; }; handlers['has-pitched-subscribe'] = async function() { await asyncStorage.setItem('seenSubscribe', 'true'); return 'ok'; }; handlers['subscribe-needs-bootstrap'] = async function({ url } = {}) { if (getServer(url).BASE_SERVER === UNCONFIGURED_SERVER) { return { bootstrapped: true }; } let res; try { res = await get(getServer(url).SIGNUP_SERVER + '/needs-bootstrap'); } catch (err) { return { error: 'network-failure' }; } try { res = JSON.parse(res); } catch (err) { return { error: 'parse-failure' }; } if (res.status === 'error') { return { error: res.reason }; } return { bootstrapped: }; }; handlers['subscribe-bootstrap'] = async function({ password }) { let res; try { res = await post(getServer().SIGNUP_SERVER + '/bootstrap', { password }); } catch (err) { return { error: err.reason || 'network-failure' }; } if (res.token) { await asyncStorage.setItem('user-token', res.token); return {}; } return { error: 'internal' }; }; handlers['subscribe-set-user'] = async function({ token }) { await asyncStorage.setItem('user-token', token); }; handlers['subscribe-get-user'] = async function() { if (getServer() && getServer().BASE_SERVER === UNCONFIGURED_SERVER) { return { offline: false }; } let userToken = await asyncStorage.getItem('user-token'); if (userToken) { try { let res = await get(getServer().SIGNUP_SERVER + '/validate', { headers: { 'X-ACTUAL-TOKEN': userToken } }); res = JSON.parse(res); if (res.status === 'error') { if (res.reason === 'unauthorized') { return null; } return { offline: true }; } return { offline: false }; } catch (e) { console.log(e); return { offline: true }; } } return null; }; handlers['subscribe-change-password'] = async function({ password }) { let userToken = await asyncStorage.getItem('user-token'); let res; try { res = await post(getServer().SIGNUP_SERVER + '/change-password', { token: userToken, password }); } catch (err) { return { error: err.reason || 'network-failure' }; } return {}; }; handlers['subscribe-sign-in'] = async function({ password }) { let res = await post(getServer().SIGNUP_SERVER + '/login', { password }); if (res.token) { await asyncStorage.setItem('user-token', res.token); return {}; } return { error: 'invalid-password' }; }; handlers['subscribe-sign-out'] = async function() { encryption.unloadAllKeys(); await asyncStorage.multiRemove([ 'user-token', 'encrypt-keys', 'lastBudget', 'readOnly' ]); return 'ok'; }; handlers['get-server-url'] = async function() { return getServer() && getServer().BASE_SERVER; }; handlers['set-server-url'] = async function({ url }) { if (url != null) { // Validate the server is running let { error } = await runHandler(handlers['subscribe-needs-bootstrap'], { url }); if (error) { return { error }; } } else { // When the server isn't configured, we just use a placeholder url = UNCONFIGURED_SERVER; } asyncStorage.setItem('server-url', url); setServer(url); return {}; }; handlers['sync'] = async function() { return fullSync(); }; handlers['get-version'] = async function() { return { version: VERSION }; }; handlers['get-budgets'] = async function() { const paths = await fs.listDir(fs.getDocumentDir()); const budgets = (await Promise.all( name => { const prefsPath = fs.join(fs.getDocumentDir(), name, 'metadata.json'); if (await fs.exists(prefsPath)) { let prefs; try { prefs = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(prefsPath)); } catch (e) { console.log('Error parsing metadata:', e.stack); return; } // We treat the directory name as the canonical id so that if // the user moves it around/renames/etc, nothing breaks. The // id is stored in prefs just for convenience (and the prefs // will always update to the latest given id) if (name !== DEMO_BUDGET_ID) { return { id: name, cloudFileId: prefs.cloudFileId, groupId: prefs.groupId, name: prefs.budgetName || '(no name)' }; } } return null; }) )).filter(x => x); return budgets; }; handlers['get-ynab4-files'] = async function() { return YNAB4.findBudgets(); }; handlers['get-remote-files'] = async function() { return cloudStorage.listRemoteFiles(); }; handlers['reset-budget-cache'] = mutator(async function() { // Recomputing everything will update the cache await sheet.loadUserBudgets(db); sheet.get().recomputeAll(); await sheet.waitOnSpreadsheet(); }); handlers['upload-budget'] = async function({ id } = {}) { if (id) { if (prefs.getPrefs()) { throw new Error('upload-budget: id given but prefs already loaded'); } await prefs.loadPrefs(id); } try { await cloudStorage.upload(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); if (e.type === 'FileUploadError') { return { error: e }; } captureException(e); return { error: { reason: 'internal' } }; } finally { if (id) { prefs.unloadPrefs(); } } return {}; }; handlers['download-budget'] = async function({ fileId, replace }) { let result; try { result = await, replace); } catch (e) { if (e.type === 'FileDownloadError') { if (e.reason === 'file-exists' && { await prefs.loadPrefs(; let name = prefs.getPrefs().budgetName; prefs.unloadPrefs(); e.meta = { ...e.meta, name }; } return { error: e }; } else { captureException(e); return { error: { reason: 'internal' } }; } } let id =; // Load the budget and do a full sync result = await loadBudget(, VERSION, { showUpdate: true }); if (result.error) { return { error: { reason: result.error } }; } setSyncingMode('enabled'); await initialFullSync(); await handlers['close-budget'](); return { id }; }; handlers['load-budget'] = async function({ id }) { let currentPrefs = prefs.getPrefs(); if (currentPrefs) { if ( === id) { // If it's already loaded, do nothing return {}; } else { // Otherwise, close the currently loaded budget await handlers['close-budget'](); } } let res = await loadBudget(id, VERSION, { showUpdate: true }); async function trackSizes() { let getFileSize = async name => { let dbFile = fs.join(fs.getBudgetDir(id), name); try { return await fs.size(dbFile); } catch (err) { return null; } }; try { let dbSize = await getFileSize('db.sqlite'); let cacheSize = await getFileSize('cache.sqlite'); tracking.track('app:load-budget', { size: dbSize, cacheSize }); } catch (err) { console.warn(err); } } trackSizes(); return res; }; handlers['create-demo-budget'] = async function() { // Make sure the read only flag isn't leftover (normally it's // reset when signing in, but you don't have to sign in for the // demo budget) await asyncStorage.setItem('readOnly', ''); return handlers['create-budget']({ budgetName: 'Demo Budget', testMode: true, testBudgetId: DEMO_BUDGET_ID }); }; handlers['close-budget'] = async function() { captureBreadcrumb({ message: 'Closing budget' }); // The spreadsheet may be running, wait for it to complete await sheet.waitOnSpreadsheet(); sheet.unloadSpreadsheet(); clearFullSyncTimeout(); await app.stopServices(); await db.closeDatabase(); try { await asyncStorage.setItem('lastBudget', ''); } catch (e) { // This might fail if we are shutting down after failing to load a // budget. We want to unload whatever has already been loaded but // be resilient to anything failing } prefs.unloadPrefs(); stopBackupService(); return 'ok'; }; handlers['delete-budget'] = async function({ id, cloudFileId }) { // If it's a cloud file, you can delete it from the server by // passing its cloud id if (cloudFileId && !process.env.IS_BETA) { await cloudStorage.removeFile(cloudFileId).catch(err => {}); } // If a local file exists, you can delete it by passing its local id if (id) { let budgetDir = fs.getBudgetDir(id); await fs.removeDirRecursively(budgetDir); } return 'ok'; }; handlers['create-budget'] = async function({ budgetName, avoidUpload, testMode, testBudgetId } = {}) { let id; if (testMode) { budgetName = budgetName || 'Test Budget'; id = testBudgetId || TEST_BUDGET_ID; if (await fs.exists(fs.getBudgetDir(id))) { await fs.removeDirRecursively(fs.getBudgetDir(id)); } } else { // Generate budget name if not given if (!budgetName) { // Unfortunately we need to load all of the existing files first // so we can detect conflicting names. let files = await handlers['get-budgets'](); budgetName = await uniqueFileName(files); } id = await idFromFileName(budgetName); } let budgetDir = fs.getBudgetDir(id); await fs.mkdir(budgetDir); // Create the initial database await fs.copyFile(fs.bundledDatabasePath, fs.join(budgetDir, 'db.sqlite')); // Create the initial prefs file await fs.writeFile( fs.join(budgetDir, 'metadata.json'), JSON.stringify(prefs.getDefaultPrefs(id, budgetName)) ); // Load it in let { error } = await loadBudget(id, VERSION); if (error) { console.log('Error creating budget: ' + error); return { error }; } if (!avoidUpload && !testMode) { try { await cloudStorage.upload(); } catch (e) { // Ignore any errors uploading. If they are offline they should // still be able to create files. } } if (testMode) { await createTestBudget(handlers); } return {}; }; handlers['set-tutorial-seen'] = async function() { await asyncStorage.setItem('seen-tutorial', 'true'); return 'ok'; }; handlers['import-budget'] = async function({ filepath, type }) { try { if (!(await fs.exists(filepath))) { throw new Error(`File not found at the provided path: ${filepath}`); } let buffer = Buffer.from(await fs.readFile(filepath, 'binary')); switch (type) { case 'ynab4': try { await YNAB4.importBuffer(filepath, buffer); } catch (e) { let msg = e.message.toLowerCase(); if ( msg.includes('not a ynab4') || msg.includes('could not find file') ) { return { error: 'not-ynab4' }; } } break; case 'ynab5': let data; try { data = JSON.parse(buffer.toString()); } catch (e) { return { error: 'parse-error' }; } try { await YNAB5.importYNAB5(data); } catch (e) { return { error: 'not-ynab5' }; } break; default: } } catch (err) { err.message = 'Error importing budget: ' + err.message; captureException(err); return { error: 'internal-error' }; } return {}; }; handlers['export-budget'] = async function() { return await cloudStorage.exportBuffer(); }; async function loadBudget(id, appVersion, { showUpdate } = {}) { let dir; try { dir = fs.getBudgetDir(id); } catch (e) { captureException( new Error('`getBudgetDir` failed in `loadBudget`: ' + e.message) ); return { error: 'budget-not-found' }; } captureBreadcrumb({ message: 'Loading budget ' + dir }); if (!(await fs.exists(dir))) { captureException(new Error('budget directory does not exist')); return { error: 'budget-not-found' }; } try { await prefs.loadPrefs(id); await db.openDatabase(id); } catch (e) { captureBreadcrumb({ message: 'Error loading budget ' + id }); captureException(e); await handlers['close-budget'](); return { error: 'opening-budget' }; } // Older versions didn't tag the file with the current user, so do // so now if (!prefs.getPrefs().userId) { let [[, userId]] = await asyncStorage.multiGet(['user-token']); prefs.savePrefs({ userId }); } let { budgetVersion, budgetId } = prefs.getPrefs(); try { await updateVersion(budgetVersion, showUpdate); } catch (e) { console.warn('Error updating', e); let result; if (e.message.includes('out-of-sync-migrations')) { result = { error: 'out-of-sync-migrations' }; } else if (e.message.includes('out-of-sync-data')) { result = { error: 'out-of-sync-data' }; } else { captureException(e);'Error updating budget ' + id, e); console.log('Error updating budget', e); result = { error: 'loading-budget' }; } await handlers['close-budget'](); return result; } await db.loadClock(); if (prefs.getPrefs().resetClock) { // If we need to generate a fresh clock, we need to generate a new // client id. This happens when the database is transferred to a // new device. // // TODO: The client id should be stored elsewhere. It shouldn't // work this way, but it's fine for now. timestamp.getClock().timestamp.setNode(timestamp.makeClientId()); await db.runQuery( 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO messages_clock (id, clock) VALUES (1, ?)', [timestamp.serializeClock(timestamp.getClock())] ); await prefs.savePrefs({ resetClock: false }); } if (!Platform.isWeb && !Platform.isMobile && !global.__TESTING__) { startBackupService(id); } try { await sheet.loadSpreadsheet(db, onSheetChange); } catch (e) { captureException(e); await handlers['close-budget'](); return { error: 'opening-budget' }; } // This is a bit leaky, but we need to set the initial budget type sheet.get().meta().budgetType = prefs.getPrefs().budgetType; await budget.createAllBudgets(); // Load all the in-memory state await mappings.loadMappings(); await rules.loadRules(); await syncMigrations.listen(); await app.startServices(); clearUndo(); // Ensure that syncing is enabled if (!global.__TESTING__) { if (process.env.IS_BETA || id === DEMO_BUDGET_ID) { setSyncingMode('disabled'); } else if (id === TEST_BUDGET_ID) { await asyncStorage.setItem('lastBudget', id); } else { setSyncingMode('enabled'); await asyncStorage.setItem('lastBudget', id); // Only upload periodically on desktop if (!Platform.isMobile) { await cloudStorage.possiblyUpload(); } } }'load-budget', { id }); return {}; } handlers['get-upgrade-notifications'] = async function() { let { id } = prefs.getPrefs(); if (id === TEST_BUDGET_ID || id === DEMO_BUDGET_ID) { return []; } let types = ['schedules', 'repair-splits']; let unseen = []; for (let type of types) { let key = `notifications.${type}`; if (prefs.getPrefs()[key] == null) { unseen.push(type); } } return unseen; }; handlers['seen-upgrade-notification'] = async function({ type }) { let key = `notifications.${type}`; prefs.savePrefs({ [key]: true }); }; handlers['upload-file-web'] = async function({ filename, contents }) { if (!Platform.isWeb) { return null; } await fs.writeFile('/uploads/' + filename, contents); return 'ok'; }; handlers['backups-get'] = async function({ id }) { return getAvailableBackups(id); }; handlers['backup-load'] = async function({ id, backupId }) { await loadBackup(id, backupId); }; handlers['backup-make'] = async function({ id }) { await makeBackup(id); }; handlers['get-last-opened-backup'] = async function() { const id = await asyncStorage.getItem('lastBudget'); if (id && id !== '') { const budgetDir = fs.getBudgetDir(id); // We never want to give back a budget that does not exist on the // filesystem anymore, so first check that it exists if (await fs.exists(budgetDir)) { return id; } } return null; }; handlers['app-focused'] = async function() { if (prefs.getPrefs() && prefs.getPrefs().id) { // First we sync fullSync(); } }; handlers['track'] = async function({ name, props }) { tracking.track(name, props); }; handlers = installAPI(handlers); injectAPI.send = (name, args) => runHandler(app.handlers[name], args); // A hack for now until we clean up everything app.handlers = handlers; app.combine(schedulesApp, budgetApp, notesApp, toolsApp); function getDefaultDocumentDir() { if (Platform.isMobile) { // On mobile, unfortunately we need to be backwards compatible // with the old folder structure which does not store files inside // of an `Actual` directory. In the future, if we really care, we // can migrate them, but for now just return the documents dir return process.env.ACTUAL_DOCUMENT_DIR; } return fs.join(process.env.ACTUAL_DOCUMENT_DIR, 'Actual'); } async function setupDocumentsDir() { async function ensureExists(dir) { // Make sure the document folder exists if (!(await fs.exists(dir))) { await fs.mkdir(dir); } } let documentDir = await asyncStorage.getItem('document-dir'); // Test the existing documents directory to make sure it's a valid // path that exists, and if it errors fallback to the default one if (documentDir) { try { await ensureExists(documentDir); } catch (e) { documentDir = null; } } if (!documentDir) { documentDir = getDefaultDocumentDir(); } await ensureExists(documentDir); fs._setDocumentDir(documentDir); } export async function initApp(version, isDev, socketName) { VERSION = version; await sqlite.init(); await Promise.all([asyncStorage.init(), fs.init()]); await tracking.init(); await setupDocumentsDir(); let keysStr = await asyncStorage.getItem('encrypt-keys'); if (keysStr) { try { let keys = JSON.parse(keysStr); // Load all the keys await Promise.all( Object.keys(keys).map(fileId => { return encryption.loadKey(keys[fileId]); }) ); } catch (e) { console.log('Error loading key', e); throw new Error('load-key-error'); } } if (isDev) { const lastBudget = await asyncStorage.getItem('lastBudget'); // if (lastBudget) { // loadBudget(lastBudget, VERSION); // } } const url = await asyncStorage.getItem('server-url'); if (url) { setServer(url); } connection.init(socketName, app.handlers); tracking.track('app:init', { platform: Platform.isMobile ? 'mobile' : Platform.isWeb ? 'web' : 'desktop' }); if (!isDev && !Platform.isMobile && !Platform.isWeb) { let autoUpdate = await asyncStorage.getItem('auto-update'); process.send({ type: 'shouldAutoUpdate', flag: autoUpdate == null || autoUpdate === 'true' }); } if (isDev || process.env.IS_BETA) { global.$send = (name, args) => runHandler(app.handlers[name], args); global.$query = aqlQuery; global.$q = q; global.$db = db; global.$setSyncingMode = setSyncingMode; } } export async function init({ budgetId, config }) { // Get from build // eslint-disable-next-line VERSION = ACTUAL_APP_VERSION; let dataDir, serverURL; if (config) { dataDir = config.dataDir; serverURL = config.serverURL; } else { dataDir = process.env.ACTUAL_DATA_DIR; serverURL = process.env.ACTUAL_SERVER_URL; } await sqlite.init(); await Promise.all([asyncStorage.init({ persist: false }), fs.init()]); fs._setDocumentDir(dataDir || process.cwd()); if (serverURL) { setServer(serverURL); } else { // This turns off all server URLs. In this mode we don't want any // access to the server, we are doing things locally setServer(null);'load-budget', () => { setSyncingMode('offline'); }); } if (budgetId) { await runHandler(handlers['load-budget'], { id: budgetId }); } return lib; } // Export a few things required for the platform export const lib = { getDataDir: fs.getDataDir, sendMessage: (msg, args) => connection.send(msg, args), send: async (name, args) => { let res = await runHandler(app.handlers[name], args); return res; }, on: (name, func) =>, func), syncAndReceiveMessages, q, db, // Expose CRDT mechanisms so server can use them merkle, timestamp, SyncProtoBuf: SyncPb }; if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && Platform.isWeb) { // Support reloading the backend self.addEventListener('message', async e => { if ( === '__actual:shutdown') { await sheet.waitOnSpreadsheet(); await app.stopServices(); await db.closeDatabase(); asyncStorage.shutdown(); fs.shutdown(); setTimeout(() => { // Give everything else some time to process shutdown events self.close(); }, 100); } }); }