# Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 James Clark # See the file COPYING for copying permission. # Next line tells msggen to generate a .cxx file. !cxx =0 # Format is+ # TN+tag+ISO 8879:1986 relevant clauses+message # where T is a letter indicating the type, and N is the number of arguments. Q1+nameLength+ISO 8879:1986 9.3.1+length of name must not exceed NAMELEN (%1) Q1+parameterEntityNameLength+ISO 8879:1986 of parameter entity name must not exceed NAMELEN less the length of the PERO delimiter (%1) Q1+numberLength+ISO 8879:1986 9.3.1+length of number must not exceed NAMELEN (%1) Q1+attributeValueLength+ISO 8879:1986 of attribute value must not exceed LITLEN less NORMSEP (%1) E0+peroGrpoProlog+ISO 8879:1986 9.4.4p3+a name group is not allowed in a parameter entity reference in the prolog E0+groupLevel+ISO 8879:1986 10.1.3p8+an entity end in a token separator must terminate an entity referenced in the same group E2+groupCharacter++character %1 invalid: only %2 and token separators allowed E0+psRequired+ISO 8879:1986 10.1.1p4+a parameter separator is required after a number that is followed by a name start character E2+markupDeclarationCharacter++character %1 invalid: only %2 and parameter separators allowed E0+declarationLevel+ISO 8879:1986 10.1.1p3+an entity end in a parameter separator must terminate an entity referenced in the same declaration E0+groupEntityEnd+ISO 8879:1986 10.1.3p8+an entity end is not allowed in a token separator that does not follow a token E1+invalidToken++%1 is not a valid token here E0+groupEntityReference+ISO 8879:1986 10.1.3p7+a parameter entity reference can only occur in a group where a token could occur E1+duplicateGroupToken+ISO 8879:1986 10.1.3p6+token %1 has already occurred in this group Q1+groupCount+ISO 8879:1986 number of tokens in a group must not exceed GRPCNT (%1) E0+literalLevel+ISO 8879:1986 10.1.2p6 9.1.1p3+an entity end in a literal must terminate an entity referenced in the same literal E1+literalMinimumData+ISO 8879:1986 10.1.7p3+character %1 invalid: only minimum data characters allowed -E0+literalNonSgml+ISO 8879:1986 9.2p2+non-SGML character number %1 not allowed in literal E0+dataTagPatternNonSgml+ISO 8879:1986 parameter literal in a data tag pattern must not contain a numeric character reference to a non-SGML character E0+dataTagPatternFunction+ISO 8879:1986 parameter literal in a data tag pattern must not contain a numeric character reference to a function character E0+eroGrpoStartTag+ISO 8879:1986 9.4.4p3+a name group is not allowed in a general entity reference in a start tag E0+eroGrpoProlog+ISO 8879:1986 9.4.4p3+a name group is not allowed in a general entity reference in the prolog E1+functionName+ISO 8879:1986 9.5p4+%1 is not a function name E1+characterNumber+ISO 8879:1986 4.36+%1 is not a character number in the document character set E1+parameterEntityUndefined+ISO 8879:1986 entity %1 not defined E1+entityUndefined+ISO 8879:1986 entity %1 not defined and no default entity E0+rniNameStart++RNI delimiter must be followed by name start character -E0+commentNonSgml+ISO 8879:1986 10.3p2+non-SGML character not allowed in comment E0+commentEntityEnd+ISO 8879:1986 10.3p2+unterminated comment: found end of entity inside comment+comment started here W0+mixedConnectors+ISO 8879:1986 10.1.3p4+only one type of connector should be used in a single group E1+noSuchReservedName++%1 is not a reserved name E1+invalidReservedName++%1 is not allowed as a reserved name here Q1+minimumLiteralLength+ISO 8879:1986 of interpreted minimum literal must not exceed reference LITLEN (%1) Q1+tokenizedAttributeValueLength+ISO 8879:1986 7.9.3p5+length of tokenized attribute value must not exceed LITLEN less NORMSEP (%1) Q1+systemIdentifierLength+ISO 8879:1986 of system identifier must not exceed LITLEN (%1) Q1+parameterLiteralLength+ISO 8879:1986 of interpreted parameter literal must not exceed LITLEN (%1) Q1+dataTagPatternLiteralLength+ISO 8879:1986 of interpreted parameter literal in data tag pattern must not exceed DTEMPLEN (%1) E0+literalClosingDelimiter++literal is missing closing delimiter E2+paramInvalidToken++%1 invalid: only %2 and parameter separators are allowed E2+groupTokenInvalidToken++%1 invalid: only %2 and token separators are allowed E2+connectorInvalidToken++%1 invalid: only %2 and token separators are allowed E1+noSuchDeclarationType++unknown declaration type %1 E1+dtdSubsetDeclaration++%1 declaration not allowed in DTD subset # E1+declSubsetCharacter++character %1 not allowed in declaration subset E0+documentEndDtdSubset++end of document in DTD subset E1+prologCharacter++character %1 not allowed in prolog E0+documentEndProlog++end of document in prolog E1+prologDeclaration++%1 declaration not allowed in prolog E1+rankStemGenericIdentifier+ISO 8879:1986 11.2.1p2+%1 used both a rank stem and generic identifier E0+missingTagMinimization+ISO 8879:1986 11.2p3+omitted tag minimization parameter can be omitted only if OMITTAG NO is specified E1+duplicateElementDefinition+ISO 8879:1986 11.2p2+element type %1 already defined E0+entityApplicableDtd++entity reference with no applicable DTD E1+commentDeclInvalidToken+ISO 8879:1986 10.3p1+invalid comment declaration: found %1 outside comment but inside comment declaration+comment declaration started here E1+instanceDeclaration++%1 declaration not allowed in instance E0+contentNonSgml++non-SGML character not allowed in content E1+noCurrentRank++no current rank for rank stem %1 E1+duplicateAttlistNotation+ISO 8879:1986 attribute definition list for notation %1 E1+duplicateAttlistElement+ISO 8879:1986 11.3p4+duplicate attribute definition list for element %1 E0+endTagEntityEnd++entity end not allowed in end tag E1+endTagCharacter++character %1 not allowed in end tag E1+endTagInvalidToken++%1 invalid: only S separators and TAGC allowed here E0+pcdataNotAllowed++character data is not allowed here E1+elementNotAllowed++document type does not allow element %1 here E2+missingElementMultiple++document type does not allow element %1 here; missing one of %2 start-tag E2+missingElementInferred++document type does not allow element %1 here; assuming missing %2 start-tag E1+startTagEmptyElement+ISO 8879:1986 start tag specified for implied empty element %1 E1+omitEndTagDeclare++end tag for %1 omitted, but its declaration does not permit this+start tag was here E1+omitEndTagOmittag+ISO 8879:1986 7.3.1p1+end tag for %1 omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified+start tag was here E1+omitStartTagDeclaredContent+ISO 8879:1986 tag omitted for element %1 with declared content E1+elementEndTagNotFinished++end tag for %1 which is not finished E1+omitStartTagDeclare++start tag for %1 omitted, but its declaration does not permit this Q1+taglvlOpenElements++number of open elements exceeds TAGLVL (%1) E1+undefinedElement++element %1 undefined E0+emptyEndTagNoOpenElements++empty end tag but no open elements E1+elementNotFinished++%1 not finished but containing element ended E1+elementNotOpen++end tag for element %1 which is not open E1+internalParameterDataEntity++internal parameter entity %1 cannot be CDATA or SDATA E1+attributeSpecCharacter++character %1 not allowed in attribute specification list E0+unquotedAttributeValue++an attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters E0+attributeSpecEntityEnd++entity end not allowed in attribute specification list except in attribute value literal E1+externalParameterDataSubdocEntity++external parameter entity %1 cannot be CDATA, SDATA, NDATA or SUBDOC W1+duplicateEntityDeclaration++duplicate declaration of entity %1 W1+duplicateParameterEntityDeclaration++duplicate declaration of parameter entity %1 E0+piEntityReference+ISO 8879:1986 10.5.3p9+a reference to a PI entity is allowed only in a context where a processing instruction could occur E0+internalDataEntityReference+ISO 8879:1986 10.5.3p9+a reference to a CDATA or SDATA entity is allowed only in a context where a data character could occur E0+externalNonTextEntityReference+ISO 8879:1986 9.4p0+a reference to a subdocument entity or external data entity is allowed only in a context where a data character could occur E0+externalNonTextEntityRcdata+ISO 8879:1986 9.4p0+a reference to a subdocument entity or external data entity is not allowed in replaceable character data Q1+entlvl+ISO 8879:1986 9.4.1+the number of open entities cannot exceed ENTLVL (%1) E0+piEntityRcdata+ISO 8879:1986 10.5.3p9+a reference to a PI entity is not allowed in replaceable character data E1+recursiveEntityReference+ISO 8879:1986 9.4p4+entity %1 is already open E1+undefinedShortrefMapInstance+ISO 8879:1986 11.6.2p2+short reference map %1 not defined E0+usemapAssociatedElementTypeDtd+ISO 8879:1986 11.6.1p1+short reference map in DTD must specify associated element type E0+usemapAssociatedElementTypeInstance+ISO 8879:1986 11.6.2p1+short reference map in document instance cannot specify associated element type #092 E2+undefinedShortrefMapDtd+ISO 8879:1986 11.6.1p2+short reference map %1 for element %2 not defined in DTD E1+unknownShortrefDelim+ISO 8879:1986 11.5p4+%1 is not a short reference delimiter E1+delimDuplicateMap+ISO 8879:1986 11.5p6+short reference delimiter %1 already mapped in this declaration E0+noDocumentElement++no document element -E0+ E0+processingInstructionEntityEnd++entity end not allowed in processing instruction Q1+processingInstructionLength+ISO 8879:1986 8.1p1+length of processing instruction must not exceed PILEN (%1) E0+processingInstructionClose++missing PIC delimiter E0+attributeSpecNameTokenExpected+ISO 8879:1986 7.9p2 attribute specification must start with a name or name token E1+noSuchAttributeToken+ISO 8879:1986 is not a member of a group specified for any attribute E0+attributeNameShorttag+ISO 8879:1986 name and VI delimiter can be omitted from an attribute specification only if SHORTTAG YES is specified E1+noSuchAttribute++there is no attribute %1 E0+attributeValueExpected+ISO 8879:1986 7.9.3p1+an attribute value specification must start with a literal or a name character Q1+nameTokenLength+ISO 8879:1986 9.3.1+length of name token must not exceed NAMELEN (%1) E0+attributeSpecLiteral+ISO 8879:1986 7.9.3p1 attribute value literal can occur in an attribute specification list only after a VI delimiter E1+duplicateAttributeSpec+ISO 8879:1986 7.9p5+duplicate specification of attribute %1 W1+duplicateAttributeDef+ISO 8879:1986 11.3.2p2+duplicate definition of attribute %1 E0+emptyDataAttributeSpec+ISO 8879:1986 attribute specification must be omitted if attribute specification list is empty E0+markedSectionEnd+ISO 8879:1986 10.4p6+marked section end not in marked section declaration E1+markedSectionLevel+ISO 8879:1986 10.4.1p1+number of open marked sections must not exceed TAGLVL (%1) E0+unclosedMarkedSection+ISO 8879:1986 10.4p1+missing marked section end+marked section started here E0+specialParseEntityEnd++entity end in character data, replaceable character data or ignored marked section Q2+normalizedAttributeValueLength+ISO 8879:1986 length of attribute value literal must not exceed LITLEN (%1); length was %2 E0+attributeValueSyntax+ISO 8879:1986 of attribute value does not conform to declared value E2+attributeValueChar+ISO 8879:1986 %1 is not allowed in the value of attribute %2 E1+attributeValueMultiple+ISO 8879:1986 of attribute %1 must be a single token E2+attributeValueNumberToken+ISO 8879:1986 7.9.4p1+value of attribute %2 invalid: %1 cannot start a number token E2+attributeValueName+ISO 8879:1986 7.9.4p1+value of attribute %2 invalid: %1 cannot start a name E1+attributeMissing+ISO 8879:1986 7.9p4+non-impliable attribute %1 not specified but OMITTAG NO and SHORTTAG NO E1+requiredAttributeMissing+ISO 8879:1986 7.9p4 attribute %1 not specified E1+currentAttributeMissing+ISO 8879:1986 occurrence of CURRENT attribute %1 not specified E1+invalidNotationAttribute+ISO 8879:1986 is not a notation name E1+invalidEntityAttribute+ISO 8879:1986 is not a general entity name E3+attributeValueNotInGroup+ISO 8879:1986 of attribute %2 cannot be %1; must be one of %3 E1+notDataOrSubdocEntity+ISO 8879:1986 is not a data or subdocument entity E3+ambiguousModelInitial++content model is ambiguous: when no tokens have been matched, both the %2 and %3 occurrences of %1 are possible E5+ambiguousModel++content model is ambiguous: when the current token is the %2 occurrence of %1, both the %4 and %5 occurrences of %3 are possible E5+ambiguousModelSingleAnd++content model is ambiguous: when the current token is the %2 occurrence of %1 and the innermost containing AND group has been matched, both the %4 and %5 occurrences of %3 are possible E6+ambiguousModelMultipleAnd++content model is ambiguous: when the current token is the %2 occurrence of %1 and the innermost %3 containing AND groups have been matched, both the %5 and %6 occurrences of %4 are possible E1+commentDeclarationCharacter++invalid comment declaration: found character %1 outside comment but inside comment declaration+comment declaration started here E1+nonSgmlCharacter++non SGML character number %1 E0+dataMarkedSectionDeclSubset++data or replaceable character data in declaration subset E1+duplicateId+ISO 8879:1986 4.153+ID %1 already defined+ID %1 first defined here E1+notFixedValue+ISO 8879:1986 4.136+value of fixed attribute %1 not equal to default E1+sdCommentSignificant++character %1 is not significant in the reference concrete syntax and so cannot occur in a comment in the SGML declaration E1+standardVersion+ISO 8879:1986 13p2+minimum data of first minimum literal in SGML declaration must be "ISO 8879:1986" or "ISO 8879:1986 (ENR)" or "ISO 8879:1986 (WWW)" not %1 E1+namingBeforeLcnmstrt+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.5p1+parameter before LCNMSTRT must be NAMING not %1 E1+sdEntityEnd+ISO 8879:1986 13p1+unexpected entity end in SGML declaration: only %1, S separators and comments allowed E2+sdInvalidNameToken++%1 invalid: only %2 and parameter separators allowed E1+numberTooBig++magnitude of %1 too big E1+sdLiteralSignificant++character %1 is not significant in the reference concrete syntax and so cannot occur in a literal in the SGML declaration except as the replacement of a character reference E1+syntaxCharacterNumber+ISO 8879:1986 4.36+%1 is not a valid syntax reference character number E0+sdParameterEntity+ISO 8879:1986 451p7+a parameter entity reference cannot occur in an SGML declaration E2+sdParamInvalidToken++%1 invalid: only %2 and parameter separators are allowed E0+giveUp++cannot continue because of previous errors E1+sdMissingCharacters++SGML declaration cannot be parsed because the character set does not contain characters having the following numbers in ISO 646: %1 E1+missingMinimumChars++the specified character set is invalid because it does not contain the minimum data characters having the following numbers in ISO 646: %1 E1+duplicateCharNumbers++character numbers declared more than once: %1 E1+codeSetHoles++character numbers should have been declared UNUSED: %1 W1+basesetCharsMissing++character numbers missing in base set: %1 W1+documentCharMax++characters in the document character set with numbers exceeding %1 not supported E1+fpiMissingField++invalid formal public identifier %1: missing // E1+fpiMissingTextClassSpace++invalid formal public identifier %1: no SPACE after public text class E1+fpiInvalidTextClass++invalid formal public identifier %1: invalid public text class E1+fpiInvalidLanguage++invalid formal public identifier %1: public text language must be a name containing only upper case letters E1+fpiIllegalDisplayVersion++invalid formal public identifer %1: public text display version not permitted with this text class E1+fpiExtraField++invalid formal public identifier %1: extra field E0+notationIdentifierTextClass++public text class of public identifier in notation identifier must be NOTATION W1+unknownBaseset++base character set %1 is unknown E2+lexicalAmbiguity+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.6p2+delimiter set is ambiguous: %1 and %2 can be recognized in the same mode E1+missingSignificant++characters with the following numbers in the syntax reference character set are significant in the concrete syntax but are not in the document character set: %1 E1+translateSyntaxCharDoc++there is no unique character in the document character set corresponding to character number %1 in the syntax reference character set E1+translateSyntaxCharInternal++there is no unique character in the internal character set corresponding to character number %1 in the syntax reference character set E1+missingSyntaxChar+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.3p2+the character with number %1 in ISO 646 is significant but has no representation in the syntax reference character set E1+unknownCapacitySet++capacity set %1 is unknown W1+duplicateCapacity++capacity %1 already specified E1+capacityExceedsTotalcap++value of capacity %1 exceeds value of TOTALCAP E1+unknownPublicSyntax++syntax %1 is unknown E0+nmstrtLength+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.5p13+UCNMSTRT must have the same number of characters as LCNMSTRT E0+nmcharLength+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.5p13+UCNMCHAR must have the same number of characters as LCNMCHAR E1+subdocLevel+ISO 8879:1986 9.4.2p1+number of open subdocuments exceeds quantity specified for SUBDOC parameter in SGML declaration (%1) E1+subdocEntity+ISO 8879:1986 10.5.5p12+entity %1 declared SUBDOC, but SUBDOC NO specified in SGML declaration E0+parameterEntityNotEnded+ISO 8879:1986 10.1.1p2+a parameter entity referenced in a parameter separator must end in the same declaration X1+missingId++reference to non-existent ID %1 W1+dtdUndefinedElement++generic identifier %1 used in DTD but not defined E1+elementNotFinishedDocumentEnd++%1 not finished but document ended E0+subdocGiveUp++cannot continue with subdocument because of previous errors E0+noDtd++no document type declaration; will parse without validation E0+noDtdSubset++no internal or external document type declaration subset; will parse without validation E0+notSgml++this is not an SGML document Q1+taglen+ISO 8879:1986 7.4.2p1+length of start-tag before interpretation of literals must not exceed TAGLEN (%1) E0+groupParameterEntityNotEnded+ISO 8879:1986 10.1.3p7+a parameter entity referenced in a token separator must end in the same group E1+invalidSgmlChar+ISO 8879:1986 13.1.2p3+the following character numbers are shunned characters that are not significant and so should have been declared UNUSED: %1 E1+translateDocChar++there is no unique character in the specified document character set corresponding to character number %1 in ISO 646 Q1+attributeValueLengthNeg+ISO 8879:1986 of attribute value must not exceed LITLEN less NORMSEP (-%1) Q1+tokenizedAttributeValueLengthNeg+ISO 8879:1986 7.9.3p5+length of tokenized attribute value must not exceed LITLEN less NORMSEP (-%1) E1+scopeInstanceQuantity+ISO 8879:1986 13.3p9+concrete syntax scope is INSTANCE but value of %1 quantity is less than value in reference quantity set E1+basesetTextClass+ISO 8879:1986 text class of formal public identifier of base character set must be CHARSET E1+capacityTextClass+ISO 8879:1986 13.2p7+public text class of formal public identifier of capacity set must be CAPACITY E1+syntaxTextClass+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.1p6+public text class of formal public identifier of concrete syntax must be SYNTAX E0+msocharRequiresMsichar+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.4p13+when there is an MSOCHAR there must also be an MSICHAR E1+switchNotMarkup+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.1p4+character number %1 in the syntax reference character set was specified as a character to be switched but is not a markup character E1+switchNotInCharset+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.1p4+character number %1 was specified as a character to be switched but is not in the syntax reference character set W1+ambiguousDocCharacter++character numbers %1 in the document character set have been assigned the same meaning, but this is the meaning of a significant character E1+oneFunction+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.4p11+character number %1 assigned to more than one function E1+duplicateFunctionName+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.4p12+%1 is already a function name E1+missingSignificant646++characters with the following numbers in ISO 646 are significant in the concrete syntax but are not in the document character set: %1 E1+generalDelimAllFunction+ISO 8879:1986 delimiter %1 consists solely of function characters E1+nmcharLetter+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.5p11+letters assigned to LCNMCHAR, UCNMCHAR, LCNMSTRT or UCNMSTRT: %1 E1+nmcharDigit+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.5p11+digits assigned to LCNMCHAR, UCNMCHAR, LCNMSTRT or UCNMSTRT: %1 E1+nmcharRe+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.5p11+character number %1 cannot be assigned to LCNMCHAR, UCNMCHAR, LCNMSTRT or UCNMSTRT because it is RE E1+nmcharRs+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.5p11+character number %1 cannot be assigned to LCNMCHAR, UCNMCHAR, LCNMSTRT or UCNMSTRT because it is RS E1+nmcharSpace+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.5p11+character number %1 cannot be assigned to LCNMCHAR, UCNMCHAR, LCNMSTRT or UCNMSTRT because it is SPACE E1+nmcharSepchar+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.5p11+separator characters assigned to LCNMCHAR, UCNMCHAR, LCNMSTRT or UCNMSTRT: %1 E1+switchLetterDigit+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.1p4+character number %1 cannot be switched because it is a Digit, LC Letter or UC Letter W0+zeroNumberOfCharacters++pointless for number of characters to be 0 E1+nameReferenceReservedName+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.7p6+%1 cannot be the replacement for a reference reserved name because it is another reference reserved name E1+ambiguousReservedName+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.7p6+%1 cannot be the replacement for a reference reserved name because it is the replacement of another reference reserved name E1+duplicateReservedName+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.7p2+replacement for reserved name %1 already specified W1+reservedNameSyntax++%1 is not a valid name in the declared concrete syntax E1+multipleBSequence+ISO 8879:1986 is not a valid short reference delimiter because it has more than one B sequence E1+blankAdjacentBSequence+ISO 8879:1986 is not a valid short reference delimiter because it is adjacent to a character that can occur in a blank sequence E2+delimiterLength+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.6p5+length of delimiter %1 exceeds NAMELEN (%2) W2+reservedNameLength++length of reserved name %1 exceeds NAMELEN (%2) E1+nmcharNmstrt+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.5p12+character numbers assigned to both LCNMCHAR or UCNMCHAR and LCNMSTRT or UCNMSTRT: %1 E0+scopeInstanceSyntaxCharset+ISO 8879:1986 13.3p7+when the concrete syntax scope is INSTANCE the syntax reference character set of the declared syntax must be the same as that of the reference concrete syntax W0+emptyOmitEndTag+ISO 8879:1986 11.2.2p8+end-tag minimization should be O for element with declared content of EMPTY W1+conrefOmitEndTag+ISO 8879:1986 11.2.2p8+end-tag minimization should be O for element %1 because it has CONREF attribute E1+conrefEmpty+ISO 8879:1986 11.3.4p12+element %1 has a declared content of EMPTY and a CONREF attribute E1+notationEmpty+ISO 8879:1986 11.3.3p21+element %1 has a declared content of EMPTY and a NOTATION attribute E0+dataAttributeDeclaredValue+ISO 8879:1986 11.4.1p2+declared value of data attribute cannot be ENTITY, ENTITIES, ID, IDREF, IDREFS or NOTATION E0+dataAttributeDefaultValue+ISO 8879:1986 11.4.1p3+default value of data attribute cannot be CONREF or CURRENT Q2+attcnt+ISO 8879:1986 11.3.1+number of attribute names and name tokens (%1) exceeds ATTCNT (%2) E0+idDeclaredValue+ISO 8879:1986 11.3.4p11+if the declared value is ID the default value must be IMPLIED or REQUIRED E1+multipleIdAttributes+ISO 8879:1986 11.3.3p19+the attribute definition list already declared attribute %1 as the ID attribute E1+multipleNotationAttributes+ISO 8879:1986 11.3.3p19+the attribute definition list already declared attribute %1 as the NOTATION attribute E1+duplicateAttributeToken+ISO 8879:1986 11.3.3p20+token %1 occurs more than once in attribute definition list E1+notationNoAttributes+ISO 8879:1986 attributes defined for notation %1 E2+entityNotationUndefined+ISO 8879:1986 10.5.5p10+notation %1 for entity %2 undefined E2+mapEntityUndefined++entity %1 undefined in short reference map %2 E1+attlistNotationUndefined+ISO 8879:1986 %1 is undefined but had attribute definition Q1+bracketedLitlen+ISO 8879:1986 of interpreted parameter literal in bracketed text plus the length of the bracketing delimiters must not exceed LITLEN (%1) Q1+genericIdentifierLength+ISO 8879:1986 of rank stem plus length of rank suffix must not exceed NAMELEN (%1) E0+instanceStartOmittag+ISO 8879:1986 7.2p1+document instance must start with document element Q1+grplvl+ISO 8879:1986 model nesting level exceeds GRPLVL (%1) Q1+grpgtcnt+ISO 8879:1986 total of content tokens exceeds GRPGTCNT (%1) E0+unclosedStartTagShorttag+ISO 8879:1986 7.4.1p2+unclosed start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES E0+netEnablingStartTagShorttag+ISO 8879:1986 7.4.1p2+NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES E0+unclosedEndTagShorttag+ISO 8879:1986 7.5.1p2+unclosed end-tag requires SHORTTAG YES E0+multipleDtds+ISO 8879:1986 7.1p6+DTDs other than base allowed only if CONCUR YES or EXPLICIT YES E0+afterDocumentElementEntityEnd+ISO 8879:1986 7.2p1+end of entity other than document entity after document element E1+declarationAfterDocumentElement+ISO 8879:1986 7.2p1+%1 declaration illegal after document element E0+characterReferenceAfterDocumentElement+ISO 8879:1986 7.2p1+character reference illegal after document element E0+entityReferenceAfterDocumentElement+ISO 8879:1986 7.2p1+entity reference illegal after document element E0+markedSectionAfterDocumentElement+ISO 8879:1986 7.2p1+marked section illegal after document element E3+requiredElementExcluded+ISO 8879:1986 %1 occurrence of %2 in the content model for %3 cannot be excluded at this point because it is contextually required E3+invalidExclusion+ISO 8879:1986 %1 occurrence of %2 in the content model for %3 cannot be excluded because it is neither inherently optional nor a member of an OR group E0+attributeValueShorttag+ISO 8879:1986 attribute value specification must be an attribute value literal unless SHORTTAG YES is specified E0+conrefNotation+ISO 8879:1986 cannot be specified both for notation attribute and content reference attribute E1+duplicateNotationDeclaration+ISO 8879:1986 11.4p3+notation %1 already defined E1+duplicateShortrefDeclaration+ISO 8879:1986 11.5p3+short reference map %1 already defined+first defined here E1+duplicateDelimGeneral+ISO 8879:1986 delimiter role %1 already defined Q1+idrefGrpcnt+ISO 8879:1986 of ID references in start-tag must not exceed GRPCNT (%1) Q1+entityNameGrpcnt+ISO 8879:1986 of entity names in attribute specification list must not exceed GRPCNT (%1) Q2+attsplen+ISO 8879:1986 7.9.2+normalized length of attribute specification list must not exceed ATTSPLEN (%1); length was %2 E1+duplicateDelimShortref+ISO 8879:1986 13.4.6p2+short reference delimiter %1 already specified E1+duplicateDelimShortrefSet+ISO 8879:1986 character short references were already specified for character numbers: %1 W1+defaultEntityInAttribute++default entity used in entity attribute %1 W1+defaultEntityReference++reference to entity %1 uses default entity W2+mapDefaultEntity++entity %1 in short reference map %2 uses default entity E1+noSuchDtd+ISO 8879:1986 12.1.3p6+no DTD %1 declared W1+noLpdSubset++LPD %1 has neither internal nor external subset E0+assocElementDifferentAtts+ISO 8879:1986 12.2.1p11+element types have different link attribute definitions E1+duplicateLinkSet+ISO 8879:1986 12.2p6+link set %1 already defined E0+emptyResultAttributeSpec+ISO 8879:1986 12.2.2p8+empty result attribute specification E1+noSuchSourceElement++no source element type %1 E1+noSuchResultElement++no result element type %1 E0+documentEndLpdSubset++end of document in LPD subset E1+lpdSubsetDeclaration++%1 declaration not allowed in LPD subset E0+idlinkDeclSimple+ISO 8879:1986 link set declaration not allowed in simple link declaration subset E0+linkDeclSimple+ISO 8879:1986 set declaration not allowed in simple link declaration subset E1+simpleLinkAttlistElement+ISO 8879:1986 can only be defined for base document element (not %1) in simple link declaration subset E0+shortrefOnlyInBaseDtd+ISO 8879:1986 11.1p11+a short reference mapping declaration is allowed only in the base DTD E0+usemapOnlyInBaseDtd+ISO 8879:1986 11.1p11+a short reference use declaration is allowed only in the base DTD E0+linkAttributeDefaultValue+ISO 8879:1986 value of link attribute cannot be CURRENT or CONREF E0+linkAttributeDeclaredValue+ISO 8879:1986 value of link attribute cannot be ID, IDREF, IDREFS or NOTATION E0+simpleLinkFixedAttribute+ISO 8879:1986 fixed attributes can be defined in simple LPD E0+duplicateIdLinkSet+ISO 8879:1986 12.1.4p1+only one ID link set declaration allowed in an LPD subset E1+noInitialLinkSet+ISO 8879:1986 12.2p7+no initial link set defined for LPD %1 E1+notationUndefinedSourceDtd++notation %1 not defined in source DTD E0+simpleLinkResultNotImplied+ISO 8879:1986 12.1.1p1+result document type in simple link specification must be implied E0+simpleLinkFeature+ISO 8879:1986 12.1.1p5+simple link requires SIMPLE YES E0+implicitLinkFeature+ISO 8879:1986 12.1.2p4+implicit link requires IMPLICIT YES E0+explicitLinkFeature+ISO 8879:1986 12.1.3p4+explicit link requires EXPLICIT YES E0+lpdBeforeBaseDtd+ISO 8879:1986 7.1p1+LPD not allowed before first DTD E0+dtdAfterLpd+ISO 8879:1986 7.1p1+DTD not allowed after an LPD E1+unstableLpdGeneralEntity++definition of general entity %1 is unstable E1+unstableLpdParameterEntity++definition of parameter entity %1 is unstable E1+multipleIdLinkRuleAttribute+ISO 8879:1986 12.2.3p3+multiple link rules for ID %1 but not all have link attribute specifications E1+multipleLinkRuleAttribute+ISO 8879:1986 12.2.1p9+multiple link rules for element type %1 but not all have link attribute specifications E2+uselinkBadLinkSet+ISO 8879:1986 12.3p10+link type %1 does not have a link set %2 E1+uselinkSimpleLpd++link set use declaration for simple link process E1+uselinkBadLinkType+ISO 8879:1986 12.3p10+no link type %1 E1+duplicateDtdLpd+ISO 8879:1986 12.1p3+both document type and link type %1 E1+duplicateLpd+ISO 8879:1986 12.1p3+link type %1 already defined E1+duplicateDtd+ISO 8879:1986 11.1p7+document type %1 already defined E1+undefinedLinkSet+ISO 8879:1986 12.2.2p8+link set %1 used in LPD but not defined E1+duplicateImpliedResult+ISO 8879:1986 12.2.2p6+#IMPLIED already linked to result element type %1 E1+simpleLinkCount+ISO 8879:1986 of active simple link processes exceeds quantity specified for SIMPLE parameter in SGML declaration (%1) E0+duplicateExplicitChain+ISO 8879:1986 7.1p11+only one chain of explicit link processes can be active E1+explicit1RequiresSourceTypeBase+ISO 8879:1986 12.1.2p5 12.1.3p5 document type name for link type %1 must be base document type since EXPLICIT YES 1 E0+oneImplicitLink+ISO 8879:1986 7.1p10+only one implicit link process can be active W1+sorryLink++sorry, link type %1 not activated: only one implicit or explicit link process can be active (with base document type as source document type) E0+entityReferenceMissingName+ISO 8879:1986 9.4.4p1 9.4.4p2+name missing after name group in entity reference E1+explicitNoRequiresSourceTypeBase+ISO 8879:1986 12.1.2p5 12.1.3p5 document type name for link type %1 must be base document type since EXPLICIT NO W0+linkActivateTooLate++link process must be activated before base DTD E0+pass2Ee++unexpected entity end while starting second pass E2+idlinkElementType+ISO 8879:1986 12.2.3p2+type %1 of element with ID %2 not associated element type for applicable link rule in ID link set E0+datatagNotImplemented++DATATAG feature not implemented E0+startTagMissingName+ISO 8879:1986 7.4p1+generic identifier specification missing after document type specification in start-tag E0+endTagMissingName+ISO 8879:1986 7.5p1+generic identifier specification missing after document type specification in end-tag E0+startTagGroupNet+ISO 8879:1986 NET-enabling start-tag cannot include a document type specification E0+documentElementUndefined+ISO 8879:1986 11.1p10+DTD did not contain element declaration for document type name E0+badDefaultSgmlDecl++invalid default SGML declaration E1+nonExistentEntityRef++reference to entity %1 for which no system identifier could be generated+entity was defined here W0+pcdataUnreachable+ISO 8879:1986 11.2.4p11+content model is mixed but does not allow #PCDATA everywhere E0+sdRangeNotSingleChar++start or end of range must specify a single character E0+sdInvalidRange++number of first character in range must not exceed number of second character in range E0+sdEmptyDelimiter++delimiter cannot be an empty string W0+tooManyCharsMinimumLiteral++too many characters assigned same meaning with minimum literal W1+defaultedEntityDefined++earlier reference to entity %1 used default entity W0+emptyStartTag++empty start-tag W0+emptyEndTag++empty end-tag W1+unusedMap++unused short reference map %1 W1+unusedParamEntity++unused parameter entity %1 W1+cannotGenerateSystemIdPublic++cannot generate system identifier for public text %1 W1+cannotGenerateSystemIdGeneral++cannot generate system identifier for general entity %1 W1+cannotGenerateSystemIdParameter++cannot generate system identifier for parameter entity %1 W1+cannotGenerateSystemIdDoctype++cannot generate system identifier for document type %1 W1+cannotGenerateSystemIdLinktype++cannot generate system identifier for link type %1 W1+cannotGenerateSystemIdNotation++cannot generate system identifier for notation %1 W1+excludeIncludeSame++element type %1 both included and excluded E1+implyingDtd++no document type declaration; implying %1 E1+afdrVersion++minimum data of AFDR declaration must be "ISO/IEC 10744:1997" not %1 E0+missingAfdrDecl++AFDR declaration required before use of AFDR extensions E0+enrRequired++ENR extensions were used but minimum literal was not "ISO 8879:1986 (ENR)" or "ISO 8879:1986 (WWW)" E1+numericCharRefLiteralNonSgml++illegal numeric character reference to non-SGML character %1 in literal E2+numericCharRefUnknownDesc++cannot convert character reference to number %1 because description %2 unrecognized E3+numericCharRefUnknownBase++cannot convert character reference to number %1 because character %2 from baseset %3 unknown E1+numericCharRefBadInternal++character reference to number %1 cannot be converted because of problem with internal character set E1+numericCharRefNoInternal++cannot convert character reference to number %1 because character not in internal character set E0+wwwRequired++Web SGML adaptations were used but minimum literal was not "ISO 8879:1986 (WWW)" E1+attributeTokenNotUnique++token %1 can be value for multiple attributes so attribute name required Q1+hexNumberLength++length of hex number must not exceed NAMELEN (%1) W1+entityNameSyntax++%1 is not a valid name in the declared concrete syntax W0+cdataContent++CDATA declared content W0+rcdataContent++RCDATA declared content W0+inclusion++inclusion W0+exclusion++exclusion W0+numberDeclaredValue++NUMBER or NUMBERS declared value W0+nameDeclaredValue++NAME or NAMES declared value W0+nutokenDeclaredValue++NUTOKEN or NUTOKENS declared value W0+conrefAttribute++CONREF attribute W0+currentAttribute++CURRENT attribute W0+tempMarkedSection++TEMP marked section W0+instanceIncludeMarkedSection++included marked section in the instance W0+instanceIgnoreMarkedSection++ignored marked section in the instance W0+rcdataMarkedSection++RCDATA marked section W0+piEntity++processing instruction entity W0+bracketEntity++bracketed text entity W0+internalCdataEntity++internal CDATA entity W0+internalSdataEntity++internal SDATA entity W0+externalCdataEntity++external CDATA entity W0+externalSdataEntity++external SDATA entity W0+dataAttributes++attribute definition list declaration for notation W0+rank++rank stem W0+missingSystemId++no system id specified W0+psComment++comment in parameter separator W0+namedCharRef++named character reference W0+andGroup++AND group W0+attributeValueNotLiteral++attribute value not a literal W0+missingAttributeName++attribute name missing W0+elementGroupDecl++element declaration for group of element types W0+attlistGroupDecl++attribute definition list declaration for group of element types W0+emptyCommentDecl++empty comment declaration W0+commentDeclS++S separator in comment declaration W0+commentDeclMultiple++multiple comments in comment declaration W0+missingStatusKeyword++no status keyword W0+multipleStatusKeyword++multiple status keywords W0+instanceParamEntityRef++parameter entity reference in document instance W0+current++CURRENT attribute W0+minimizationParam++element type minimization parameter W0+refc++reference not terminated by REFC delimiter W0+pcdataNotFirstInGroup++#PCDATA not first in model group W0+pcdataInSeqGroup++#PCDATA in SEQ group W0+pcdataInNestedModelGroup++#PCDATA in nested model group W0+pcdataGroupNotRep++#PCDATA in model group that does not have REP occurrence indicator W0+nameGroupNotOr++name group or name token group used connector other than OR W0+piMissingName++processing instruction does not start with name W0+instanceStatusKeywordSpecS++S separator in status keyword specification in document instance W0+externalDataEntityRef++reference to external data entity W0+attributeValueExternalEntityRef++reference to external entity in attribute value W1+dataCharDelim++character %1 is the first character of a delimiter but occurred as data W0+explicitSgmlDecl++SGML declaration was not implied W0+internalSubsetMarkedSection++marked section in internal DTD subset E0+nestcWithoutNet++NET-enabling start-tag not immediately followed by null end-tag E0+contentAsyncEntityRef++entity end in different element from entity reference E0+immednetRequiresEmptynrm++NETENABL IMMEDNET requires EMPTYNRM YES W0+nonSgmlCharRef++reference to non-SGML character W0+defaultEntityDecl++declaration of default entity W0+internalSubsetPsParamEntityRef++reference to parameter entity in parameter separator in internal subset W0+internalSubsetTsParamEntityRef++reference to parameter entity in token separator in internal subset W0+internalSubsetLiteralParamEntityRef++reference to parameter entity in parameter literal in internal subset E0+cannotGenerateSystemIdSgml++cannot generate system identifier for SGML declaration reference E1+sdTextClass++public text class of formal public identifier of SGML declaration must be SD E0+sgmlDeclRefRequiresWww++SGML declaration reference was used but minimum literal was not "ISO 8879:1986 (WWW)" W0+pcdataGroupMemberOccurrenceIndicator++member of model group containing #PCDATA has occurrence indicator W0+pcdataGroupMemberModelGroup++member of model group containing #PCDATA is a model group E0+entityRefNone++reference to non-predefined entity E0+entityRefInternal++reference to external entity E0+implydefEntityDefault++declaration of default entity conflicts with IMPLYDEF ENTITY YES E0+sorryActiveDoctypes++parsing with respect to more than one active doctype not supported E0+activeDocLink+ISO 8879:1986 7.1+cannot have active doctypes and link types at the same time E1+concurrentInstances+ISO 8879:1986 7.2.1+number of concurrent document instances exceeds quantity specified for CONCUR parameter in SGML declaration (%1) E0+datatagBaseDtd+ISO 8879:1986 group can only be specified in base document type E0+emptyStartTagBaseDtd+ISO 8879:1986 not in the base document type can't have an empty start-tag E0+emptyEndTagBaseDtd+ISO 8879:1986 not in base document type can't have an empty end-tag W0+immediateRecursion++immediately recursive element E1+urnMissingField++invalid URN %1: missing ":" E1+urnMissingPrefix++invalid URN %1: missing "urn:" prefix E1+urnInvalidNid++invalid URN %1: invalid namespace identifier E1+urnInvalidNss++invalid URN %1: invalid namespace specific string E1+urnExtraField++invalid URN %1: extra field E0+omittedProlog++prolog can't be omitted unless CONCUR NO and LINK EXPLICIT NO and either IMPLYDEF ELEMENT YES or IMPLYDEF DOCTYPE YES E0+impliedDocumentElement++can't determine name of #IMPLIED document element E0+impliedDoctypeConcurLink++can't use #IMPLICIT doctype unless CONCUR NO and LINK EXPLICIT NO E0+sorryImpliedDoctype++Sorry, #IMPLIED doctypes not implemented W0+dtdDataEntityReference++reference to DTD data entity ignored E2+parameterEntityNotationUndefined++notation %1 for parameter entity %2 undefined E1+dsEntityNotationUndefined++notation %1 for external subset undefined E1+specifiedAttributeRedeclared+ISO 8879:1986 K4.4+attribute %1 can't be redeclared E1+notationMustNotBeDeclared++#IMPLICIT attributes have already been specified for notation %1 E0+peroGrpoStartTag+ISO 8879:1986 9.4.4p3+a name group is not allowed in a parameter entity reference in a start tag W0+peroGrpoEndTag+ISO 8879:1986 9.4.4p3+name group in a parameter entity reference in an end tag (SGML forbids them in start tags) # message fragments W0+notationConref++if the declared value is NOTATION a default value of CONREF is useless E0+sorryAllImplicit++Sorry, #ALL and #IMPLICIT content tokens not implemented =1000 +delimStart++delimiter -+delimEnd++ +digit++digit +nameStartCharacter++name start character +sepchar++sepchar +separator++separator +nameCharacter++name character +dataCharacter++data character +minimumDataCharacter++minimum data character +significantCharacter++significant character +recordEnd++record end character +recordStart++record start character +space++space character +listSep++, +rangeSep++- +parameterLiteral++parameter literal +dataTagGroup++data tag group +modelGroup++model group +dataTagTemplateGroup++data tag template group +name++name +nameToken++name token +elementToken++element token +inclusions++inclusions +exclusions++exclusions +minimumLiteral++minimum literal +attributeValueLiteral++attribute value literal +systemIdentifier++system identifier +number++number +attributeValue++attribute value +capacityName++name of capacity +generalDelimiteRoleName++name of general delimiter role +referenceReservedName++reference reserved name +quantityName++name of quantity +entityEnd++entity end +shortrefDelim++short reference delimiter