import React, { useContext, useReducer, useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { listen } from 'loot-core/src/platform/client/fetch'; import * as undo from 'loot-core/src/platform/client/undo'; import { hasModifierKey } from '../util/keys'; function iterateRange(range, func) { let from = Math.min(range.start, range.end); let to = Math.max(range.start, range.end); for (let i = from; i <= to; i++) { func(i); } } export default function useSelected(name, items, initialSelectedIds) { let [state, dispatch] = useReducer( (state, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'select': { let { selectedRange } = state; let selectedItems = new Set(state.selectedItems); let { id } = action; if (hasModifierKey('shift') && selectedRange) { let idx = items.findIndex(p => === id); let startIdx = items.findIndex(p => === selectedRange.start); let endIdx = items.findIndex(p => === selectedRange.end); let range; let deleteUntil; if (endIdx === -1) { range = { start: startIdx, end: idx }; } else if (endIdx < startIdx) { if (idx <= startIdx) { range = { start: startIdx, end: idx }; if (idx > endIdx) { deleteUntil = { start: idx - 1, end: endIdx }; } } else { // Switching directions range = { start: endIdx, end: idx }; } } else { if (idx >= startIdx) { range = { start: startIdx, end: idx }; if (idx < endIdx) { deleteUntil = { start: idx + 1, end: endIdx }; } } else { // Switching directions range = { start: endIdx, end: idx }; } } iterateRange(range, i => selectedItems.add(items[i].id)); if (deleteUntil) { iterateRange(deleteUntil, i => selectedItems.delete(items[i].id)); } return { ...state, selectedItems, selectedRange: { start: items[range.start].id, end: items[range.end].id } }; } else { let range = null; if (!selectedItems.delete(id)) { selectedItems.add(id); range = { start: id, end: null }; } return { ...state, selectedItems, selectedRange: range }; } } case 'select-none': return { ...state, selectedItems: new Set() }; case 'select-all': return { ...state, selectedItems: new Set(action.ids || =>, selectedRange: action.ids && action.ids.length === 1 ? { start: action.ids[0], end: null } : null }; default: throw new Error('Unexpected action: ' + action.type); } }, null, () => ({ selectedItems: new Set(initialSelectedIds || []), selectedRange: initialSelectedIds && initialSelectedIds.length === 1 ? { start: initialSelectedIds[0], end: null } : null }) ); let prevItems = useRef(items); useEffect(() => { if (state.selectedItems.size > 0) { // We need to make sure there are no ids in the selection that // aren't valid anymore. This happens if the item has been // deleted or otherwise removed from the current view. We do // this by cross-referencing the current selection with the // available item ids // // This effect may run multiple times while items is updated, we // need to make sure that we don't remove selected ids until the // items array *actually* changes. A component may render with // new `items` arrays that are the same, just fresh instances, but // we need to wait until the actual array changes. This solves // the case where undo-ing adds back items, but we remove the // selected item too early (because the component rerenders // multiple times) let ids = new Set( =>; let isSame = prevItems.current.length === items.length && prevItems.current.every(item => ids.has(; if (!isSame) { let selected = [...state.selectedItems]; let filtered = selected.filter(id => ids.has(id)); // If the selected items has changed, update the selection if (selected.length !== filtered.length) { dispatch({ type: 'select-all', ids: filtered }); } } } prevItems.current = items; }, [items, state.selectedItems]); useEffect(() => { let prevState = undo.getUndoState('selectedItems'); undo.setUndoState('selectedItems', { name, items: state.selectedItems }); return () => undo.setUndoState('selectedItems', prevState); }, [state.selectedItems]); let lastUndoState = useSelector(state =>; useEffect(() => { function onUndo({ messages, undoTag }) { let tagged = undo.getTaggedState(undoTag); let deletedIds = new Set( messages .filter(msg => msg.column === 'tombstone' && msg.value === 1) .map(msg => msg.row) ); if ( tagged && tagged.selectedItems && === name ) { dispatch({ type: 'select-all', // Coerce the Set into an array ids: [...tagged.selectedItems.items].filter(id => !deletedIds.has(id)) }); } } if (lastUndoState && lastUndoState.current) { onUndo(lastUndoState.current); } return listen('undo-event', onUndo); }, []); return { items: state.selectedItems, setItems: state.setSelectedItems, dispatch }; } let SelectedDispatch = React.createContext(null); let SelectedItems = React.createContext(null); export function useSelectedDispatch() { return useContext(SelectedDispatch); } export function useSelectedItems() { return useContext(SelectedItems); } export function SelectedProvider({ instance, fetchAllIds, children }) { let latestItems = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { latestItems.current = instance.items; }, [instance.items]); let dispatch = useCallback( async action => { if (action.type === 'select-all') { if (latestItems.current && latestItems.current.size > 0) { return instance.dispatch({ type: 'select-none' }); } else { if (fetchAllIds) { return instance.dispatch({ type: 'select-all', ids: await fetchAllIds() }); } return instance.dispatch({ type: 'select-all' }); } } return instance.dispatch(action); }, [instance.dispatch, fetchAllIds] ); return ( {children} ); } // This can be helpful in class components if you cannot use the // custom hook export function SelectedProviderWithItems({ name, items, initialSelectedIds, fetchAllIds, registerDispatch, children }) { let selected = useSelected(name, items, initialSelectedIds); useEffect(() => { registerDispatch && registerDispatch(selected.dispatch); }, [registerDispatch]); return ( ); }