#!/usr/bin/env bash set -x set -eo pipefail # Check if a custom user has been set, otherwise default to 'postgres' DB_USER=${POSTGRES_USER:=postgres} # Check if a custom password has been set, otherwise default to 'password' DB_PASSWORD="${POSTGRES_PASSWORD:=password}" # Check if a custom password has been set, otherwise default to 'newsletter' DB_NAME="${POSTGRES_DB:=newsletter}" # Check if a custom port has been set, otherwise default to '5432' DB_PORT="${POSTGRES_PORT:=5432}" # Allow to skip Docker if a dockerized Postgres database is already running if [[ -z "${SKIP_DOCKER}" ]] then # Launch postgres using Docker docker run \ -e POSTGRES_USER=${DB_USER} \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${DB_PASSWORD} \ -e POSTGRES_DB=${DB_NAME} \ -p "${DB_PORT}":5432 \ -d postgres \ postgres -N 1000 # ^ Increased maximum number of connections for testing purposes fi # Keep pinging Postgres until it's ready to accept commands until PGPASSWORD="${DB_PASSWORD}" psql -h "localhost" -U "${DB_USER}" -p "${DB_PORT}" -d "postgres" -c '\q'; do >&2 echo "Postgres is still unavailable - sleeping" sleep 1 done >&2 echo "Postgres is up and running on port ${DB_PORT} - running migrations now!" export DATABASE_URL=postgres://${DB_USER}:${DB_PASSWORD}@localhost:${DB_PORT}/${DB_NAME} sqlx database create sqlx migrate run >&2 echo "Postgres has been migrated, ready to go!"