use actix_web::http::header::LOCATION; use actix_web::HttpResponse; // Return an opaque 500 while preserving the error root's cause for logging. pub fn e500(e: T) -> actix_web::Error where T: std::fmt::Debug + std::fmt::Display + 'static, { actix_web::error::ErrorInternalServerError(e) } // Return a 400 with the user-representation of the validation error as body. // The error root cause is preserved for logging purposes. pub fn e400(e: T) -> actix_web::Error where T: std::fmt::Debug + std::fmt::Display + 'static, { actix_web::error::ErrorBadRequest(e) } pub fn see_other(location: &str) -> HttpResponse { HttpResponse::SeeOther() .insert_header((LOCATION, location)) .finish() }