when: - event: [pull_request, tag] - event: push branch: - ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} - renovate/* depends_on: - test - web variables: - &golang_image 'docker.io/golang:1.21.5' - &node_image 'docker.io/node:21-alpine' - &xgo_image 'docker.io/techknowlogick/xgo:go-1.21.5' - &xgo_version 'go-1.21.2' - &buildx_plugin 'docker.io/woodpeckerci/plugin-docker-buildx:2.2.1' - &platforms_release 'linux/arm/v6,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm64/v8,linux/386,linux/amd64,linux/ppc64le,linux/riscv64,linux/s390x,freebsd/arm64,freebsd/amd64,openbsd/arm64,openbsd/amd64' - &platforms_server 'linux/arm/v7,linux/arm64/v8,linux/amd64,linux/ppc64le,linux/riscv64' - &platforms_preview 'linux/amd64' - &platforms_alpine 'linux/arm/v6,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm64/v8,linux/amd64,linux/ppc64le' - &build_args 'CI_COMMIT_SHA=${CI_COMMIT_SHA},CI_COMMIT_BRANCH=${CI_COMMIT_BRANCH},CI_COMMIT_TAG=${CI_COMMIT_TAG}' # vars used on push / tag events only - publish_logins: &publish_logins # Default DockerHub login - registry: https://index.docker.io/v1/ username: woodpeckerbot password: from_secret: docker_password # Additional Quay.IO login - registry: https://quay.io username: 'woodpeckerci+wp_ci' password: from_secret: QUAY_IO_TOKEN - &publish_repos_server 'woodpeckerci/woodpecker-server,quay.io/woodpeckerci/woodpecker-server' - &publish_repos_agent 'woodpeckerci/woodpecker-agent,quay.io/woodpeckerci/woodpecker-agent' - &publish_repos_cli 'woodpeckerci/woodpecker-cli,quay.io/woodpeckerci/woodpecker-cli' - path: &when_path # web source code - 'web/**' # api source code - 'server/api/**' # go source code - '**/*.go' - 'go.*' # schema changes - 'pipeline/schema/**' # Dockerfile changes - 'docker/**' steps: vendor: image: *golang_image pull: true commands: - go mod vendor when: - event: pull_request evaluate: 'CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST_LABELS contains "build_pr_images"' - event: pull_request path: *when_path - branch: - ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} - renovate/* event: [push, tag] path: *when_path ############### # S e r v e r # ############### build-web: image: *node_image directory: web/ commands: - corepack enable - pnpm install --frozen-lockfile - pnpm build when: - event: pull_request evaluate: 'CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST_LABELS contains "build_pr_images"' - event: pull_request path: *when_path - branch: - ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} - renovate/* event: [push, tag] path: *when_path cross-compile-server-preview: depends_on: - vendor - build-web image: *xgo_image pull: true commands: - apt update - apt install -y tree - make cross-compile-server environment: PLATFORMS: linux|amd64 TAGS: bindata sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify netgo XGO_VERSION: *xgo_version when: - event: pull_request evaluate: 'CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST_LABELS contains "build_pr_images"' - event: pull_request path: *when_path - event: push branch: renovate/* path: *when_path cross-compile-server: depends_on: - vendor - build-web image: *xgo_image pull: true commands: - apt update - apt install -y tree - make cross-compile-server environment: PLATFORMS: linux|arm/v7;linux|arm64/v8;linux|amd64;linux|ppc64le;linux|riscv64 TAGS: bindata sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify netgo XGO_VERSION: *xgo_version when: branch: - ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} event: [push, tag] path: *when_path publish-server-preview: depends_on: - cross-compile-server-preview image: *buildx_plugin settings: repo: woodpeckerci/woodpecker-server dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.server.multiarch platforms: *platforms_preview tag: pull_${CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST} logins: *publish_logins when: evaluate: 'CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST_LABELS contains "build_pr_images"' event: pull_request publish-server-alpine-preview: depends_on: - cross-compile-server-preview image: *buildx_plugin settings: repo: woodpeckerci/woodpecker-server dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.server.alpine.multiarch platforms: *platforms_preview tag: pull_${CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST}-alpine logins: *publish_logins when: evaluate: 'CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST_LABELS contains "build_pr_images"' event: pull_request build-server: depends_on: - vendor - build-web - cross-compile-server-preview image: *buildx_plugin settings: dry_run: true repo: woodpeckerci/woodpecker-server dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.server.multiarch platforms: *platforms_preview tag: pull_${CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST} when: - evaluate: 'not (CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST_LABELS contains "build_pr_images")' event: pull_request path: *when_path - event: push branch: renovate/* path: *when_path publish-next-server: depends_on: - cross-compile-server image: *buildx_plugin settings: repo: *publish_repos_server dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.server.multiarch platforms: *platforms_server tag: [next, 'next-${CI_COMMIT_SHA:0:10}'] logins: *publish_logins when: branch: ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} event: push path: *when_path publish-next-server-alpine: depends_on: - cross-compile-server image: *buildx_plugin settings: repo: *publish_repos_server dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.server.alpine.multiarch platforms: *platforms_alpine tag: [next-alpine, 'next-${CI_COMMIT_SHA:0:10}-alpine'] logins: *publish_logins when: branch: ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} event: push path: *when_path release-server: depends_on: - cross-compile-server image: *buildx_plugin settings: repo: *publish_repos_server dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.server.multiarch platforms: *platforms_server # remove 'latest' on older version branches to avoid accidental downgrade tag: [latest, '${CI_COMMIT_TAG}'] logins: *publish_logins when: event: tag release-server-alpine: depends_on: - cross-compile-server image: *buildx_plugin settings: repo: *publish_repos_server dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.server.alpine.multiarch platforms: *platforms_alpine # remove 'latest-alpine' on older version branches to avoid accidental downgrade tag: [latest-alpine, '${CI_COMMIT_TAG}-alpine'] logins: *publish_logins when: event: tag ############# # A g e n t # ############# publish-agent-preview: depends_on: - vendor image: *buildx_plugin settings: repo: woodpeckerci/woodpecker-agent dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.agent.multiarch platforms: *platforms_preview tag: pull_${CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST} build_args: *build_args logins: *publish_logins when: evaluate: 'CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST_LABELS contains "build_pr_images"' event: pull_request build-agent: depends_on: - vendor image: *buildx_plugin settings: dry_run: true repo: woodpeckerci/woodpecker-agent dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.agent.multiarch platforms: *platforms_preview tag: pull_${CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST} build_args: *build_args when: - evaluate: 'not (CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST_LABELS contains "build_pr_images")' event: pull_request path: *when_path - event: push branch: renovate/* path: *when_path publish-next-agent: depends_on: - vendor # we also depend on cross-compile-server as we would have to hight # ram usage otherwise - cross-compile-server image: *buildx_plugin settings: repo: *publish_repos_agent dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.agent.multiarch platforms: *platforms_release tag: [next, 'next-${CI_COMMIT_SHA:0:10}'] logins: *publish_logins build_args: *build_args when: branch: ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} event: push path: *when_path publish-next-agent-alpine: depends_on: - vendor # we also depend on cross-compile-server as we would have to hight # ram usage otherwise - cross-compile-server image: *buildx_plugin settings: repo: *publish_repos_agent dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.agent.alpine.multiarch platforms: *platforms_alpine tag: [next-alpine, 'next-${CI_COMMIT_SHA:0:10}-alpine'] logins: *publish_logins build_args: *build_args when: branch: ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} event: push path: *when_path release-agent: depends_on: - vendor # we also depend on cross-compile-server as we would have to hight # ram usage otherwise - cross-compile-server image: *buildx_plugin settings: repo: *publish_repos_agent dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.agent.multiarch platforms: *platforms_release # remove 'latest' on older version branches to avoid accidental downgrade tag: [latest, '${CI_COMMIT_TAG}'] logins: *publish_logins build_args: *build_args when: event: tag release-agent-alpine: depends_on: - vendor # we also depend on cross-compile-server as we would have to hight # ram usage otherwise - cross-compile-server image: *buildx_plugin settings: repo: *publish_repos_agent dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.agent.alpine.multiarch platforms: *platforms_alpine # remove 'latest-alpine' on older version branches to avoid accidental downgrade tag: [latest-alpine, '${CI_COMMIT_TAG}-alpine'] logins: *publish_logins build_args: *build_args when: event: tag ######### # C L I # ######### publish-cli-preview: depends_on: - vendor image: *buildx_plugin settings: repo: woodpeckerci/woodpecker-cli dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.cli.multiarch platforms: *platforms_preview tag: pull_${CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST} build_args: *build_args logins: *publish_logins when: evaluate: 'CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST_LABELS contains "build_pr_images"' event: pull_request build-cli: depends_on: - vendor image: *buildx_plugin settings: dry_run: true repo: woodpeckerci/woodpecker-cli dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.cli.multiarch platforms: *platforms_preview tag: pull_${CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST} build_args: *build_args when: - evaluate: 'not (CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST_LABELS contains "build_pr_images")' event: pull_request path: *when_path - event: push branch: renovate/* path: *when_path publish-next-cli: depends_on: - vendor # we also depend on publish-next-agent as we would have to hight # ram usage otherwise - publish-next-agent image: *buildx_plugin settings: repo: *publish_repos_cli dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.cli.multiarch platforms: *platforms_release tag: [next, 'next-${CI_COMMIT_SHA:0:10}'] logins: *publish_logins build_args: *build_args when: branch: ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} event: push path: *when_path publish-next-cli-alpine: depends_on: - vendor # we also depend on publish-next-agent as we would have to hight # ram usage otherwise - publish-next-agent image: *buildx_plugin settings: repo: *publish_repos_cli dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.cli.alpine.multiarch platforms: *platforms_alpine tag: [next-alpine, 'next-${CI_COMMIT_SHA:0:10}-alpine'] logins: *publish_logins build_args: *build_args when: branch: ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} event: push path: *when_path release-cli: depends_on: - vendor # we also depend on release-agent as we would have to hight # ram usage otherwise - release-agent image: *buildx_plugin settings: repo: *publish_repos_cli dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.cli.multiarch platforms: *platforms_release # remove 'latest' on older version branches to avoid accidental downgrade tag: [latest, '${CI_COMMIT_TAG}'] logins: *publish_logins build_args: *build_args when: event: tag release-cli-alpine: depends_on: - vendor # we also depend on release-agent as we would have to hight # ram usage otherwise - release-agent image: *buildx_plugin settings: repo: *publish_repos_cli dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.cli.alpine.multiarch platforms: *platforms_alpine # remove 'latest-alpine' on older version branches to avoid accidental downgrade tag: [latest-alpine, '${CI_COMMIT_TAG}-alpine'] logins: *publish_logins build_args: *build_args when: event: tag