// Copyright 2018 Drone.IO Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package server import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "net/url" "strings" "github.com/drone/envsubst" "github.com/laszlocph/drone-oss-08/cncd/pipeline/pipeline/backend" "github.com/laszlocph/drone-oss-08/cncd/pipeline/pipeline/frontend" "github.com/laszlocph/drone-oss-08/cncd/pipeline/pipeline/frontend/yaml" "github.com/laszlocph/drone-oss-08/cncd/pipeline/pipeline/frontend/yaml/compiler" "github.com/laszlocph/drone-oss-08/cncd/pipeline/pipeline/frontend/yaml/linter" "github.com/laszlocph/drone-oss-08/cncd/pipeline/pipeline/frontend/yaml/matrix" "github.com/laszlocph/drone-oss-08/model" ) // Takes the hook data and the yaml and returns in internal data model type procBuilder struct { Repo *model.Repo Curr *model.Build Last *model.Build Netrc *model.Netrc Secs []*model.Secret Regs []*model.Registry Link string Yaml string Envs map[string]string } type buildItem struct { Proc *model.Proc Platform string Labels map[string]string Config *backend.Config } func (b *procBuilder) Build() ([]*buildItem, error) { axes, err := matrix.ParseString(b.Yaml) if err != nil { return nil, err } if len(axes) == 0 { axes = append(axes, matrix.Axis{}) } var items []*buildItem for i, axis := range axes { proc := &model.Proc{ BuildID: b.Curr.ID, PID: i + 1, PGID: i + 1, State: model.StatusPending, Environ: axis, } metadata := metadataFromStruct(b.Repo, b.Curr, b.Last, proc, b.Link) environ := metadata.Environ() for k, v := range metadata.EnvironDrone() { environ[k] = v } for k, v := range axis { environ[k] = v } var secrets []compiler.Secret for _, sec := range b.Secs { if !sec.Match(b.Curr.Event) { continue } secrets = append(secrets, compiler.Secret{ Name: sec.Name, Value: sec.Value, Match: sec.Images, }) } y := b.Yaml s, err := envsubst.Eval(y, func(name string) string { env := environ[name] if strings.Contains(env, "\n") { env = fmt.Sprintf("%q", env) } return env }) if err != nil { return nil, err } y = s parsed, err := yaml.ParseString(y) if err != nil { return nil, err } metadata.Sys.Arch = parsed.Platform if metadata.Sys.Arch == "" { metadata.Sys.Arch = "linux/amd64" } lerr := linter.New( linter.WithTrusted(b.Repo.IsTrusted), ).Lint(parsed) if lerr != nil { return nil, lerr } var registries []compiler.Registry for _, reg := range b.Regs { registries = append(registries, compiler.Registry{ Hostname: reg.Address, Username: reg.Username, Password: reg.Password, Email: reg.Email, }) } ir := compiler.New( compiler.WithEnviron(environ), compiler.WithEnviron(b.Envs), compiler.WithEscalated(Config.Pipeline.Privileged...), compiler.WithResourceLimit(Config.Pipeline.Limits.MemSwapLimit, Config.Pipeline.Limits.MemLimit, Config.Pipeline.Limits.ShmSize, Config.Pipeline.Limits.CPUQuota, Config.Pipeline.Limits.CPUShares, Config.Pipeline.Limits.CPUSet), compiler.WithVolumes(Config.Pipeline.Volumes...), compiler.WithNetworks(Config.Pipeline.Networks...), compiler.WithLocal(false), compiler.WithOption( compiler.WithNetrc( b.Netrc.Login, b.Netrc.Password, b.Netrc.Machine, ), b.Repo.IsPrivate, ), compiler.WithRegistry(registries...), compiler.WithSecret(secrets...), compiler.WithPrefix( fmt.Sprintf( "%d_%d", proc.ID, rand.Int(), ), ), compiler.WithEnviron(proc.Environ), compiler.WithProxy(), compiler.WithWorkspaceFromURL("/drone", b.Repo.Link), compiler.WithMetadata(metadata), ).Compile(parsed) // for _, sec := range b.Secs { // if !sec.MatchEvent(b.Curr.Event) { // continue // } // if b.Curr.Verified || sec.SkipVerify { // ir.Secrets = append(ir.Secrets, &backend.Secret{ // Mask: sec.Conceal, // Name: sec.Name, // Value: sec.Value, // }) // } // } item := &buildItem{ Proc: proc, Config: ir, Labels: parsed.Labels, Platform: metadata.Sys.Arch, } if item.Labels == nil { item.Labels = map[string]string{} } items = append(items, item) } return items, nil } // return the metadata from the cli context. func metadataFromStruct(repo *model.Repo, build, last *model.Build, proc *model.Proc, link string) frontend.Metadata { host := link uri, err := url.Parse(link) if err == nil { host = uri.Host } return frontend.Metadata{ Repo: frontend.Repo{ Name: repo.FullName, Link: repo.Link, Remote: repo.Clone, Private: repo.IsPrivate, Branch: repo.Branch, }, Curr: frontend.Build{ Number: build.Number, Parent: build.Parent, Created: build.Created, Started: build.Started, Finished: build.Finished, Status: build.Status, Event: build.Event, Link: build.Link, Target: build.Deploy, Commit: frontend.Commit{ Sha: build.Commit, Ref: build.Ref, Refspec: build.Refspec, Branch: build.Branch, Message: build.Message, Author: frontend.Author{ Name: build.Author, Email: build.Email, Avatar: build.Avatar, }, }, }, Prev: frontend.Build{ Number: last.Number, Created: last.Created, Started: last.Started, Finished: last.Finished, Status: last.Status, Event: last.Event, Link: last.Link, Target: last.Deploy, Commit: frontend.Commit{ Sha: last.Commit, Ref: last.Ref, Refspec: last.Refspec, Branch: last.Branch, Message: last.Message, Author: frontend.Author{ Name: last.Author, Email: last.Email, Avatar: last.Avatar, }, }, }, Job: frontend.Job{ Number: proc.PID, Matrix: proc.Environ, }, Sys: frontend.System{ Name: "drone", Link: link, Host: host, Arch: "linux/amd64", }, } }