function RepoViewModel(repo) { var self = this; Subscribe(repo, function(data){ var el = $("[data-build="+data.number+"]"); if (el && el.length !== 0) { // find the status label and adjust the // build status accordingly. var status = el.find(".status"); status.attr("class", "status "+data.status); status.text(data.status); return } // construct the build entry if it doesn't already exist // so that we can append to the DOM. The code may not be // pretty, but it is simple enough and it works. authoredOrDeployed = "authored" branchOrDeploy = data.branch if ( data.event == "deployment" ) { authoredOrDeployed = "deployed" branchOrDeploy = data.deploy_to } el = $("").attr("class", "card").attr("href", "/"+repo+"/"+data.number).attr("data-build", data.number) .append( $("
").attr("class", "card-header").append( $("").attr("src", data.author_avatar) ) ) .append( $("
").attr("class", "card-block").append( $("
").append( $("
").attr("class", "status "+ data.status).text(data.status) ).append( $("

").text(data.message) ) ).append( $("

").attr("class","card-text").append( $("").text( ).append( $("").text(authoredOrDeployed) ).append( $("").attr("data-livestamp", data.created_at) ).append( $("").text("to") ).append( $("").text(branchOrDeploy) ) ) ).css("display", "flex").hide().fadeIn(1000); // TODO it is very possible that the group may not // exist, in which case the we'll need to create the // gropu as well. // append to the latest group in the timeline. $(".card").first().before(el); }); } function Subscribe(repo, _callback) { var callback = _callback; var events = new EventSource("/api/stream/" + repo, {withCredentials: true}); events.onmessage = function (event) { if (callback !== undefined) { callback(JSON.parse(; } }; events.onerror = function (event) { callback = undefined; if (events !== undefined) { events.close(); events = undefined; } console.log('user event stream closed due to error.', event); }; }; function RepoConfigViewModel(repo) { var self = this; var timeoutLabel = $(".timeout-label") $("input[type='range']").change(function(e) { var timeout = parseInt(; timeoutLabel.text(timeout + " minutes"); patchRepo(repo, { timeout: timeout }) }) $("#push").change(function(e) { patchRepo(repo, { allow_push:, }) }) $("#pull").change(function(e) { patchRepo(repo, { allow_pr:, }) }) $("#tag").change(function(e) { patchRepo(repo, { allow_tag:, }) }) $("#deploy").change(function(e) { patchRepo(repo, { allow_deploy:, }) }) $("#trusted").change(function(e) { patchRepo(repo, { trusted:, }) }) $(".btn-danger").click(function(e) { var r = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this repository?"); if (r !== false) { deleteRepo(repo); } }) } function deleteRepo(repo) { $.ajax({ url: "/api/repos/"+repo, type: "DELETE", contentType: "application/json", success: function() { window.location.href="/"; }, }); } function patchRepo(repo, data) { $.ajax({ url: "/api/repos/"+repo, type: "PATCH", contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify(data) }); }