linters-settings: gofmt: simplify: true rewrite-rules: - pattern: interface{} replacement: any misspell: locale: US gofumpt: extra-rules: true forbidigo: forbid: - context\.WithCancel$ - ^print.*$ - panic errorlint: errorf-multi: true linters: disable-all: true enable: - bidichk - errcheck - gofmt - goimports - gosimple - govet - ineffassign - misspell - revive - staticcheck - typecheck - unused - whitespace - gofumpt - errorlint - forbidigo - zerologlint run: timeout: 5m issues: exclude-rules: # gin force us to use string as context key - path: server/store/context.go linters: - staticcheck - revive # let cli use print and panic - path: 'cmd/*|cli/*' linters: - forbidigo