# Server Drone uses the `net/http` package in the Go standard library for high-performance `http` request processing. This section describes how to customize the default server configuration. This section is completely **optional**. ## Server Settings This section lists all environment variables used to configure the server. * `SERVER_ADDR` server address and port. Defaults to `:8000` * `SERVER_KEY` ssl certificate key (key.pem) * `SERVER_CERT` ssl certificate (cert.pem) This example changes the default port to `:80`: ``` SERVER_ADDR=":80" ``` ## Server SSL Drone uses the `ListAndServerTLS` function in the Go standard library to accept `https` connections. If you experience any issues configuring `https` please contact us on [gitter](https://gitter.im/drone/drone). Please do not log an issue saying `https` is broken in Drone (it isn't). This example accepts `HTTPS` connections: ``` SERVER_ADDR=":443" SERVER_KEY="/path/to/key.pem" SERVER_CERT="/path/to/cert.pem" ``` > **NOTE** if the certificate is signed by a certificate authority, the cert should be the concatenation of the server's certificate followed by the CA's certificate. When running Drone inside Docker, you'll need to mount the volume containing the certificate: ``` docker run --volume /path/to/cert.pem:/path/to/cert.pem \ --volume /path/to/key.pem:/path/to/key.pem \ ```