> mysql driver has known timeout issues. See [#257](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/issues/257). # MySQL Drone comes with support for MySQL as an alternate database engine. To enable MySQL, you should specify the following environment variables: ```bash DATABASE_DRIVER="mysql" DATABASE_CONFIG="root:pa55word@tcp(localhost:3306)/drone?parseTime=true" ``` ## MySQL configuration The following is the standard URI connection scheme: ``` [username[:password]@][protocol[(address)]]/dbname[?options] ``` The components of this string are: * `username` optional. Use this username when connecting to the MySQL instance. * `password` optional. Use this password when connecting to the MySQL instance. * `protocol` server protocol to connect with. * `address` server address to connect to. * `dbname` name of the database to connect to * `?options` connection specific options This is an example connection string: ``` root:pa55word@tcp(localhost:3306)/drone?parseTime=true ``` Please note that `parseTime` is a **required** paramter. ## MySQL options See the official [driver documentation](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#parameters) for a full list of driver options. Note that the `parseTime=true` is required. ## MySQL Database Drone does not automatically create the database. You should use the command line utility or your preferred management console to create the database: ```bash mysql -P 3306 --protocol=tcp -u root -e 'create database if not exists drone;' ```