Drone comes with built-in support for Bitbucket Cloud. To enable Bitbucket Cloud you should configure the Drone container using the following environment variables: ```diff version: '2' services: drone-server: image: drone/drone:{{% version %}} ports: - 80:8000 - 9000 volumes: - /var/lib/drone:/var/lib/drone/ restart: always environment: - DRONE_OPEN=true - DRONE_HOST=${DRONE_HOST} + - DRONE_BITBUCKET=true + - DRONE_BITBUCKET_CLIENT=95c0282573633eb25e82 + - DRONE_BITBUCKET_SECRET=30f5064039e6b359e075 - DRONE_SECRET=${DRONE_SECRET} drone-agent: image: drone/agent:{{% version %}} restart: always depends_on: - drone-server volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock environment: - DRONE_SERVER=drone-server:9000 - DRONE_SECRET=${DRONE_SECRET} ``` # Configuration This is a full list of configuration options. Please note that many of these options use default configuration values that should work for the majority of installations. DRONE_BITBUCKET=true : Set to true to enable the Bitbucket driver. DRONE_BITBUCKET_CLIENT : Bitbucket oauth2 client id DRONE_BITBUCKET_SECRET : Bitbucket oauth2 client secret # Registration You must register your application with Bitbucket in order to generate a client and secret. Navigate to your account settings and choose OAuth from the menu, and click Add Consumer. Please use the Authorization callback URL: ```nohighlight http://drone.mycompany.com/authorize ``` Please also be sure to check the following permissions: ```nohighlight Account:Email Account:Read Team Membership:Read Repositories:Read Webhooks:Read and Write ``` # Missing Features Merge requests are not currently supported. We are interested in patches to include this functionality. If you are interested in contributing to Drone and submitting a patch please [contact us](https://discourse.drone.io).