# Prometheus Woodpecker is compatible with Prometheus and exposes a `/metrics` endpoint if the environment variable `WOODPECKER_PROMETHEUS_AUTH_TOKEN` is set. Please note that access to the metrics endpoint is restricted and requires the authorization token from the environment variable mentioned above. ```yaml global: scrape_interval: 60s scrape_configs: - job_name: 'woodpecker' bearer_token: dummyToken... static_configs: - targets: ['woodpecker.domain.com'] ``` ## Authorization An administrator will need to generate a user API token and configure in the Prometheus configuration file as a bearer token. Please see the following example: ```diff global: scrape_interval: 60s scrape_configs: - job_name: 'woodpecker' + bearer_token: dummyToken... static_configs: - targets: ['woodpecker.domain.com'] ``` As an alternative, the token can also be read from a file: ```diff global: scrape_interval: 60s scrape_configs: - job_name: 'woodpecker' + bearer_token_file: /etc/secrets/woodpecker-monitoring-token static_configs: - targets: ['woodpecker.domain.com'] ``` ## Metric Reference List of Prometheus metrics specific to Woodpecker: ```yaml # HELP woodpecker_pipeline_count Pipeline count. # TYPE woodpecker_pipeline_count counter woodpecker_pipeline_count{branch="main",pipeline="total",repo="woodpecker-ci/woodpecker",status="success"} 3 woodpecker_pipeline_count{branch="dev",pipeline="total",repo="woodpecker-ci/woodpecker",status="success"} 3 # HELP woodpecker_pipeline_time Build time. # TYPE woodpecker_pipeline_time gauge woodpecker_pipeline_time{branch="main",pipeline="total",repo="woodpecker-ci/woodpecker",status="success"} 116 woodpecker_pipeline_time{branch="dev",pipeline="total",repo="woodpecker-ci/woodpecker",status="success"} 155 # HELP woodpecker_pipeline_total_count Total number of builds. # TYPE woodpecker_pipeline_total_count gauge woodpecker_pipeline_total_count 1025 # HELP woodpecker_pending_steps Total number of pending pipeline steps. # TYPE woodpecker_pending_steps gauge woodpecker_pending_steps 0 # HELP woodpecker_repo_count Total number of repos. # TYPE woodpecker_repo_count gauge woodpecker_repo_count 9 # HELP woodpecker_running_steps Total number of running pipeline steps. # TYPE woodpecker_running_steps gauge woodpecker_running_steps 0 # HELP woodpecker_user_count Total number of users. # TYPE woodpecker_user_count gauge woodpecker_user_count 1 # HELP woodpecker_waiting_steps Total number of pipeline waiting on deps. # TYPE woodpecker_waiting_steps gauge woodpecker_waiting_steps 0 # HELP woodpecker_worker_count Total number of workers. # TYPE woodpecker_worker_count gauge woodpecker_worker_count 4 ```