swagger: "2.0" info: version: 1.0.0 title: Woodpecker API license: name: Creative Commons 4.0 International url: "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/" host: "localhost:8080" basePath: /api schemes: - http - https consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json # # Operation tags # tags: - name: Repos - name: Builds - name: User - name: Users # # Security Definitions # security: - accessToken: [] securityDefinitions: accessToken: type: apiKey in: query name: access_token # # Endpoint Definitions # paths: # # Repos Endpoint # /repos/{owner}/{name}: get: parameters: - name: owner in: path type: string description: owner of the repository - name: name in: path type: string description: name of the repository tags: - Repos summary: Get a repo description: Retrieves the details of a repository. security: - accessToken: [] responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Repo" 404: description: | Unable to find the repository. patch: parameters: - name: owner in: path type: string description: owner of the repository - name: name in: path type: string description: name of the repository - name: repo in: body description: The updated repository JSON schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Repo' example: | { "timeout": 60, "private": false, "trusted": false, "allow_pr": true } required: true tags: - Repos summary: Updates a repo description: Updates the specified repository. security: - accessToken: [] responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Repo" 400: description: | Unable to update the repository in the database. 404: description: | Unable to find the repository. post: parameters: - name: owner in: path type: string description: owner of the repository - name: name in: path type: string description: name of the repository tags: - Repos summary: Activates a repo description: Activates a repository. security: - accessToken: [] responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Repo" 400: description: | Unable to update the Repository record in the database 403: description: | Unable to activate the Repository due to insufficient privileges 404: description: | Unable to retrieve the Repository from the remote system (ie GitHub) 409: description: | Unable to activate the Repository because it is already activate 500: description: | Unable to activate the Repository due to an internal server error. This may indicate a problem adding hooks to the remote system (ie Github), generating SSH deployment keys, or persisting to the database. delete: parameters: - name: owner in: path type: string description: owner of the repository - name: name in: path type: string description: name of the repository tags: - Repos summary: Delete a repo description: Permanently deletes a repository. It cannot be undone. security: - accessToken: [] responses: 200: description: | Successfully deleted the Repository 400: description: | Unable to remove post-commit hooks from the remote system (ie GitHub) 404: description: | Unable to find the Repository in the database 500: description: | Unable to update the Repository record in the database # # Repos Param Encryption Enpoint # TODO: properly add the input output schema /repos/{owner}/{name}/encrypt: post: parameters: - name: owner in: path type: string description: owner of the repository - name: name in: path type: string description: name of the repository tags: - Repos summary: Encrypt repo secrets description: Encryptes a Yaml file with secret environment variables for secure public storage. security: - accessToken: [] responses: 200: description: The encrypted parameters. 400: description: | Unable to encrypt the parameters. 404: description: | Unable to find the repository. # # Builds Endpoint # /repos/{owner}/{name}/builds: get: parameters: - name: owner in: path type: string description: owner of the repository - name: name in: path type: string description: name of the repository tags: - Builds summary: Get recent builds description: Returns recent builds for the repository based on name. security: - accessToken: [] responses: 200: description: The recent builds. schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/Build" 404: description: | Unable to find the Repository in the database /repos/{owner}/{name}/builds/{number}: get: parameters: - name: owner in: path type: string description: owner of the repository - name: name in: path type: string description: name of the repository - name: branch in: query type: string description: name of the branch required: false - name: number in: path type: integer description: sequential build number tags: - Builds summary: Get the latest build description: Returns the latest repository build. security: - accessToken: [] responses: 200: description: The build. schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Build" 404: description: | Unable to find the Repository or Build post: parameters: - name: owner in: path type: string description: owner of the repository - name: name in: path type: string description: name of the repository - name: number in: path type: integer description: sequential build number tags: - Builds summary: Restart a build description: Restart the a build by number. security: - accessToken: [] responses: 200: description: Successfully restarted the Build. schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Build" 404: description: | Unable to find the Repository or Build. 409: description: | Cannot re-start a Build that is running. # # Jobs Endpoint # /repos/{owner}/{name}/logs/{number}/{job}: get: parameters: - name: owner in: path type: string description: owner of the repository - name: name in: path type: string description: name of the repository - name: number in: path type: integer description: sequential build number - name: job in: path type: integer description: sequential job number tags: - Builds summary: Get build logs description: Returns the build logs for a specific job (build step). produces: - text/plain security: - accessToken: [] responses: 200: description: The logs for the requested job. 404: description: | Unable to find the repository, build or job. delete: parameters: - name: owner in: path type: string description: owner of the repository - name: name in: path type: string description: name of the repository - name: number in: path type: integer description: sequential build number - name: job in: path type: integer description: sequential job number tags: - Builds summary: Cancel a Job description: Cancel the a build job by number. security: - accessToken: [] responses: 200: description: Successfully cancelled the Job 404: description: | Unable to find the Repository or Job 409: description: | Cannot cancel a Job that is already stopped # # User Endpoint # /user: get: summary: Gets a user description: Returns the currently authenticated user. security: - accessToken: [] tags: - User responses: 200: description: The currently authenticated user. schema: $ref: "#/definitions/User" patch: summary: Updates a user description: Updates the currently authenticated user. tags: - User parameters: - name: user in: body description: Updates to the user. required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/User" responses: 200: description: The updated user. schema: $ref: "#/definitions/User" 400: description: | Unable to update the user in the database # # User Repos # /user/repos: get: summary: Get user repos description: | Retrieve the currently authenticated User's Repository list tags: - User responses: 200: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/Repo" 400: description: | Unable to retrieve Repository list # # Users Endpoint # /users: get: tags: - Users summary: Get all users description: Returns all registered, active users in the system. security: - accessToken: [] responses: 200: description: All registered users. schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/User" /users/{login}: get: parameters: - name: login in: path type: string description: user login tags: - Users summary: Get a user description: Returns a user with the specified login name. security: - accessToken: [] responses: 200: description: Returns the user. schema: $ref: "#/definitions/User" 404: description: Cannot find user with matching login. post: parameters: - name: login in: path type: string description: user login to activate tags: - Users summary: Create a user description: Creates a new user account with the specified external login. security: - accessToken: [] responses: 201: description: Returns the created user. schema: $ref: "#/definitions/User" 400: description: | Error inserting User into the database patch: parameters: - name: login in: path type: string description: user login - name: user in: body description: changes to the user schema: $ref: '#/definitions/User' example: | { "email": "octocat@github.com", "admin": false, "active": true } required: true tags: - Users summary: Update a user description: Updates an existing user account. security: - accessToken: [] responses: 200: description: Returns the updated user. schema: $ref: "#/definitions/User" 400: description: | Error updating the User in the database delete: parameters: - name: login in: path type: string description: user login tags: - Users summary: Delete a user description: Deletes the user with the specified login name. security: - accessToken: [] responses: 204: description: | Successfully deleted the User 400: description: | Error deleting the User from the database 403: description: | Cannot delete your own User account 404: description: | Cannot find the User # # Schema Definitions # definitions: User: description: The user account. example: | { "id": 1, "login": "octocat", "email": "octocat@github.com", "avatar_url": "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/7194e8d48fa1d2b689f99443b767316c", "admin": false, "active": true } properties: id: description: The unique identifier for the account. type: integer format: int64 login: description: The login name for the account. type: string email: description: The email address for the account. type: string avatar_url: description: The url for the avatar image. type: string admin: description: Whether the account has administrative priviledges. type: boolean active: description: Whether the account is currently active. type: boolean Repo: description: A version control repository. example: | { "id": 1, "scm": "git", "owner": "octocat", "name": "hello-world", "full_name": "octocat/hello-world", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2181346?v=3", "link_url": "https://github.com/octocat/hello-world", "clone_url": "https://github.com/octocat/hello-world.git", "default_branch": "master", "timeout": 60, "private": false, "trusted": false, "allow_pr": true } properties: id: description: The unique identifier for the repository. type: integer format: int64 scm: description: | The source control management being used. Currently this is either 'git' or 'hg' (Mercurial). type: string owner: description: The owner of the repository. type: string name: description: The name of the repository. type: string full_name: description: | The full name of the repository. This is created from the owner and name of the repository. type: string avatar_url: description: The url for the avatar image. type: string link_url: description: The link to view the repository. type: string clone_url: description: The url used to clone the repository. type: string default_branch: description: The default branch of the repository. type: string private: description: Whether the repository is publicly visible. type: boolean trusted: description: | Whether the repository has trusted access for builds. If the repository is trusted then the host network can be used and volumes can be created. type: boolean timeout: description: The amount of time in minutes before the build is killed. type: integer x-dart-type: Duration allow_pr: description: Whether pull requests should trigger a build. type: boolean Build: description: A build for a repository. example: | { "id": 1, "number": 1, "event": "push", "status": "success", "created_at": 1443677151, "enqueued_at": 1443677151, "started_at": 1443677151, "finished_at": 1443677255, "commit": "2deb7e0d0cbac357eeb110c8a2f2f32ce037e0d5", "branch": "master", "ref": "refs/heads/master", "remote": "https://github.com/octocat/hello-world.git", "message": "New line at end of file. --Signed off by Spaceghost", "timestamp": 1443677255, "author": "Spaceghost", "author_avatar": "https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/251370?v=3", "author_email": "octocat@github.com", "link_url": "https://github.com/octocat/hello-world/commit/762941318ee16e59dabbacb1b4049eec22f0d303", "jobs": [ { "id": 1, "number": 1, "status": "success", "enqueued_at": 1443677151, "started_at": 1443677151, "finished_at": 1443677255, "exit_code": 0, "environment": { "GO_VERSION": "1.4" } }, { "id": 2, "number": 2, "status": "success", "enqueued_at": 1443677151, "started_at": 1443677151, "finished_at": 1443677255, "exit_code": 0, "environment": { "GO_VERSION": "1.5" } } ] } properties: id: type: integer format: int64 number: description: | The build number. This number is specified within the context of the repository the build belongs to and is unique within that. type: integer status: description: The current status of the build. $ref: '#definitions/BuildStatus' created_at: description: When the build request was received. type: integer format: int64 x-dart-type: DateTime enqueued_at: description: When the build was enqueued. type: integer format: int64 x-dart-type: DateTime started_at: description: When the build began execution. type: integer format: int64 x-dart-type: DateTime finished_at: description: When the build was finished. type: integer format: int64 x-dart-type: DateTime deploy_to: description: Where the deployment should go. type: string commit: description: The commit for the build. type: string branch: description: The branch the commit was pushed to. type: string message: description: The commit message. type: string timestamp: description: When the commit was created. type: integer format: int64 x-dart-format: DateTime ref: description: The alias for the commit. type: string refspec: description: The mapping from the local repository to a branch in the remote. type: string remote: description: The remote repository. type: string author: description: The login for the author of the commit. type: string author_avatar: description: The avatar for the author of the commit. type: string author_email: description: The email for the author of the commit. type: string link_url: description: | The link to view the repository. This link will point to the repository state associated with the build's commit. type: string jobs: description: | The jobs associated with this build. A build will have multiple jobs if a matrix build was used or if a rebuild was requested. type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/Job" BuildStatus: description: The status of a build. type: string enum: - success - failure - pending - started - error - killed x-enum-descriptions: - The build was successful. - The build failed. - The build is pending execution. - The build was started. - There was an error running the build. - The build was killed either manually or through a timeout. Job: description: A single job being executed as part of a build. example: | { "id": 1, "number": 1, "status": "success", "enqueued_at": 1443677151, "started_at": 1443677151, "finished_at": 1443677255, "exit_code": 0, "environment": { "GO_VERSION": "1.4" } } properties: id: description: The unique identifier for the build. type: integer format: int64 number: description: | The job number. This number is specified within the context of the build the job belongs to and is unique within that. type: integer status: description: The current status of the job. $ref: '#definitions/BuildStatus' exit_code: description: The exit code for the build. type: integer enqueued_at: description: When the job was enqueued. type: integer format: int64 x-dart-type: DateTime started_at: description: When the job began execution. type: integer format: int64 x-dart-type: DateTime finished_at: description: When the job finished execution. type: integer format: int64 x-dart-type: DateTime environment: description: | The environment that the job was run with. This is a map containing any values for matrix builds. type: object Feed: description: | A feed entry for a build. Feed entries can be used to display information on the latest builds. example: | { "owner": "octocat", "name": "hello-world", "full_name": "octocat/hello-world", "number": 1, "event": "push", "status": "success", "created_at": 1443677151, "enqueued_at": 1443677151, "started_at": 1443677151, "finished_at": 1443677255, "commit": "2deb7e0d0cbac357eeb110c8a2f2f32ce037e0d5", "branch": "master", "ref": "refs/heads/master", "remote": "https://github.com/octocat/hello-world.git", "message": "New line at end of file. --Signed off by Spaceghost", "timestamp": 1443677255, "author": "Spaceghost", "author_avatar": "https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/251370?v=3", "author_email": "octocat@github.com", "link_url": "https://github.com/octocat/hello-world/commit/762941318ee16e59dabbacb1b4049eec22f0d303", } properties: owner: description: The owner of the repository. type: string name: description: The name of the repository. type: string full_name: description: | The full name of the repository. This is created from the owner and name of the repository. type: string number: description: | The build number. This number is specified within the context of the repository the build belongs to and is unique within that. type: integer status: description: The current status of the build. $ref: '#definitions/BuildStatus' created_at: description: When the build request was received. type: integer format: int64 x-dart-type: DateTime enqueued_at: description: When the build was enqueued. type: integer format: int64 x-dart-type: DateTime started_at: description: When the build began execution. type: integer format: int64 x-dart-type: DateTime finished_at: description: When the build was finished. type: integer format: int64 x-dart-type: DateTime commit: description: The commit for the build. type: string branch: description: The branch the commit was pushed to. type: string message: description: The commit message. type: string timestamp: description: When the commit was created. type: integer format: int64 x-dart-format: DateTime ref: description: The alias for the commit. type: string refspec: description: The mapping from the local repository to a branch in the remote. type: string remote: description: The remote repository. type: string author: description: The login for the author of the commit. type: string author_avatar: description: The avatar for the author of the commit. type: string author_email: description: The email for the author of the commit. type: string link_url: description: | The link to view the repository. This link will point to the repository state associated with the build's commit. type: string