package linter import ( "testing" "" ) func TestLint(t *testing.T) { testdatas := []struct{ Title, Data string }{{Title: "map", Data: ` pipeline: build: image: docker privileged: true network_mode: host volumes: - /tmp:/tmp commands: - go build - go test publish: image: plugins/docker repo: foo/bar settings: foo: bar services: redis: image: redis `}, {Title: "list", Data: ` pipeline: - name: build image: docker privileged: true network_mode: host volumes: - /tmp:/tmp commands: - go build - go test - name: publish image: plugins/docker repo: foo/bar settings: foo: bar `}} for _, testd := range testdatas { t.Run(testd.Title, func(t *testing.T) { conf, err := yaml.ParseString(testd.Data) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Cannot unmarshal yaml %q. Error: %s", testd, err) } if err := New(WithTrusted(true)).Lint(conf); err != nil { t.Errorf("Expected lint returns no errors, got %q", err) } }) } } func TestLintErrors(t *testing.T) { testdata := []struct { from string want string }{ { from: "", want: "Invalid or missing pipeline section", }, { from: "pipeline: { build: { image: '' } }", want: "Invalid or missing image", }, { from: "pipeline: { build: { image: golang, privileged: true } }", want: "Insufficient privileges to use privileged mode", }, { from: "pipeline: { build: { image: golang, shm_size: 10gb } }", want: "Insufficient privileges to override shm_size", }, { from: "pipeline: { build: { image: golang, dns: [ ] } }", want: "Insufficient privileges to use custom dns", }, { from: "pipeline: { build: { image: golang, dns_search: [ ] } }", want: "Insufficient privileges to use dns_search", }, { from: "pipeline: { build: { image: golang, devices: [ '/dev/tty0:/dev/tty0' ] } }", want: "Insufficient privileges to use devices", }, { from: "pipeline: { build: { image: golang, extra_hosts: [ 'somehost:' ] } }", want: "Insufficient privileges to use extra_hosts", }, { from: "pipeline: { build: { image: golang, network_mode: host } }", want: "Insufficient privileges to use network_mode", }, { from: "pipeline: { build: { image: golang, networks: [ outside, default ] } }", want: "Insufficient privileges to use networks", }, { from: "pipeline: { build: { image: golang, volumes: [ '/opt/data:/var/lib/mysql' ] } }", want: "Insufficient privileges to use volumes", }, { from: "pipeline: { build: { image: golang, network_mode: 'container:name' } }", want: "Insufficient privileges to use network_mode", }, { from: "pipeline: { build: { image: golang, sysctls: [ net.core.somaxconn=1024 ] } }", want: "Insufficient privileges to use sysctls", }, } for _, test := range testdata { conf, err := yaml.ParseString(test.from) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Cannot unmarshal yaml %q. Error: %s", test.from, err) } lerr := New().Lint(conf) if lerr == nil { t.Errorf("Expected lint error for configuration %q", test.from) } else if lerr.Error() != test.want { t.Errorf("Want error %q, got %q", test.want, lerr.Error()) } } }