// Copyright 2023 Woodpecker Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package types import ( "testing" "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/strslice" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "gopkg.in/yaml.v3" "go.woodpecker-ci.org/woodpecker/v2/pipeline/frontend/yaml/constraint" "go.woodpecker-ci.org/woodpecker/v2/pipeline/frontend/yaml/types/base" ) var containerYaml = []byte(` image: golang:latest commands: - go build - go test cpu_quota: 11 cpuset: 1,2 cpu_shares: 99 detach: true devices: - /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0 directory: example/ dns: dns_search: example.com entrypoint: [/bin/sh, -c] environment: - RACK_ENV=development - SHOW=true extra_hosts: - somehost: - otherhost: - ipv6:2001:db8::10 name: my-build-container network_mode: bridge networks: - some-network - other-network pull: true privileged: true shm_size: 1kb mem_limit: 1kb memswap_limit: 1kb volumes: - /var/lib/mysql - /opt/data:/var/lib/mysql - /etc/configs:/etc/configs/:ro tmpfs: - /var/lib/test when: - branch: main - event: cron cron: job1 settings: foo: bar baz: false ports: - 8080 - 4443/tcp - 51820/udp `) func TestUnmarshalContainer(t *testing.T) { want := Container{ Commands: base.StringOrSlice{"go build", "go test"}, CPUQuota: base.StringOrInt(11), CPUSet: "1,2", CPUShares: base.StringOrInt(99), Detached: true, Devices: []string{"/dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0"}, Directory: "example/", DNS: base.StringOrSlice{""}, DNSSearch: base.StringOrSlice{"example.com"}, Entrypoint: []string{"/bin/sh", "-c"}, Environment: base.SliceOrMap{"RACK_ENV": "development", "SHOW": "true"}, ExtraHosts: []string{"somehost:", "otherhost:", "ipv6:2001:db8::10"}, Image: "golang:latest", MemLimit: base.MemStringOrInt(1024), MemSwapLimit: base.MemStringOrInt(1024), Name: "my-build-container", Networks: Networks{ Networks: []*Network{ {Name: "some-network"}, {Name: "other-network"}, }, }, NetworkMode: "bridge", Pull: true, Privileged: true, ShmSize: base.MemStringOrInt(1024), Tmpfs: base.StringOrSlice{"/var/lib/test"}, Volumes: Volumes{ Volumes: []*Volume{ {Source: "", Destination: "/var/lib/mysql"}, {Source: "/opt/data", Destination: "/var/lib/mysql"}, {Source: "/etc/configs", Destination: "/etc/configs/", AccessMode: "ro"}, }, }, When: constraint.When{ Constraints: []constraint.Constraint{ { Branch: constraint.List{ Include: []string{"main"}, }, }, { Event: constraint.List{ Include: []string{"cron"}, }, Cron: constraint.List{ Include: []string{"job1"}, }, }, }, }, Settings: map[string]any{ "foo": "bar", "baz": false, }, Ports: []string{"8080", "4443/tcp", "51820/udp"}, } got := Container{} err := yaml.Unmarshal(containerYaml, &got) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.EqualValues(t, want, got, "problem parsing container") } // TestUnmarshalContainersErr unmarshals a map of containers. The order is // retained and the container key may be used as the container name if a // name is not explicitly provided. func TestUnmarshalContainers(t *testing.T) { testdata := []struct { from string want []*Container }{ { from: "build: { image: golang }", want: []*Container{ { Name: "build", Image: "golang", }, }, }, { from: "test: { name: unit_test, image: node, settings: { normal_setting: true } }", want: []*Container{ { Name: "unit_test", Image: "node", Settings: map[string]any{ "normal_setting": true, }, }, }, }, { from: `publish-agent: group: bundle image: print/env settings: repo: woodpeckerci/woodpecker-agent dry_run: true dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.agent tag: [next, latest] secrets: [docker_username, docker_password] when: branch: ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} event: push`, want: []*Container{ { Name: "publish-agent", Image: "print/env", Group: "bundle", Secrets: Secrets{Secrets: []*Secret{{ Source: "docker_username", Target: "docker_username", }, { Source: "docker_password", Target: "docker_password", }}}, Settings: map[string]any{ "repo": "woodpeckerci/woodpecker-agent", "dockerfile": "docker/Dockerfile.agent", "tag": stringsToInterface("next", "latest"), "dry_run": true, }, When: constraint.When{ Constraints: []constraint.Constraint{ { Event: constraint.List{Include: []string{"push"}}, Branch: constraint.List{Include: []string{"${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH}"}}, }, }, }, }, }, }, { from: `publish-cli: group: docker image: print/env settings: repo: woodpeckerci/woodpecker-cli dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.cli tag: [next] when: branch: ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} event: push`, want: []*Container{ { Name: "publish-cli", Image: "print/env", Group: "docker", Settings: map[string]any{ "repo": "woodpeckerci/woodpecker-cli", "dockerfile": "docker/Dockerfile.cli", "tag": stringsToInterface("next"), }, When: constraint.When{ Constraints: []constraint.Constraint{ { Event: constraint.List{Include: []string{"push"}}, Branch: constraint.List{Include: []string{"${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH}"}}, }, }, }, }, }, }, { from: `publish-cli: image: print/env when: - branch: ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} event: push - event: pull_request`, want: []*Container{ { Name: "publish-cli", Image: "print/env", When: constraint.When{ Constraints: []constraint.Constraint{ { Event: constraint.List{Include: []string{"push"}}, Branch: constraint.List{Include: []string{"${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH}"}}, }, { Event: constraint.List{Include: []string{"pull_request"}}, }, }, }, }, }, }, } for _, test := range testdata { in := []byte(test.from) got := ContainerList{} err := yaml.Unmarshal(in, &got) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.EqualValues(t, test.want, got.ContainerList, "problem parsing containers %q", test.from) } } // TestUnmarshalContainersErr unmarshals a container map where invalid inputs // are provided to verify error messages are returned. func TestUnmarshalContainersErr(t *testing.T) { testdata := []string{ "foo: { name: [ foo, bar] }", "- foo", } for _, test := range testdata { in := []byte(test) containers := new(ContainerList) err := yaml.Unmarshal(in, &containers) assert.Error(t, err, "wanted error for containers %q", test) } } func stringsToInterface(val ...string) []any { res := make([]any, len(val)) for i := range val { res[i] = val[i] } return res } func TestIsPlugin(t *testing.T) { assert.True(t, (&Container{}).IsPlugin()) assert.True(t, (&Container{ Commands: base.StringOrSlice(strslice.StrSlice{}), }).IsPlugin()) assert.False(t, (&Container{ Commands: base.StringOrSlice(strslice.StrSlice{"echo 'this is not a plugin'"}), }).IsPlugin()) assert.True(t, (&Container{ Entrypoint: base.StringOrSlice(strslice.StrSlice{}), }).IsPlugin()) assert.False(t, (&Container{ Entrypoint: base.StringOrSlice(strslice.StrSlice{"echo 'this is not a plugin'"}), }).IsPlugin()) }