package commands import ( "fmt" "os" "runtime" "runtime/pprof" "runtime/trace" "strconv" "" "" "" "" ) func (e *Executor) persistentPreRun(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) { if e.cfg.Run.PrintVersion { fmt.Fprintf(logutils.StdOut, "golangci-lint has version %s built from %s on %s\n", e.version, e.commit, os.Exit(0) } runtime.GOMAXPROCS(e.cfg.Run.Concurrency) if e.cfg.Run.CPUProfilePath != "" { f, err := os.Create(e.cfg.Run.CPUProfilePath) if err != nil { e.log.Fatalf("Can't create file %s: %s", e.cfg.Run.CPUProfilePath, err) } if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil { e.log.Fatalf("Can't start CPU profiling: %s", err) } } if e.cfg.Run.MemProfilePath != "" { if rate := os.Getenv("GL_MEMPROFILE_RATE"); rate != "" { runtime.MemProfileRate, _ = strconv.Atoi(rate) } } if e.cfg.Run.TracePath != "" { f, err := os.Create(e.cfg.Run.TracePath) if err != nil { e.log.Fatalf("Can't create file %s: %s", e.cfg.Run.TracePath, err) } if err = trace.Start(f); err != nil { e.log.Fatalf("Can't start tracing: %s", err) } } } func (e *Executor) persistentPostRun(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) { if e.cfg.Run.CPUProfilePath != "" { pprof.StopCPUProfile() } if e.cfg.Run.MemProfilePath != "" { f, err := os.Create(e.cfg.Run.MemProfilePath) if err != nil { e.log.Fatalf("Can't create file %s: %s", e.cfg.Run.MemProfilePath, err) } var ms runtime.MemStats runtime.ReadMemStats(&ms) printMemStats(&ms, e.log) if err := pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f); err != nil { e.log.Fatalf("Can't write heap profile: %s", err) } f.Close() } if e.cfg.Run.TracePath != "" { trace.Stop() } os.Exit(e.exitCode) } func printMemStats(ms *runtime.MemStats, logger logutils.Log) { logger.Infof("Mem stats: alloc=%s total_alloc=%s sys=%s "+ "heap_alloc=%s heap_sys=%s heap_idle=%s heap_released=%s heap_in_use=%s "+ "stack_in_use=%s stack_sys=%s "+ "mspan_sys=%s mcache_sys=%s buck_hash_sys=%s gc_sys=%s other_sys=%s "+ "mallocs_n=%d frees_n=%d heap_objects_n=%d gc_cpu_fraction=%.2f", formatMemory(ms.Alloc), formatMemory(ms.TotalAlloc), formatMemory(ms.Sys), formatMemory(ms.HeapAlloc), formatMemory(ms.HeapSys), formatMemory(ms.HeapIdle), formatMemory(ms.HeapReleased), formatMemory(ms.HeapInuse), formatMemory(ms.StackInuse), formatMemory(ms.StackSys), formatMemory(ms.MSpanSys), formatMemory(ms.MCacheSys), formatMemory(ms.BuckHashSys), formatMemory(ms.GCSys), formatMemory(ms.OtherSys), ms.Mallocs, ms.Frees, ms.HeapObjects, ms.GCCPUFraction) } func formatMemory(memBytes uint64) string { const Kb = 1024 const Mb = Kb * 1024 if memBytes < Kb { return fmt.Sprintf("%db", memBytes) } if memBytes < Mb { return fmt.Sprintf("%dkb", memBytes/Kb) } return fmt.Sprintf("%dmb", memBytes/Mb) } func getDefaultConcurrency() int { if os.Getenv("HELP_RUN") == "1" { // Make stable concurrency for README help generating builds. const prettyConcurrency = 8 return prettyConcurrency } return runtime.NumCPU() } func (e *Executor) initRoot() { rootCmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "golangci-lint", Short: "golangci-lint is a smart linters runner.", Long: `Smart, fast linters runner. Run it in cloud for every GitHub pull request on`, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { if len(args) != 0 { e.log.Fatalf("Usage: golangci-lint") } if err := cmd.Help(); err != nil { e.log.Fatalf("Can't run help: %s", err) } }, PersistentPreRun: e.persistentPreRun, PersistentPostRun: e.persistentPostRun, } initRootFlagSet(rootCmd.PersistentFlags(), e.cfg, e.needVersionOption()) e.rootCmd = rootCmd } func (e *Executor) needVersionOption() bool { return != "" } func initRootFlagSet(fs *pflag.FlagSet, cfg *config.Config, needVersionOption bool) { fs.BoolVarP(&cfg.Run.IsVerbose, "verbose", "v", false, wh("verbose output")) var silent bool fs.BoolVarP(&silent, "silent", "s", false, wh("disables congrats outputs")) if err := fs.MarkHidden("silent"); err != nil { panic(err) } err := fs.MarkDeprecated("silent", "now golangci-lint by default is silent: it doesn't print Congrats message") if err != nil { panic(err) } fs.StringVar(&cfg.Run.CPUProfilePath, "cpu-profile-path", "", wh("Path to CPU profile output file")) fs.StringVar(&cfg.Run.MemProfilePath, "mem-profile-path", "", wh("Path to memory profile output file")) fs.StringVar(&cfg.Run.TracePath, "trace-path", "", wh("Path to trace output file")) fs.IntVarP(&cfg.Run.Concurrency, "concurrency", "j", getDefaultConcurrency(), wh("Concurrency (default NumCPU)")) if needVersionOption { fs.BoolVar(&cfg.Run.PrintVersion, "version", false, wh("Print version")) } fs.StringVar(&cfg.Output.Color, "color", "auto", wh("Use color when printing; can be 'always', 'auto', or 'never'")) }