extends base block append head title #{Repo.Name} block header ol li #{Repo.Owner} / #{Repo.Name} block content div.container.repo_activate div.alert.alert-danger.hidden div.alert.alert-info | This repository is not yet activated. button.btn.btn-info#activateRepo Activate Now block append scripts script $( "#activateRepo" ).click(function() { $( "#activateRepo" ).hide(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/api/repos/#{Repo.FullName}", success: function() { window.location.href="/#{Repo.FullName}" }, error: function(err) { $(".alert-info").hide(); $(".alert-danger").text("Unable to activate this repository. You must have administrative access to this repository. Also, please check the third-party application access policy to ensure Drone is approved. "+ err.responseText).show(); } }); });