// Copyright 2022 Woodpecker Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package woodpecker import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "net/url" "strconv" "strings" ) const ( pathSelf = "%s/api/user" pathRepos = "%s/api/user/repos" pathRepoPost = "%s/api/repos?forge_remote_id=%d" pathRepo = "%s/api/repos/%d" pathRepoLookup = "%s/api/repos/lookup/%s" pathRepoMove = "%s/api/repos/%d/move?to=%s" pathChown = "%s/api/repos/%d/chown" pathRepair = "%s/api/repos/%d/repair" pathPipelines = "%s/api/repos/%d/pipelines" pathPipeline = "%s/api/repos/%d/pipelines/%v" pathLogs = "%s/api/repos/%d/logs/%d/%d" pathApprove = "%s/api/repos/%d/pipelines/%d/approve" pathDecline = "%s/api/repos/%d/pipelines/%d/decline" pathStop = "%s/api/repos/%d/pipelines/%d/cancel" pathLogPurge = "%s/api/repos/%d/logs/%d" pathRepoSecrets = "%s/api/repos/%d/secrets" pathRepoSecret = "%s/api/repos/%d/secrets/%s" pathRepoRegistries = "%s/api/repos/%d/registry" pathRepoRegistry = "%s/api/repos/%d/registry/%s" pathRepoCrons = "%s/api/repos/%d/cron" pathRepoCron = "%s/api/repos/%d/cron/%d" pathOrg = "%s/api/orgs/%d" pathOrgLookup = "%s/api/orgs/lookup/%s" pathOrgSecrets = "%s/api/orgs/%d/secrets" pathOrgSecret = "%s/api/orgs/%d/secrets/%s" pathGlobalSecrets = "%s/api/secrets" pathGlobalSecret = "%s/api/secrets/%s" pathUsers = "%s/api/users" pathUser = "%s/api/users/%s" pathPipelineQueue = "%s/api/pipelines" pathQueue = "%s/api/queue" pathLogLevel = "%s/api/log-level" pathAgents = "%s/api/agents" pathAgent = "%s/api/agents/%d" pathAgentTasks = "%s/api/agents/%d/tasks" // TODO: implement endpoints // pathFeed = "%s/api/user/feed" // pathVersion = "%s/version" ) type client struct { client *http.Client addr string } // New returns a client at the specified url. func New(uri string) Client { return &client{http.DefaultClient, strings.TrimSuffix(uri, "/")} } // NewClient returns a client at the specified url. func NewClient(uri string, cli *http.Client) Client { return &client{cli, strings.TrimSuffix(uri, "/")} } // SetClient sets the http.Client. func (c *client) SetClient(client *http.Client) { c.client = client } // SetAddress sets the server address. func (c *client) SetAddress(addr string) { c.addr = addr } // Self returns the currently authenticated user. func (c *client) Self() (*User, error) { out := new(User) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathSelf, c.addr) err := c.get(uri, out) return out, err } // User returns a user by login. func (c *client) User(login string) (*User, error) { out := new(User) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathUser, c.addr, login) err := c.get(uri, out) return out, err } // UserList returns a list of all registered users. func (c *client) UserList() ([]*User, error) { var out []*User uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathUsers, c.addr) err := c.get(uri, &out) return out, err } // UserPost creates a new user account. func (c *client) UserPost(in *User) (*User, error) { out := new(User) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathUsers, c.addr) err := c.post(uri, in, out) return out, err } // UserPatch updates a user account. func (c *client) UserPatch(in *User) (*User, error) { out := new(User) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathUser, c.addr, in.Login) err := c.patch(uri, in, out) return out, err } // UserDel deletes a user account. func (c *client) UserDel(login string) error { uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathUser, c.addr, login) err := c.delete(uri) return err } // Repo returns a repository by id. func (c *client) Repo(repoID int64) (*Repo, error) { out := new(Repo) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepo, c.addr, repoID) err := c.get(uri, out) return out, err } // RepoLookup returns a repository by name. func (c *client) RepoLookup(fullName string) (*Repo, error) { out := new(Repo) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoLookup, c.addr, fullName) err := c.get(uri, out) return out, err } // RepoList returns a list of all repositories to which // the user has explicit access in the host system. func (c *client) RepoList() ([]*Repo, error) { var out []*Repo uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepos, c.addr) err := c.get(uri, &out) return out, err } // RepoListOpts returns a list of all repositories to which // the user has explicit access in the host system. func (c *client) RepoListOpts(all bool) ([]*Repo, error) { var out []*Repo uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepos+"?all=%v", c.addr, all) err := c.get(uri, &out) return out, err } // RepoPost activates a repository. func (c *client) RepoPost(forgeRemoteID int64) (*Repo, error) { out := new(Repo) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoPost, c.addr, forgeRemoteID) err := c.post(uri, nil, out) return out, err } // RepoChown updates a repository owner. func (c *client) RepoChown(repoID int64) (*Repo, error) { out := new(Repo) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathChown, c.addr, repoID) err := c.post(uri, nil, out) return out, err } // RepoRepair repairs the repository hooks. func (c *client) RepoRepair(repoID int64) error { uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepair, c.addr, repoID) return c.post(uri, nil, nil) } // RepoPatch updates a repository. func (c *client) RepoPatch(repoID int64, in *RepoPatch) (*Repo, error) { out := new(Repo) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepo, c.addr, repoID) err := c.patch(uri, in, out) return out, err } // RepoDel deletes a repository. func (c *client) RepoDel(repoID int64) error { uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepo, c.addr, repoID) err := c.delete(uri) return err } // RepoMove moves a repository func (c *client) RepoMove(repoID int64, newFullName string) error { uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoMove, c.addr, repoID, newFullName) return c.post(uri, nil, nil) } // Pipeline returns a repository pipeline by pipeline-id. func (c *client) Pipeline(repoID int64, pipeline int) (*Pipeline, error) { out := new(Pipeline) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathPipeline, c.addr, repoID, pipeline) err := c.get(uri, out) return out, err } // Pipeline returns the latest repository pipeline by branch. func (c *client) PipelineLast(repoID int64, branch string) (*Pipeline, error) { out := new(Pipeline) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathPipeline, c.addr, repoID, "latest") if len(branch) != 0 { uri += "?branch=" + branch } err := c.get(uri, out) return out, err } // PipelineList returns a list of recent pipelines for the // the specified repository. func (c *client) PipelineList(repoID int64) ([]*Pipeline, error) { var out []*Pipeline uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathPipelines, c.addr, repoID) err := c.get(uri, &out) return out, err } func (c *client) PipelineCreate(repoID int64, options *PipelineOptions) (*Pipeline, error) { var out *Pipeline uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathPipelines, c.addr, repoID) err := c.post(uri, options, &out) return out, err } // PipelineQueue returns a list of enqueued pipelines. func (c *client) PipelineQueue() ([]*Activity, error) { var out []*Activity uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathPipelineQueue, c.addr) err := c.get(uri, &out) return out, err } // PipelineStart re-starts a stopped pipeline. func (c *client) PipelineStart(repoID int64, pipeline int, params map[string]string) (*Pipeline, error) { out := new(Pipeline) val := mapValues(params) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathPipeline, c.addr, repoID, pipeline) err := c.post(uri+"?"+val.Encode(), nil, out) return out, err } // PipelineStop cancels the running step. func (c *client) PipelineStop(repoID int64, pipeline int) error { uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathStop, c.addr, repoID, pipeline) err := c.post(uri, nil, nil) return err } // PipelineApprove approves a blocked pipeline. func (c *client) PipelineApprove(repoID int64, pipeline int) (*Pipeline, error) { out := new(Pipeline) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathApprove, c.addr, repoID, pipeline) err := c.post(uri, nil, out) return out, err } // PipelineDecline declines a blocked pipeline. func (c *client) PipelineDecline(repoID int64, pipeline int) (*Pipeline, error) { out := new(Pipeline) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathDecline, c.addr, repoID, pipeline) err := c.post(uri, nil, out) return out, err } // PipelineKill force kills the running pipeline. func (c *client) PipelineKill(repoID int64, pipeline int) error { uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathPipeline, c.addr, repoID, pipeline) err := c.delete(uri) return err } // PipelineLogs returns the pipeline logs for the specified step. func (c *client) StepLogEntries(repoID int64, num, step int) ([]*LogEntry, error) { uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathLogs, c.addr, repoID, num, step) var out []*LogEntry err := c.get(uri, &out) return out, err } // Deploy triggers a deployment for an existing pipeline using the // specified target environment. func (c *client) Deploy(repoID int64, pipeline int, env string, params map[string]string) (*Pipeline, error) { out := new(Pipeline) val := mapValues(params) val.Set("event", EventDeploy) val.Set("deploy_to", env) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathPipeline, c.addr, repoID, pipeline) err := c.post(uri+"?"+val.Encode(), nil, out) return out, err } // LogsPurge purges the pipeline logs for the specified pipeline. func (c *client) LogsPurge(repoID int64, pipeline int) error { uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathLogPurge, c.addr, repoID, pipeline) err := c.delete(uri) return err } // Registry returns a registry by hostname. func (c *client) Registry(repoID int64, hostname string) (*Registry, error) { out := new(Registry) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoRegistry, c.addr, repoID, hostname) err := c.get(uri, out) return out, err } // RegistryList returns a list of all repository registries. func (c *client) RegistryList(repoID int64) ([]*Registry, error) { var out []*Registry uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoRegistries, c.addr, repoID) err := c.get(uri, &out) return out, err } // RegistryCreate creates a registry. func (c *client) RegistryCreate(repoID int64, in *Registry) (*Registry, error) { out := new(Registry) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoRegistries, c.addr, repoID) err := c.post(uri, in, out) return out, err } // RegistryUpdate updates a registry. func (c *client) RegistryUpdate(repoID int64, in *Registry) (*Registry, error) { out := new(Registry) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoRegistry, c.addr, repoID, in.Address) err := c.patch(uri, in, out) return out, err } // RegistryDelete deletes a registry. func (c *client) RegistryDelete(repoID int64, hostname string) error { uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoRegistry, c.addr, repoID, hostname) return c.delete(uri) } // Secret returns a secret by name. func (c *client) Secret(repoID int64, secret string) (*Secret, error) { out := new(Secret) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoSecret, c.addr, repoID, secret) err := c.get(uri, out) return out, err } // SecretList returns a list of all repository secrets. func (c *client) SecretList(repoID int64) ([]*Secret, error) { var out []*Secret uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoSecrets, c.addr, repoID) err := c.get(uri, &out) return out, err } // SecretCreate creates a secret. func (c *client) SecretCreate(repoID int64, in *Secret) (*Secret, error) { out := new(Secret) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoSecrets, c.addr, repoID) err := c.post(uri, in, out) return out, err } // SecretUpdate updates a secret. func (c *client) SecretUpdate(repoID int64, in *Secret) (*Secret, error) { out := new(Secret) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoSecret, c.addr, repoID, in.Name) err := c.patch(uri, in, out) return out, err } // SecretDelete deletes a secret. func (c *client) SecretDelete(repoID int64, secret string) error { uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoSecret, c.addr, repoID, secret) return c.delete(uri) } // Org returns an organization by id. func (c *client) Org(orgID int64) (*Org, error) { out := new(Org) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathOrg, c.addr, orgID) err := c.get(uri, out) return out, err } // OrgLookup returns a organsization by its name. func (c *client) OrgLookup(name string) (*Org, error) { out := new(Org) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathOrgLookup, c.addr, name) err := c.get(uri, out) return out, err } // OrgSecret returns an organization secret by name. func (c *client) OrgSecret(orgID int64, secret string) (*Secret, error) { out := new(Secret) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathOrgSecret, c.addr, orgID, secret) err := c.get(uri, out) return out, err } // OrgSecretList returns a list of all organization secrets. func (c *client) OrgSecretList(orgID int64) ([]*Secret, error) { var out []*Secret uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathOrgSecrets, c.addr, orgID) err := c.get(uri, &out) return out, err } // OrgSecretCreate creates an organization secret. func (c *client) OrgSecretCreate(orgID int64, in *Secret) (*Secret, error) { out := new(Secret) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathOrgSecrets, c.addr, orgID) err := c.post(uri, in, out) return out, err } // OrgSecretUpdate updates an organization secret. func (c *client) OrgSecretUpdate(orgID int64, in *Secret) (*Secret, error) { out := new(Secret) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathOrgSecret, c.addr, orgID, in.Name) err := c.patch(uri, in, out) return out, err } // OrgSecretDelete deletes an organization secret. func (c *client) OrgSecretDelete(orgID int64, secret string) error { uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathOrgSecret, c.addr, orgID, secret) return c.delete(uri) } // GlobalOrgSecret returns an global secret by name. func (c *client) GlobalSecret(secret string) (*Secret, error) { out := new(Secret) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathGlobalSecret, c.addr, secret) err := c.get(uri, out) return out, err } // GlobalSecretList returns a list of all global secrets. func (c *client) GlobalSecretList() ([]*Secret, error) { var out []*Secret uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathGlobalSecrets, c.addr) err := c.get(uri, &out) return out, err } // GlobalSecretCreate creates a global secret. func (c *client) GlobalSecretCreate(in *Secret) (*Secret, error) { out := new(Secret) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathGlobalSecrets, c.addr) err := c.post(uri, in, out) return out, err } // GlobalSecretUpdate updates a global secret. func (c *client) GlobalSecretUpdate(in *Secret) (*Secret, error) { out := new(Secret) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathGlobalSecret, c.addr, in.Name) err := c.patch(uri, in, out) return out, err } // GlobalSecretDelete deletes a global secret. func (c *client) GlobalSecretDelete(secret string) error { uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathGlobalSecret, c.addr, secret) return c.delete(uri) } // QueueInfo returns queue info func (c *client) QueueInfo() (*Info, error) { out := new(Info) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathQueue+"/info", c.addr) err := c.get(uri, out) return out, err } // LogLevel returns the current logging level func (c *client) LogLevel() (*LogLevel, error) { out := new(LogLevel) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathLogLevel, c.addr) err := c.get(uri, out) return out, err } // SetLogLevel sets the logging level of the server func (c *client) SetLogLevel(in *LogLevel) (*LogLevel, error) { out := new(LogLevel) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathLogLevel, c.addr) err := c.post(uri, in, out) return out, err } func (c *client) CronList(repoID int64) ([]*Cron, error) { out := make([]*Cron, 0, 5) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoCrons, c.addr, repoID) return out, c.get(uri, &out) } func (c *client) CronCreate(repoID int64, in *Cron) (*Cron, error) { out := new(Cron) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoCrons, c.addr, repoID) return out, c.post(uri, in, out) } func (c *client) CronUpdate(repoID int64, in *Cron) (*Cron, error) { out := new(Cron) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoCron, c.addr, repoID, in.ID) err := c.patch(uri, in, out) return out, err } func (c *client) CronDelete(repoID, cronID int64) error { uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoCron, c.addr, repoID, cronID) return c.delete(uri) } func (c *client) CronGet(repoID, cronID int64) (*Cron, error) { out := new(Cron) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoCron, c.addr, repoID, cronID) return out, c.get(uri, out) } func (c *client) AgentList() ([]*Agent, error) { out := make([]*Agent, 0, 5) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathAgents, c.addr) return out, c.get(uri, &out) } func (c *client) Agent(agentID int64) (*Agent, error) { out := new(Agent) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathAgent, c.addr, agentID) return out, c.get(uri, out) } func (c *client) AgentCreate(in *Agent) (*Agent, error) { out := new(Agent) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathAgents, c.addr) return out, c.post(uri, in, out) } func (c *client) AgentUpdate(in *Agent) (*Agent, error) { out := new(Agent) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathAgent, c.addr, in.ID) return out, c.patch(uri, in, out) } func (c *client) AgentDelete(agentID int64) error { uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathAgent, c.addr, agentID) return c.delete(uri) } func (c *client) AgentTasksList(agentID int64) ([]*Task, error) { out := make([]*Task, 0, 5) uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathAgentTasks, c.addr, agentID) return out, c.get(uri, &out) } // // http request helper functions // // helper function for making an http GET request. func (c *client) get(rawurl string, out interface{}) error { return c.do(rawurl, http.MethodGet, nil, out) } // helper function for making an http POST request. func (c *client) post(rawurl string, in, out interface{}) error { return c.do(rawurl, http.MethodPost, in, out) } // helper function for making an http PATCH request. func (c *client) patch(rawurl string, in, out interface{}) error { return c.do(rawurl, http.MethodPatch, in, out) } // helper function for making an http DELETE request. func (c *client) delete(rawurl string) error { return c.do(rawurl, http.MethodDelete, nil, nil) } // helper function to make an http request func (c *client) do(rawurl, method string, in, out interface{}) error { body, err := c.open(rawurl, method, in) if err != nil { return err } defer body.Close() if out != nil { return json.NewDecoder(body).Decode(out) } return nil } // helper function to open an http request func (c *client) open(rawurl, method string, in interface{}) (io.ReadCloser, error) { uri, err := url.Parse(rawurl) if err != nil { return nil, err } req, err := http.NewRequest(method, uri.String(), nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } if in != nil { decoded, derr := json.Marshal(in) if derr != nil { return nil, derr } buf := bytes.NewBuffer(decoded) req.Body = io.NopCloser(buf) req.ContentLength = int64(len(decoded)) req.Header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(len(decoded))) req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json") } resp, err := c.client.Do(req) if err != nil { return nil, err } if resp.StatusCode > http.StatusPartialContent { defer resp.Body.Close() out, _ := io.ReadAll(resp.Body) return nil, fmt.Errorf("client error %d: %s", resp.StatusCode, string(out)) } return resp.Body, nil } // mapValues converts a map to url.Values func mapValues(params map[string]string) url.Values { values := url.Values{} for key, val := range params { values.Add(key, val) } return values }