package main import ( "net/http" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) var serverCmd = cli.Command{ Name: "server", Usage: "starts the drone server daemon", Action: func(c *cli.Context) { if err := server(c); err != nil { logrus.Fatal(err) } }, Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_DEBUG", Name: "debug", Usage: "start the server in debug mode", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_SERVER_ADDR", Name: "server-addr", Usage: "server address", Value: ":8000", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_SERVER_CERT", Name: "server-cert", Usage: "server ssl cert", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_SERVER_KEY", Name: "server-key", Usage: "server ssl key", }, cli.StringSliceFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_ADMIN", Name: "admin", Usage: "list of admin users", }, cli.StringSliceFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_ORGS", Name: "orgs", Usage: "list of approved organizations", }, cli.BoolFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_OPEN", Name: "open", Usage: "open user registration", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_YAML", Name: "yaml", Usage: "build configuraton file name", Value: ".drone.yml", }, cli.DurationFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_CACHE_TTY", Name: "cache-tty", Usage: "cache duration", Value: time.Minute * 15, }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_AGENT_SECRET,DRONE_SECRET", Name: "agent-secret", Usage: "agent secret passcode", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_DATABASE_DRIVER,DATABASE_DRIVER", Name: "driver", Usage: "database driver", Value: "sqlite3", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_DATABASE_DATASOURCE,DATABASE_CONFIG", Name: "datasource", Usage: "database driver configuration string", Value: "drone.sqlite", }, cli.BoolFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITHUB", Name: "github", Usage: "github driver is enabled", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITHUB_URL", Name: "github-server", Usage: "github server address", Value: "", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITHUB_CONTEXT", Name: "github-context", Usage: "github status context", Value: "continuous-integration/drone", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITHUB_CLIENT", Name: "github-client", Usage: "github oauth2 client id", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITHUB_SECRET", Name: "github-secret", Usage: "github oauth2 client secret", }, cli.StringSliceFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITHUB_SCOPE", Name: "github-scope", Usage: "github oauth scope", Value: &cli.StringSlice{ "repo", "repo:status", "user:email", "read:org", }, }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITHUB_GIT_USERNAME", Name: "github-git-username", Usage: "github machine user username", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITHUB_GIT_PASSWORD", Name: "github-git-password", Usage: "github machine user password", }, cli.BoolTFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITHUB_MERGE_REF", Name: "github-merge-ref", Usage: "github pull requests use merge ref", }, cli.BoolFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITHUB_PRIVATE_MODE", Name: "github-private-mode", Usage: "github is running in private mode", }, cli.BoolFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITHUB_SKIP_VERIFY", Name: "github-skip-verify", Usage: "github skip ssl verification", }, cli.BoolFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GOGS", Name: "gogs", Usage: "gogs driver is enabled", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GOGS_URL", Name: "gogs-server", Usage: "gogs server address", Value: "", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GOGS_GIT_USERNAME", Name: "gogs-git-username", Usage: "gogs service account username", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GOGS_GIT_PASSWORD", Name: "gogs-git-password", Usage: "gogs service account password", }, cli.BoolFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GOGS_PRIVATE_MODE", Name: "gogs-private-mode", Usage: "gogs private mode enabled", }, cli.BoolFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GOGS_SKIP_VERIFY", Name: "gogs-skip-verify", Usage: "gogs skip ssl verification", }, cli.BoolFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_BITBUCKET", Name: "bitbucket", Usage: "bitbucket driver is enabled", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_BITBUCKET_CLIENT", Name: "bitbucket-client", Usage: "bitbucket oauth2 client id", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_BITBUCKET_SECRET", Name: "bitbucket-secret", Usage: "bitbucket oauth2 client secret", }, cli.BoolFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITLAB", Name: "gitlab", Usage: "gitlab driver is enabled", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITLAB_URL", Name: "gitlab-server", Usage: "gitlab server address", Value: "", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITLAB_CLIENT", Name: "gitlab-client", Usage: "gitlab oauth2 client id", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITLAB_SECRET", Name: "gitlab-secret", Usage: "gitlab oauth2 client secret", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITLAB_GIT_USERNAME", Name: "gitlab-git-username", Usage: "gitlab service account username", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITLAB_GIT_PASSWORD", Name: "gitlab-git-password", Usage: "gitlab service account password", }, cli.BoolFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITLAB_SKIP_VERIFY", Name: "gitlab-skip-verify", Usage: "gitlab skip ssl verification", }, cli.BoolFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_GITLAB_PRIVATE_MODE", Name: "gitlab-private-mode", Usage: "gitlab is running in private mode", }, cli.BoolFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_STASH", Name: "stash", Usage: "stash driver is enabled", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_STASH_URL", Name: "stash-server", Usage: "stash server address", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_STASH_CONSUMER_KEY", Name: "stash-consumer-key", Usage: "stash oauth1 consumer key", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_STASH_CONSUMER_RSA", Name: "stash-consumer-rsa", Usage: "stash oauth1 private key file", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_STASH_GIT_USERNAME", Name: "stash-git-username", Usage: "stash service account username", }, cli.StringFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_STASH_GIT_PASSWORD", Name: "stash-git-password", Usage: "stash service account password", }, cli.BoolFlag{ EnvVar: "DRONE_STASH_SKIP_VERIFY", Name: "stash-skip-verify", Usage: "stash skip ssl verification", }, }, } func server(c *cli.Context) error { // debug level if requested by user if c.Bool("debug") { logrus.SetLevel(logrus.DebugLevel) } else { logrus.SetLevel(logrus.WarnLevel) } // setup the server and start the listener handler := router.Load( ginrus.Ginrus(logrus.StandardLogger(), time.RFC3339, true), middleware.Version, middleware.Config(c), middleware.Cache(c), middleware.Store(c), middleware.Remote(c), middleware.Agents(c), middleware.Broker(c), ) // start the server with tls enabled if c.String("server-cert") != "" { return http.ListenAndServeTLS( c.String("server-addr"), c.String("server-cert"), c.String("server-key"), handler, ) } // start the server without tls enabled return http.ListenAndServe( c.String("server-addr"), handler, ) }