GIT_TAG?= $(shell git describe --abbrev=0) GO_VERSION = 1.16 BUILDFLAGS := '-w -s' IMAGE_REPO = "tommymuehle" BIN = "go-mnd" clean: rm -rf build dist coverage.txt test: go test -race ./... test-coverage: go test -race -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic -coverpkg=./checks,./config build: go build -o build/$(BIN) cmd/mnd/main.go image: @echo "Building the Docker image..." docker build --rm -t $(IMAGE_REPO)/$(BIN):$(GIT_TAG) --build-arg GO_VERSION=$(GO_VERSION) . docker tag $(IMAGE_REPO)/$(BIN):$(GIT_TAG) $(IMAGE_REPO)/$(BIN):$(GIT_TAG) docker tag $(IMAGE_REPO)/$(BIN):$(GIT_TAG) $(IMAGE_REPO)/$(BIN):latest image-push: image @echo "Pushing the Docker image..." docker push $(IMAGE_REPO)/$(BIN):$(GIT_TAG) docker push $(IMAGE_REPO)/$(BIN):latest .PHONY: clean test test-coverage build image image-push