// Copyright 2022 Woodpecker Authors // Copyright 2018 Drone.IO Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package gitea import ( "bytes" "context" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "testing" "github.com/franela/goblin" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "github.com/stretchr/testify/mock" "go.woodpecker-ci.org/woodpecker/v3/server/forge/gitea/fixtures" "go.woodpecker-ci.org/woodpecker/v3/server/model" "go.woodpecker-ci.org/woodpecker/v3/server/store" mocks_store "go.woodpecker-ci.org/woodpecker/v3/server/store/mocks" "go.woodpecker-ci.org/woodpecker/v3/shared/utils" ) func Test_gitea(t *testing.T) { gin.SetMode(gin.TestMode) s := httptest.NewServer(fixtures.Handler()) c, _ := New(Opts{ URL: s.URL, SkipVerify: true, }) mockStore := mocks_store.NewStore(t) ctx := store.InjectToContext(context.Background(), mockStore) g := goblin.Goblin(t) g.Describe("Gitea", func() { g.After(func() { s.Close() }) g.Describe("Creating a forge", func() { g.It("Should return client with specified options", func() { forge, _ := New(Opts{ URL: "http://localhost:8080", SkipVerify: true, }) f, _ := forge.(*Gitea) g.Assert(f.url).Equal("http://localhost:8080") g.Assert(f.SkipVerify).Equal(true) }) }) g.Describe("Generating a netrc file", func() { g.It("Should return a netrc with the user token", func() { forge, _ := New(Opts{}) netrc, _ := forge.Netrc(fakeUser, fakeRepo) g.Assert(netrc.Machine).Equal("gitea.com") g.Assert(netrc.Login).Equal(fakeUser.Login) g.Assert(netrc.Password).Equal(fakeUser.AccessToken) }) g.It("Should return a netrc with the machine account", func() { forge, _ := New(Opts{}) netrc, _ := forge.Netrc(nil, fakeRepo) g.Assert(netrc.Machine).Equal("gitea.com") g.Assert(netrc.Login).Equal("") g.Assert(netrc.Password).Equal("") }) }) g.Describe("Requesting a repository", func() { g.It("Should return the repository details", func() { repo, err := c.Repo(ctx, fakeUser, fakeRepo.ForgeRemoteID, fakeRepo.Owner, fakeRepo.Name) g.Assert(err).IsNil() g.Assert(repo.Owner).Equal(fakeRepo.Owner) g.Assert(repo.Name).Equal(fakeRepo.Name) g.Assert(repo.FullName).Equal(fakeRepo.Owner + "/" + fakeRepo.Name) g.Assert(repo.IsSCMPrivate).IsTrue() g.Assert(repo.Clone).Equal("http://localhost/test_name/repo_name.git") g.Assert(repo.ForgeURL).Equal("http://localhost/test_name/repo_name") }) g.It("Should handle a not found error", func() { _, err := c.Repo(ctx, fakeUser, "0", fakeRepoNotFound.Owner, fakeRepoNotFound.Name) g.Assert(err).IsNotNil() }) }) g.Describe("Requesting a repository list", func() { g.It("Should return the repository list", func() { repos, err := c.Repos(ctx, fakeUser) g.Assert(err).IsNil() g.Assert(repos[0].ForgeRemoteID).Equal(fakeRepo.ForgeRemoteID) g.Assert(repos[0].Owner).Equal(fakeRepo.Owner) g.Assert(repos[0].Name).Equal(fakeRepo.Name) g.Assert(repos[0].FullName).Equal(fakeRepo.Owner + "/" + fakeRepo.Name) }) g.It("Should handle a not found error", func() { _, err := c.Repos(ctx, fakeUserNoRepos) g.Assert(err).IsNotNil() }) }) g.It("Should register repository hooks", func() { err := c.Activate(ctx, fakeUser, fakeRepo, "http://localhost") g.Assert(err).IsNil() }) g.It("Should remove repository hooks", func() { err := c.Deactivate(ctx, fakeUser, fakeRepo, "http://localhost") g.Assert(err).IsNil() }) g.It("Should return a repository file", func() { raw, err := c.File(ctx, fakeUser, fakeRepo, fakePipeline, ".woodpecker.yml") g.Assert(err).IsNil() g.Assert(string(raw)).Equal("{ platform: linux/amd64 }") }) g.It("Should return nil from send pipeline status", func() { err := c.Status(ctx, fakeUser, fakeRepo, fakePipeline, fakeWorkflow) g.Assert(err).IsNil() }) g.Describe("Given an authentication request", func() { g.It("Should redirect to login form") g.It("Should create an access token") g.It("Should handle an access token error") g.It("Should return the authenticated user") }) g.Describe("Given a repository hook", func() { g.It("Should skip non-push events") g.It("Should return push details") g.It("Should handle a parsing error") }) g.It("Given a PR hook", func() { buf := bytes.NewBufferString(fixtures.HookPullRequest) req, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/hook", buf) req.Header = http.Header{} req.Header.Set(hookEvent, hookPullRequest) mockStore.On("GetRepoNameFallback", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(fakeRepo, nil) mockStore.On("GetUser", mock.Anything).Return(fakeUser, nil) r, b, err := c.Hook(ctx, req) g.Assert(r).IsNotNil() g.Assert(b).IsNotNil() g.Assert(err).IsNil() g.Assert(b.Event).Equal(model.EventPull) g.Assert(utils.EqualSliceValues(b.ChangedFiles, []string{"README.md"})).IsTrue() }) }) } var ( fakeUser = &model.User{ Login: "someuser", AccessToken: "cfcd2084", } fakeUserNoRepos = &model.User{ Login: "someuser", AccessToken: "repos_not_found", } fakeRepo = &model.Repo{ Clone: "http://gitea.com/test_name/repo_name.git", ForgeRemoteID: "5", Owner: "test_name", Name: "repo_name", FullName: "test_name/repo_name", } fakeRepoNotFound = &model.Repo{ Owner: "test_name", Name: "repo_not_found", FullName: "test_name/repo_not_found", } fakePipeline = &model.Pipeline{ Commit: "9ecad50", } fakeWorkflow = &model.Workflow{ Name: "test", State: model.StatusSuccess, } )