# Variables Drone injects the following namespaced environment variables into every build: * `DRONE=true` * `DRONE_REPO` - repository name for the current build * `DRONE_BRANCH` - branch name for the current build * `DRONE_COMMIT` - git sha for the current build * `DRONE_DIR` - working directory for the current build * `DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER` - build number for the current build * `DRONE_PULL_REQUEST` - pull request number fo the current build * `DRONE_JOB_NUMBER` - job number for the current build * `DRONE_TAG` - tag name for the current build Drone also injects `CI_` prefixed variables for compatibility with other systems: * `CI=true` * `CI_NAME=drone` * `CI_REPO` - repository name of the current build * `CI_BRANCH` - branch name for the current build * `CI_COMMIT` - git sha for the current build * `CI_BUILD_NUMBER` - build number for the current build * `CI_PULL_REQUEST` - pull request number fo the current build * `CI_JOB_NUMBER` - job number for the current build * `CI_BUILD_DIR` - working directory for the current build * `CI_BUILD_URL` - url for the current build * `CI_TAG` - tag name for the current build ## Substitution A subset of variables may be substituted directly into the Yaml at runtime using the `$$` notation: * `$$COMMIT` git sha for the current build, long format * `$$BRANCH` git branch for the current build * `$$BUILD_NUMBER` build number for the current build * `$$TAG` tag name This is useful when you need to dynamically configure your plugin based on the current build. For example, we can alter an artifact name to include the branch: ``` publish: s3: source: ./foo.tar.gz target: ./foo-$$BRANCH.tar.gz ``` ## Operations A subset of bash string substitution operations are emulated: * `$$param` parameter substitution * `$${param}` parameter substitution (same as above) * `"$$param"` parameter substitution with escaping * `$${param:pos}` parameter substition with substring * `$${param:pos:len}` parameter substition with substring * `$${param=default}` parameter substition with default * `$${param##prefix}` parameter substition with prefix removal * `$${param%%suffix}` parameter substition with suffix removal * `$${param/old/new}` parameter substition with find and replace