doctype 5 html head title Login meta[charset="utf-8"] meta[name="viewport"][content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"] meta[http-equiv="x-ua-compatible"][content="ie=edge"] link[rel="icon"][type="image/x-icon"][href="/static/images/favicon.ico"] link[rel="stylesheet"][href=""] link[rel="stylesheet"][href=""] link[rel="stylesheet"][href=""] link[rel="stylesheet"][href=""] link[rel="stylesheet"][href="/static/styles_gen/style.css"] style html { height: 100%; overflow: hidden; } body.login div div.logo a[href="/authorize"] Login if Error == "oauth_error" div.alert.alert-danger | We failed to authorize your account. Please contact your | system administrator to check the logs and see what went wrong. else if Error == "access_denied" div.alert.alert-danger | Unable to login. Registration is closed. else if Error == "internal_error" div.alert.alert-danger | We encountered an unexpected error. Please contact your | system administrator to check the logs and see what went wrong.