variables: - &golang_image '' - &when - path: &when_path # related config files - '.woodpecker/test.yaml' - '.golangci.yaml' # go source code - '**/*.go' - 'go.*' # schema changes - 'pipeline/schema/**' event: pull_request - event: push branch: renovate/* path: *when_path when: - event: pull_request - event: push branch: renovate/* - event: push branch: ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} path: *when_path steps: vendor: image: *golang_image commands: - go mod vendor when: path: - <<: *when_path - '.woodpecker/**' lint-pipeline: depends_on: - vendor image: *golang_image commands: - go run lint environment: WOODPECKER_DISABLE_UPDATE_CHECK: true WOODPECKER_PLUGINS_PRIVILEGED: '' when: - event: pull_request path: - '.woodpecker/**' dummy-web: image: *golang_image commands: - mkdir -p web/dist/ - echo "test" > web/dist/index.html when: - path: *when_path lint: depends_on: - vendor image: *golang_image commands: - make lint when: *when check-swagger: depends_on: - vendor image: *golang_image commands: - 'make generate-swagger' - 'DIFF=$(git diff | head)' - '[ -n "$DIFF" ] && { echo "swagger not up to date, exec `make generate-swagger` and commit"; exit 1; } || true' when: *when lint-license-header: image: *golang_image commands: - go install # cspell:words addlicense - 'addlicense -check -ignore "vendor/**" **/*.go' when: *when test: depends_on: - vendor image: *golang_image commands: - make test-agent - make test-server - make test-cli - make test-lib when: - path: *when_path sqlite: depends_on: - vendor image: *golang_image environment: WOODPECKER_DATABASE_DRIVER: sqlite3 commands: - make test-server-datastore-coverage when: - path: *when_path postgres: depends_on: - vendor image: *golang_image environment: WOODPECKER_DATABASE_DRIVER: postgres WOODPECKER_DATABASE_DATASOURCE: 'host=postgres user=postgres dbname=postgres sslmode=disable' # cspell:disable-line commands: - make test-server-datastore when: *when mysql: depends_on: - vendor image: *golang_image environment: WOODPECKER_DATABASE_DRIVER: mysql WOODPECKER_DATABASE_DATASOURCE: root@tcp(mysql:3306)/test?parseTime=true commands: - make test-server-datastore when: *when codecov: depends_on: - test - sqlite pull: true image: settings: files: - agent-coverage.out - cli-coverage.out - coverage.out - server-coverage.out - datastore-coverage.out token: from_secret: codecov_token when: - path: *when_path failure: ignore services: postgres: image: ports: ['5432'] environment: POSTGRES_USER: postgres POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD: trust when: *when mysql: image: ports: ['3306'] environment: MYSQL_DATABASE: test MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD: 'yes' when: *when