// Copyright 2018 Drone.IO Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package fixtures import ( "fmt" "net/http" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" ) // Handler returns an http.Handler that is capable of handling a variety of mock // Bitbucket requests and returning mock responses. func Handler() http.Handler { gin.SetMode(gin.TestMode) e := gin.New() e.POST("/site/oauth2/access_token", getOauth) e.GET("/2.0/workspaces/", getWorkspaces) e.GET("/2.0/repositories/:owner/:name", getRepo) e.GET("/2.0/repositories/:owner/:name/hooks", getRepoHooks) e.GET("/2.0/repositories/:owner/:name/src/:commit/:file", getRepoFile) e.DELETE("/2.0/repositories/:owner/:name/hooks/:hook", deleteRepoHook) e.POST("/2.0/repositories/:owner/:name/hooks", createRepoHook) e.POST("/2.0/repositories/:owner/:name/commit/:commit/statuses/build", createRepoStatus) e.GET("/2.0/repositories/:owner", getUserRepos) e.GET("/2.0/user/", getUser) e.GET("/2.0/user/permissions/repositories", getPermissions) e.GET("/2.0/repositories/:owner/:name/commits/:commit", getBranchHead) e.GET("/2.0/repositories/:owner/:name/pullrequests", getPullRequests) return e } func getOauth(c *gin.Context) { if c.PostForm("error") == "invalid_scope" { c.String(500, "") } switch c.PostForm("code") { case "code_bad_request": c.String(500, "") return case "code_user_not_found": c.String(200, tokenNotFoundPayload) return } switch c.PostForm("refresh_token") { case "refresh_token_not_found": c.String(404, "") case "refresh_token_is_empty": c.Header("Content-Type", "application/json") c.String(200, "{}") default: c.Header("Content-Type", "application/json") c.String(200, tokenPayload) } } func getWorkspaces(c *gin.Context) { // TODO: should the role be used ? // role, _ := c.Params.Get("role") switch c.Request.Header.Get("Authorization") { case "Bearer teams_not_found", "Bearer c81e728d": c.String(404, "") default: if c.Query("page") == "" || c.Query("page") == "1" { c.String(200, workspacesPayload) } else { c.String(200, "{\"values\":[]}") } } } func getRepo(c *gin.Context) { switch c.Param("name") { case "not_found", "repo_unknown", "repo_not_found": c.String(404, "") case "permission_read", "permission_write", "permission_admin": c.String(200, fmt.Sprintf(permissionRepoPayload, c.Param("name"))) default: c.String(200, repoPayload) } } func getRepoHooks(c *gin.Context) { switch c.Param("name") { case "hooks_not_found", "repo_no_hooks": c.String(404, "") case "hook_empty": c.String(200, "{}") default: if c.Query("page") == "" || c.Query("page") == "1" { c.String(200, repoHookPayload) } else { c.String(200, "{\"values\":[]}") } } } func getRepoFile(c *gin.Context) { switch c.Param("file") { case "dir": c.String(200, repoDirPayload) case "dir_not_found/": c.String(404, "") case "file_not_found": c.String(404, "") default: c.String(200, repoFilePayload) } } func getBranchHead(c *gin.Context) { switch c.Param("commit") { case "branch_name": c.String(200, branchCommitsPayload) default: c.String(404, "") } } func getPullRequests(c *gin.Context) { switch c.Param("name") { case "repo_name": c.String(200, pullRequestsPayload) default: c.String(404, "") } } func createRepoStatus(c *gin.Context) { switch c.Param("name") { case "repo_not_found": c.String(404, "") default: c.String(200, "") } } func createRepoHook(c *gin.Context) { c.String(200, "") } func deleteRepoHook(c *gin.Context) { switch c.Param("name") { case "hook_not_found": c.String(404, "") default: c.String(200, "") } } func getUser(c *gin.Context) { switch c.Request.Header.Get("Authorization") { case "Bearer user_not_found", "Bearer a87ff679": c.String(404, "") default: c.String(200, userPayload) } } func getUserRepos(c *gin.Context) { switch c.Request.Header.Get("Authorization") { case "Bearer repos_not_found", "Bearer 70efdf2e": c.String(404, "") default: if c.Query("page") == "" || c.Query("page") == "1" { c.String(200, userRepoPayload) } else { c.String(200, "{\"values\":[]}") } } } func permission(p string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(permissionPayload, p) } func getPermissions(c *gin.Context) { query := c.Request.URL.Query()["q"][0] switch query { case `repository.full_name="test_name/permission_read"`: c.String(200, permission("read")) case `repository.full_name="test_name/permission_write"`: c.String(200, permission("write")) case `repository.full_name="test_name/permission_admin"`: c.String(200, permission("admin")) default: c.String(200, permission("read")) } } const tokenPayload = ` { "access_token":"2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA", "refresh_token":"tGzv3JOkF0XG5Qx2TlKWIA", "token_type":"Bearer", "expires_in":3600 } ` const tokenNotFoundPayload = ` { "access_token":"user_not_found", "refresh_token":"user_not_found", "token_type":"Bearer", "expires_in":3600 } ` const repoPayload = ` { "full_name": "test_name/repo_name", "scm": "git", "is_private": true } ` const permissionRepoPayload = ` { "full_name": "test_name/%s", "scm": "git", "is_private": true } ` const repoHookPayload = ` { "pagelen": 10, "values": [ { "uuid": "{afe61e14-2c5f-49e8-8b68-ad1fb55fc052}", "url": "" } ], "page": 1, "size": 1 } ` const repoFilePayload = "dummy payload" const repoDirPayload = ` { "pagelen": 10, "page": 1, "values": [ { "path": "README.md", "type": "commit_file" }, { "path": "test", "type": "commit_directory" }, { "path": ".gitignore", "type": "commit_file" } ] } ` const branchCommitsPayload = ` { "values": [ { "hash": "branch_head_name" }, { "hash": "random1" }, { "hash": "random2" } ] } ` const pullRequestsPayload = ` { "values": [ { "id": 123, "title": "PRs title" }, { "id": 456, "title": "Another PRs title" } ], "pagelen": 10, "size": 2, "page": 1 } ` const userPayload = ` { "username": "superman", "links": { "avatar": { "href": "http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/ZygP55A.jpg" } }, "type": "user" } ` const userRepoPayload = ` { "page": 1, "pagelen": 10, "size": 1, "values": [ { "links": { "avatar": { "href": "http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/ZygP55A.jpg" } }, "full_name": "test_name/repo_name", "scm": "git", "is_private": true } ] } ` const workspacesPayload = ` { "page": 1, "pagelen": 100, "size": 1, "values": [ { "type": "workspace", "uuid": "{c7a04a76-fa20-43e4-dc42-a7506db4c95b}", "name": "Ueber Dev", "slug": "ueberdev42", "links": { "avatar": { "href": "https://bitbucket.org/workspaces/ueberdev42/avatar/?ts=1658761964" }, "html": { "href": "https://bitbucket.org/ueberdev42/" }, "self": { "href": "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/workspaces/ueberdev42" } } } ] } ` const permissionPayload = ` { "pagelen": 1, "values": [ { "permission": "%s" } ], "page": 1 } `