// Copyright 2018 Drone.IO Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package coding import ( "bytes" "context" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "testing" "github.com/woodpecker-ci/woodpecker/server/model" "github.com/woodpecker-ci/woodpecker/server/remote/coding/fixtures" "github.com/franela/goblin" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" ) func Test_coding(t *testing.T) { gin.SetMode(gin.TestMode) s := httptest.NewServer(fixtures.Handler()) c := &Coding{URL: s.URL} ctx := context.Background() g := goblin.Goblin(t) g.Describe("Coding", func() { g.After(func() { s.Close() }) g.Describe("Creating a remote", func() { g.It("Should return client with specified options", func() { remote, _ := New(Opts{ URL: "https://coding.net", Client: "KTNF2ALdm3ofbtxLh6IbV95Ro5AKWJUP", Secret: "zVtxJrKhNhBcNyqCz1NggNAAmehAxnRO3Z0fXmCp", Scopes: []string{"user", "project", "project:depot"}, Machine: "git.coding.net", Username: "someuser", Password: "password", SkipVerify: true, }) g.Assert(remote.(*Coding).URL).Equal("https://coding.net") g.Assert(remote.(*Coding).Client).Equal("KTNF2ALdm3ofbtxLh6IbV95Ro5AKWJUP") g.Assert(remote.(*Coding).Secret).Equal("zVtxJrKhNhBcNyqCz1NggNAAmehAxnRO3Z0fXmCp") g.Assert(remote.(*Coding).Scopes).Equal([]string{"user", "project", "project:depot"}) g.Assert(remote.(*Coding).Machine).Equal("git.coding.net") g.Assert(remote.(*Coding).Username).Equal("someuser") g.Assert(remote.(*Coding).Password).Equal("password") g.Assert(remote.(*Coding).SkipVerify).Equal(true) }) }) g.Describe("Given an authorization request", func() { g.It("Should redirect to authorize", func() { w := httptest.NewRecorder() r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil) _, err := c.Login(ctx, w, r) g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue() g.Assert(w.Code).Equal(http.StatusSeeOther) }) g.It("Should return authenticated user", func() { r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "?code=code", nil) u, err := c.Login(ctx, nil, r) g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue() g.Assert(u.Login).Equal(fakeUser.Login) g.Assert(u.Token).Equal(fakeUser.Token) g.Assert(u.Secret).Equal(fakeUser.Secret) }) }) g.Describe("Given an access token", func() { g.It("Should return the anthenticated user", func() { login, err := c.Auth(ctx, fakeUser.Token, fakeUser.Secret) g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue() g.Assert(login).Equal(fakeUser.Login) }) g.It("Should handle a failure to resolve user", func() { _, err := c.Auth(ctx, fakeUserNotFound.Token, fakeUserNotFound.Secret) g.Assert(err != nil).IsTrue() }) }) g.Describe("Given a refresh token", func() { g.It("Should return a refresh access token", func() { ok, err := c.Refresh(ctx, fakeUserRefresh) g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue() g.Assert(ok).IsTrue() g.Assert(fakeUserRefresh.Token).Equal("VDZupx0usVRV4oOd1FCu4xUxgk8SY0TK") g.Assert(fakeUserRefresh.Secret).Equal("BenBQq7TWZ7Cp0aUM47nQjTz2QHNmTWcPctB609n") }) g.It("Should handle an invalid refresh token", func() { ok, _ := c.Refresh(ctx, fakeUserRefreshInvalid) g.Assert(ok).IsFalse() }) }) g.Describe("When requesting a repository", func() { g.It("Should return the details", func() { repo, err := c.Repo(ctx, fakeUser, fakeRepo.Owner, fakeRepo.Name) g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue() g.Assert(repo.FullName).Equal(fakeRepo.FullName) g.Assert(repo.Avatar).Equal(s.URL + fakeRepo.Avatar) g.Assert(repo.Link).Equal(s.URL + fakeRepo.Link) g.Assert(repo.Kind).Equal(fakeRepo.Kind) g.Assert(repo.Clone).Equal(fakeRepo.Clone) g.Assert(repo.Branch).Equal(fakeRepo.Branch) g.Assert(repo.IsPrivate).Equal(fakeRepo.IsPrivate) }) g.It("Should handle not found errors", func() { _, err := c.Repo(ctx, fakeUser, fakeRepoNotFound.Owner, fakeRepoNotFound.Name) g.Assert(err != nil).IsTrue() }) }) g.Describe("When requesting repository permissions", func() { g.It("Should authorize admin access for project owner", func() { perm, err := c.Perm(ctx, fakeUser, "demo1", "perm_owner") g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue() g.Assert(perm.Pull).IsTrue() g.Assert(perm.Push).IsTrue() g.Assert(perm.Admin).IsTrue() }) g.It("Should authorize admin access for project admin", func() { perm, err := c.Perm(ctx, fakeUser, "demo1", "perm_admin") g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue() g.Assert(perm.Pull).IsTrue() g.Assert(perm.Push).IsTrue() g.Assert(perm.Admin).IsTrue() }) g.It("Should authorize read access for project member", func() { perm, err := c.Perm(ctx, fakeUser, "demo1", "perm_member") g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue() g.Assert(perm.Pull).IsTrue() g.Assert(perm.Push).IsTrue() g.Assert(perm.Admin).IsFalse() }) g.It("Should authorize no access for project guest", func() { perm, err := c.Perm(ctx, fakeUser, "demo1", "perm_guest") g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue() g.Assert(perm.Pull).IsFalse() g.Assert(perm.Push).IsFalse() g.Assert(perm.Admin).IsFalse() }) g.It("Should handle not found errors", func() { _, err := c.Perm(ctx, fakeUser, fakeRepoNotFound.Owner, fakeRepoNotFound.Name) g.Assert(err != nil).IsTrue() }) }) g.Describe("When downloading a file", func() { g.It("Should return file for specified build", func() { data, err := c.File(ctx, fakeUser, fakeRepo, fakeBuild, ".woodpecker.yml") g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue() g.Assert(string(data)).Equal("pipeline:\n test:\n image: golang:1.6\n commands:\n - go test\n") }) }) g.Describe("When requesting a netrc config", func() { g.It("Should return the netrc file for global credential", func() { remote, _ := New(Opts{ Machine: "git.coding.net", Username: "someuser", Password: "password", }) netrc, err := remote.Netrc(fakeUser, nil) g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue() g.Assert(netrc.Login).Equal("someuser") g.Assert(netrc.Password).Equal("password") g.Assert(netrc.Machine).Equal("git.coding.net") }) g.It("Should return the netrc file for specified user", func() { remote, _ := New(Opts{ Machine: "git.coding.net", }) netrc, err := remote.Netrc(fakeUser, nil) g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue() g.Assert(netrc.Login).Equal(fakeUser.Token) g.Assert(netrc.Password).Equal("x-oauth-basic") g.Assert(netrc.Machine).Equal("git.coding.net") }) }) g.Describe("When activating a repository", func() { g.It("Should create the hook", func() { err := c.Activate(ctx, fakeUser, fakeRepo, "") g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue() }) g.It("Should update the hook when exists", func() { err := c.Activate(ctx, fakeUser, fakeRepo, "") g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue() }) }) g.Describe("When deactivating a repository", func() { g.It("Should successfully remove hook", func() { err := c.Deactivate(ctx, fakeUser, fakeRepo, "") g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue() }) g.It("Should successfully deactivate when hook already removed", func() { err := c.Deactivate(ctx, fakeUser, fakeRepo, "") g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue() }) }) g.Describe("When parsing post-commit hook body", func() { g.It("Should parse the hook", func() { buf := bytes.NewBufferString(fixtures.PushHook) req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/hook", buf) req.Header = http.Header{} req.Header.Set(hookEvent, hookPush) r, _, err := c.Hook(req) g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue() g.Assert(r.FullName).Equal("demo1/test1") }) }) }) } var ( fakeUser = &model.User{ Login: "demo1", Token: "KTNF2ALdm3ofbtxLh6IbV95Ro5AKWJUP", Secret: "zVtxJrKhNhBcNyqCz1NggNAAmehAxnRO3Z0fXmCp", } fakeUserNotFound = &model.User{ Login: "demo1", Token: "8DpqlE0hI6yr5MLlq8ysAL4p72cKGwT0", Secret: "8Em2dkFE8Xsze88Ar8LMG7TF4CO3VCQMgpKa0VCm", } fakeUserRefresh = &model.User{ Login: "demo1", Secret: "i9i0HQqNR8bTY4rALYEF2itayFJNbnzC1eMFppwT", } fakeUserRefreshInvalid = &model.User{ Login: "demo1", Secret: "invalid_refresh_token", } fakeRepo = &model.Repo{ Owner: "demo1", Name: "test1", FullName: "demo1/test1", Avatar: "/static/project_icon/scenery-5.png", Link: "/u/gilala/p/abp/git", Kind: model.RepoGit, Clone: "https://git.coding.net/demo1/test1.git", Branch: "master", IsPrivate: true, } fakeRepoNotFound = &model.Repo{ Owner: "not_found_owner", Name: "not_found_project", } fakeBuild = &model.Build{ Commit: "4504a072cc", } )