package server import ( "bytes" "database/sql" "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" "testing" "" . "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var createTests = []struct { inLabel string inBody string storeErr error outCode int outKind string }{ {"", `{}`, sql.ErrNoRows, 500, ""}, {"app1", `{"label": "app1"}`, nil, 200, types.TokenUser}, {"app2", `{"label": "app2"}`, nil, 200, types.TokenUser}, } var deleteTests = []struct { inLabel string errTokenLabel error errDelToken error outCode int outToken *types.Token }{ {"app1", sql.ErrNoRows, nil, 404, &types.Token{}}, {"app2", nil, sql.ErrNoRows, 400, &types.Token{Label: "app2"}}, {"app3", nil, nil, 200, &types.Token{Label: "app2"}}, } func TestToken(t *testing.T) { store := new(mocks.Store) g := Goblin(t) g.Describe("Token", func() { // POST /api/user/tokens g.It("should create tokens", func() { for _, test := range createTests { rw := recorder.New() ctx := gin.Context{Engine: gin.Default(), Writer: rw} body := bytes.NewBufferString(test.inBody) ctx.Request, _ = http.NewRequest("POST", "/api/user/tokens", body) ctx.Set("datastore", store) ctx.Set("user", &types.User{Login: "Freya"}) conf := &config.Config{} conf.Session.Secret = "Otto" ctx.Set("settings", conf) ctx.Set("session", session.New(conf)) // prepare the mock store.On("AddToken", mock.AnythingOfType("*types.Token")).Return(test.storeErr).Once() PostToken(&ctx) g.Assert(rw.Code).Equal(test.outCode) if test.outCode != 200 { continue } var respjson map[string]interface{} json.Unmarshal(rw.Body.Bytes(), &respjson) g.Assert(respjson["kind"]).Equal(types.TokenUser) g.Assert(respjson["label"]).Equal(test.inLabel) // this is probably going too far... maybe just validate hash is not empty? jwt.Parse(respjson["hash"].(string), func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { _, ok := token.Method.(*jwt.SigningMethodHMAC) g.Assert(ok).IsTrue() g.Assert(token.Claims["label"]).Equal(test.inLabel) return nil, nil }) } }) // DELETE /api/user/tokens/:label g.It("should delete tokens", func() { for _, test := range deleteTests { rw := recorder.New() ctx := gin.Context{Engine: gin.Default(), Writer: rw} ctx.Params = append(ctx.Params, gin.Param{Key: "label", Value: test.inLabel}) ctx.Set("datastore", store) ctx.Set("user", &types.User{Login: "Freya"}) conf := &config.Config{} conf.Session.Secret = "Otto" ctx.Set("settings", conf) ctx.Set("session", session.New(conf)) // prepare the mock store.On("TokenLabel", mock.AnythingOfType("*types.User"), test.inLabel).Return(test.outToken, test.errTokenLabel).Once() if test.errTokenLabel == nil { // we don't need this expectation if we error on our first store.On("DelToken", mock.AnythingOfType("*types.Token")).Return(test.errDelToken).Once() } fmt.Println(test) DelToken(&ctx) g.Assert(rw.Code).Equal(test.outCode) if test.outCode != 200 { continue } var respjson map[string]interface{} json.Unmarshal(rw.Body.Bytes(), &respjson) fmt.Println(rw.Code, respjson) } }) }) }