#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import asyncio import queue import sys from enum import Enum from logging import DEBUG, INFO, basicConfig, getLogger from pathlib import Path from typing import Iterator, Optional, Union import sounddevice as sd import torch from whisper import available_models from whisper.audio import N_FRAMES, SAMPLE_RATE from whisper.tokenizer import LANGUAGES, TO_LANGUAGE_CODE from whispering.pbar import ProgressBar from whispering.schema import Context, StdoutWriter, WhisperConfig from whispering.serve import serve_with_websocket from whispering.transcriber import WhisperStreamingTranscriber from whispering.websocket_client import run_websocket_client logger = getLogger(__name__) class Mode(Enum): client = "client" server = "server" mic = "mic" def __str__(self): return self.value def transcribe_from_mic( *, wsp: WhisperStreamingTranscriber, sd_device: Optional[Union[int, str]], num_block: int, ctx: Context, no_progress: bool, ) -> Iterator[str]: q = queue.Queue() def sd_callback(indata, frames, time, status): if status: logger.warning(status) q.put(indata.ravel()) logger.info("Ready to transcribe") with sd.InputStream( samplerate=SAMPLE_RATE, blocksize=N_FRAMES * num_block, device=sd_device, dtype="float32", channels=1, callback=sd_callback, ): idx: int = 0 while True: logger.debug(f"Audio #: {idx}, The rest of queue: {q.qsize()}") if no_progress: audio = q.get() else: pbar_thread = ProgressBar( num_block=num_block, # TODO: set more accurate value ) try: audio = q.get() except KeyboardInterrupt: pbar_thread.kill() return pbar_thread.kill() logger.debug(f"Got. The rest of queue: {q.qsize()}") if not no_progress: sys.stderr.write("Analyzing") sys.stderr.flush() for chunk in wsp.transcribe(audio=audio, ctx=ctx): if not no_progress: sys.stderr.write("\r") sys.stderr.flush() yield f"{chunk.start:.2f}->{chunk.end:.2f}\t{chunk.text}\n" if not no_progress: sys.stderr.write("Analyzing") sys.stderr.flush() idx += 1 if not no_progress: sys.stderr.write("\r") sys.stderr.flush() def get_opts() -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() group_model = parser.add_argument_group("Whisper model options") group_model.add_argument( "--model", type=str, choices=available_models(), ) group_model.add_argument( "--language", type=str, default=None, choices=sorted(LANGUAGES.keys()) + sorted([k.title() for k in TO_LANGUAGE_CODE.keys()]), ) group_model.add_argument( "--device", default="cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu", help="device to use for PyTorch inference", ) group_ws = parser.add_argument_group("WebSocket options") group_ws.add_argument( "--host", default="", help="host of websocker server", ) group_ws.add_argument( "--port", type=int, help="Port number of websocker server", ) group_ctx = parser.add_argument_group("Parsing options") group_ctx.add_argument( "--beam_size", "-b", type=int, default=5, ) group_ctx.add_argument( "--temperature", "-t", type=float, action="append", default=[], ) group_ctx.add_argument( "--allow-padding", action="store_true", ) group_ctx.add_argument( "--no-vad", action="store_true", ) group_misc = parser.add_argument_group("Other options") group_misc.add_argument( "--output", "-o", help="Output file", type=Path, default=StdoutWriter(), ) group_misc.add_argument( "--mic", help="Set MIC device", ) group_misc.add_argument( "--num_block", "-n", type=int, default=20, help="Number of operation unit", ) group_misc.add_argument( "--mode", choices=[v.value for v in Mode], ) group_misc.add_argument( "--no-progress", action="store_true", ) group_misc.add_argument( "--show-devices", action="store_true", help="Show MIC devices", ) group_misc.add_argument( "--debug", action="store_true", ) opts = parser.parse_args() if opts.beam_size <= 0: opts.beam_size = None if len(opts.temperature) == 0: opts.temperature = [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0] opts.temperature = sorted(set(opts.temperature)) try: opts.mic = int(opts.mic) except Exception: pass return opts def get_wshiper(*, opts) -> WhisperStreamingTranscriber: config = WhisperConfig( model_name=opts.model, language=opts.language, device=opts.device, ) logger.debug(f"WhisperConfig: {config}") wsp = WhisperStreamingTranscriber(config=config) return wsp def get_context(*, opts) -> Context: ctx = Context( beam_size=opts.beam_size, temperatures=opts.temperature, allow_padding=opts.allow_padding, vad=not opts.no_vad, ) logger.debug(f"Context: {ctx}") return ctx def show_devices(): devices = sd.query_devices() for i, device in enumerate(devices): if device["max_input_channels"] > 0: print(f"{i}: {device['name']}") def check_invalid_arg(opts): ngs = [] if opts.mode == Mode.server.value: ngs = [ "mic", "allow_padding", ] for ng in ngs: if vars(opts).get(ng) not in {None, False}: sys.stderr.write(f"{ng} is not accepted option for {opts.mode} mode\n") sys.exit(1) def main() -> None: opts = get_opts() basicConfig( level=DEBUG if opts.debug else INFO, format="[%(asctime)s] %(module)s.%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(levelname)s -> %(message)s", ) if opts.show_devices: return show_devices() if ( opts.host is not None and opts.port is not None and opts.mode != Mode.client.value ): opts.mode = Mode.server.value check_invalid_arg(opts) if opts.mode == Mode.client.value: assert opts.language is None assert opts.model is None ctx: Context = get_context(opts=opts) try: asyncio.run( run_websocket_client( sd_device=opts.mic, num_block=opts.num_block, host=opts.host, port=opts.port, no_progress=opts.no_progress, ctx=ctx, path_out=opts.output, ) ) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif opts.mode == Mode.server.value: assert opts.language is not None assert opts.model is not None wsp = get_wshiper(opts=opts) asyncio.run( serve_with_websocket( wsp=wsp, host=opts.host, port=opts.port, ) ) else: assert opts.language is not None assert opts.model is not None wsp = get_wshiper(opts=opts) ctx: Context = get_context(opts=opts) with opts.output.open("w") as outf: for text in transcribe_from_mic( wsp=wsp, sd_device=opts.mic, num_block=opts.num_block, no_progress=opts.no_progress, ctx=ctx, ): outf.write(text) outf.flush() if __name__ == "__main__": main()