What is the meaning of the parameters? ====================================== .. csv-table:: Database parameters :header: "name", "default", "description" "database_driver", "pdo_sqlite", "Should be pdo_sqlite or pdo_mysql or pdo_pgsql" "database_host", "", "host of your database (usually localhost or" "database_port", "~", "port of your database (you can leave ``~`` to use the default one)" "database_name", "symfony", "name of your database" "database_user", "root", "user that can write to this database" "database_password", "~", "password of that user" "database_path", "``""%kernel.root_dir%/../data/db/wallabag.sqlite""``", "only for SQLite, define where to put the database file. Leave it empty for other database" "database_table_prefix", "wallabag_", "all wallabag's tables will be prefixed with that string. You can include a ``_`` for clarity" "database_socket", "null", "If your database is using a socket instead of tcp, put the path of the socket (other connection parameters will then be ignored)" .. csv-table:: Configuration to send emails from wallabag :header: "name", "default", "description" "mailer_transport", "smtp", "The exact transport method to use to deliver emails. Valid values are: smtp, gmail, mail, sendmail, null (which will disable the mailer)" "mailer_host", "", "The host to connect to when using smtp as the transport." "mailer_user", "~", "The username when using smtp as the transport." "mailer_password", "~", "The password when using smtp as the transport." .. csv-table:: Other wallabag's option :header: "name", "default", "description" "locale", "en", "Default language of your wallabag instance (like en, fr, es, etc.)" "secret", "ovmpmAWXRCabNlMgzlzFXDYmCFfzGv", "This is a string that should be unique to your application and it's commonly used to add more entropy to security related operations." "twofactor_auth", "true", "true to enable Two factor authentication" "twofactor_sender", "no-reply@wallabag.org", "email of the email sender to receive the two factor code" "fosuser_registration", "true", "true to enable public registration" "fosuser_confirmation", "true", "true to send a confirmation by email for each registration" "from_email", "no-reply@wallabag.org", "email address used in From: field in each email" "rss_limit", "50", "limit for RSS feeds" .. csv-table:: RabbitMQ configuration :header: "name", "default", "description" "rabbitmq_host", "localhost", "Host of your RabbitMQ" "rabbitmq_port", "5672", "Port of your RabbitMQ" "rabbitmq_user", "guest", "User that can read queues" "rabbitmq_password", "guest", "Password of that user" .. csv-table:: Redis configuration :header: "name", "default", "description" "redis_scheme", "tcp", "Specifies the protocol used to communicate with an instance of Redis. Valid values are: tcp, unix, http" "redis_host", "localhost", "IP or hostname of the target server (ignored for unix scheme)" "redis_port", "6379", "TCP/IP port of the target server (ignored for unix scheme)" "redis_path", "null", "Path of the UNIX domain socket file used when connecting to Redis using UNIX domain sockets"