In case user wants a fresh version of the current one and the website isn’t available, don’t erase it with a boring message saying wallabag wasn’t able to refresh the content.
We’ll wait until the final release will be out and other related project will be update to support it.
Meanwhile we can safely lock to a previous version.
When we remove the client, we should ensure that access_token are also removed.
To ensure that, I created a test that generated an access_token. So when we remove the client, this association should be cascaded and shouldn’t generate an error.
Also I moved some Api related stuff to the ApiBundle (like the developer controler and ClientType form)
When the association between a tag and an entry is removed, if the tag doesn’t have other entries, we can remove it.
Also add more tests for that part and ensure TagControllerTest is isolated from the rest of the test suite (finally!)
Using a listener, user config is now created when a user:
- is created from the command line
- register (with or without email confirmation)
- is created from the config panel
If the database isn't found when checking for the connection it means, we can connect to the server.
The InstallCommand will create the database later.
Also, when checking for the SQLite connection, Doctrine creates the file (so the database). That's why the test is skipped for SQLite.
Ensure tests after the InstallCommand test will have a clean database.
Previous attempt failed because of a foreign key
Also, nightly on Travis seems to target PHP 7.2-dev, so I put 7.1 in requirement and moved nightly in allowed failures.
And it seems xdebug isn't shipped with PHP 7.1, so I added a workaround to avoid build to fail when trying to remove xdebug.ini file.
Instead of using a HTTP request we just login user like FOSUser does.
It allows us to mock service in container for functional tests.
Also, fix a bad config name in fos_user for firewall
And finally, add functional test to PocketImport