From 52666a58c35c32c22fb4e264e8ccc80070235e3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dmitriy Bogdanov
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2020 16:41:03 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 68.7% (385 of 560 strings)
.../Resources/translations/ | 268 +++++++++---------
1 file changed, 134 insertions(+), 134 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/ b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/
index 70acec4ea..e6f59e504 100644
--- a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/
+++ b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ menu:
howto: Як використовувати
developer: Керування API-клієнтами
logout: Вихід
- about: Про Wallabag
+ about: Про wallabag
search: Пошук
save_link: Зберегти посилання
back_to_unread: Назад до непрочитаних статей
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ footer:
elsewhere: Візьміть wallabag із собою
social: Соціальні мережі
powered_by: Працює на
- about: Про Wallabag
+ about: Про wallabag
stats: З %user_creation% ви прочитали %nb_archives% статтю(ей). Це приблизно %per_day% на день!
page_title: Конфігурація
@@ -80,12 +80,12 @@ config:
redirect_current_page: Залишатись на поточній сторінці
pocket_consumer_key_label: Consumer key із Pocket для імпорту контенту
android_configuration: Налаштувати Android-застосунок
- android_instruction: Touch here to prefill your Android application
- help_theme: wallabag is customizable. You can choose your prefered theme here.
- help_items_per_page: You can change the number of articles displayed on each page.
- help_reading_speed: wallabag calculates a reading time for each article. You can define here, thanks to this list, if you are a fast or a slow reader. wallabag will recalculate the reading time for each article.
- help_language: You can change the language of wallabag interface.
- help_pocket_consumer_key: Required for Pocket import. You can create it in your Pocket account.
+ android_instruction: ''
+ help_theme: ''
+ help_items_per_page: ''
+ help_reading_speed: ''
+ help_language: ''
+ help_pocket_consumer_key: ''
description: RSS-стрічки wallabag надають можливість читати збережені статті вашим улюбленим RSS-читачем. Спочатку вам потрібно згенерувати особистий код.
token_label: Особистий код для RSS
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ config:
twoFactorAuthentication_label: Two factor authentication
help_twoFactorAuthentication: If you enable 2FA, each time you want to login to wallabag, you'll receive a code by email.
- title: Delete my account (a.k.a danger zone)
- description: If you remove your account, ALL your articles, ALL your tags, ALL your annotations and your account will be PERMANENTLY removed (it can't be UNDONE). You'll then be logged out.
- confirm: Are you really sure? (THIS CAN'T BE UNDONE)
- button: Delete my account
+ title: ''
+ description: ''
+ confirm: ''
+ button: ''
page_title: Двофакторна авторизація
@@ -157,17 +157,17 @@ config:
new_tagging_rule: Створення правила тегування
import_tagging_rules: Імпорт правил тегування
- import_tagging_rules_detail: Імпорт попередньо експортованих із Wallabag правил
+ import_tagging_rules_detail: Імпорт попередньо експортованих із wallabag правил.
export_tagging_rules: Експорт правил тегування
- export_tagging_rules_detail: Експортувавши правила, ви зможете імпортувати їх у будь-який інший Wallabag-сервер
+ export_tagging_rules_detail: Експортувавши правила, ви зможете імпортувати їх у будь-який інший wallabag-сервер
title: Довідка
tagging_rules_definition_title: Що таке « правила тегування »?
- tagging_rules_definition_description: They are rules used by Wallabag to automatically tag new entries.
Each time a new entry is added, all the tagging rules will be used to add the tags you configured, thus saving you the trouble of manually classifying your entries.
+ tagging_rules_definition_description: ''
how_to_use_them_title: Як їх використовувати?
- how_to_use_them_description: 'Let us assume you want to tag new entries as « short reading » when the reading time is under 3 minutes.
In that case, you should put « readingTime <= 3 » in the Rule field and « short reading » in the Tags field.
Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them with a comma: « short reading, must read »
Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « readingTime >= 5 AND domainName = "" » then tag as « long reading, GitHub »'
+ how_to_use_them_description: ''
variables_available_title: Які змінні та оператори можна використовувати для написання правил?
- variables_available_description: 'The following variables and operators can be used to create tagging rules:'
+ variables_available_description: ''
meaning: Значення
label: Змінна
@@ -182,23 +182,23 @@ config:
domainName: Доменне ім'я статті
label: Оператор
- less_than: Less than...
- strictly_less_than: Strictly less than...
- greater_than: Greater than...
- strictly_greater_than: Strictly greater than...
- equal_to: Equal to...
- not_equal_to: Not equal to...
- or: One rule OR another
- and: One rule AND another
- matches: 'Tests that a subject matches a search (case-insensitive).
Example: title matches "football"
- notmatches: "Tests that a subject doesn't match match a search (case-insensitive).
Example: title notmatches \"football\"
+ less_than: ''
+ strictly_less_than: ''
+ greater_than: ''
+ strictly_greater_than: ''
+ equal_to: ''
+ not_equal_to: ''
+ or: ''
+ and: ''
+ matches: ''
+ notmatches: ""
default_title: Заголовок статті
unread: Непрочитані статті
starred: Закладки
archived: Архівні статті
- filtered: Filtered entries
+ filtered: ''
filtered_tags: 'Знайдено за тегами:'
filtered_search: 'Знайдено за запитом:'
untagged: Статті без тегів
@@ -208,10 +208,10 @@ entry:
reading_time: приблизний час читання
reading_time_minutes: 'приблизний час читання: %readingTime% хв'
reading_time_less_one_minute: 'приблизний час читання: < 1 хв'
- number_of_tags: '{1}and one other tag|]1,Inf[and %count% other tags'
+ number_of_tags: ''
reading_time_minutes_short: '%readingTime% хв'
reading_time_less_one_minute_short: '< 1 хв'
- original_article: original
+ original_article: ''
toogle_as_read: Позначити як прочитану
toogle_as_star: Додати в закладки
delete: Видалити
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ entry:
origin_url_label: Початкова адреса (там де ви знайшли статтю)
save_label: Зберегти
- shared_by_wallabag: This article has been shared by %username% with wallabag
+ shared_by_wallabag: ''
delete: Ви дійсно бажаєте видалити цю статтю?
delete_tag: Ви дійсно бажаєте видалити цей тег із статті?
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ entry:
address: Адреса
added_on: Додано
- page_title: Про Wallabag
+ page_title: Про wallabag
who_behind_wallabag: Хто стоїть за wallabag
getting_help: Довідка
@@ -327,11 +327,11 @@ howto:
shortcuts: Використання гарячих клавіш
page_description: 'Є декілька способів зберегти статтю:'
- browser_addons: Browser addons
- mobile_apps: Mobile apps
- bookmarklet: Bookmarklet
+ browser_addons: ''
+ mobile_apps: ''
+ bookmarklet: ''
- description: Thanks to this form
+ description: ''
firefox: Розширення для Firefox
chrome: Розширення для Chrome
@@ -345,53 +345,53 @@ howto:
description: 'Перетягніть посилання на панель закладок:'
- page_description: Here are the shortcuts available in wallabag.
- shortcut: Shortcut
- action: Action
+ page_description: ''
+ shortcut: ''
+ action: ''
all_pages_title: Гарячі клавіші доступні на всіх сторінках
go_unread: Перейти до непрочитаних
go_starred: Перейти до закладок
- go_archive: Go to archive
+ go_archive: ''
go_all: Перейти до всіх статтей
go_tags: Перейти до тегів
- go_config: Go to config
- go_import: Go to import
- go_developers: Go to developers
- go_howto: Go to howto (this page!)
- go_logout: Log out
- list_title: Shortcuts available in listing pages
- search: Display the search form
+ go_config: ''
+ go_import: ''
+ go_developers: ''
+ go_howto: ''
+ go_logout: ''
+ list_title: ''
+ search: ''
article_title: Гарячі клавіші на сторінці статті
- open_original: Open original URL of the entry
- toggle_favorite: Toggle star status for the entry
- toggle_archive: Toggle read status for the entry
+ open_original: ''
+ toggle_favorite: ''
+ toggle_archive: ''
delete: Видалити запис
material_title: Гарячі клавіші доступні тільки у темі Material
add_link: Додати нове посилання
- hide_form: Hide the current form (search or new link)
+ hide_form: ''
arrows_navigation: Навігація по статтях
- open_article: Display the selected entry
+ open_article: ''
page_title: Швидкий старт
more: Більше…
title: Ласкаво просимо до wallabag!
- paragraph_1: We'll accompany you on your visit to wallabag and show you some features that might interest you.
+ paragraph_1: ''
paragraph_2: Стежте за нашими новинами!
- title: Налаштуйте Wallabag
+ title: Налаштуйте wallabag
description: Щоб зробити застосунок зручнішим, прогляньте розділ конфігурації wallabag.
language: Змініть мову чи дизайн
feed: Увімкніть стрічки RSS
- tagging_rules: Write rules to automatically tag your articles
+ tagging_rules: ''
- title: Administration
- description: 'As an administrator, you have privileges on wallabag. You can:'
- new_user: Create a new user
- analytics: Configure analytics
- sharing: Enable some parameters about article sharing
- export: Configure export
- import: Configure import
+ title: ''
+ description: ''
+ new_user: ''
+ analytics: ''
+ sharing: ''
+ export: ''
+ import: ''
title: Перші кроки
description: Тепер, коли wallabag добре налаштовано, час почати зберігати веб-мережу. Ви можете клікнути по знаку + у верхньому правому кутку, щоб додати посилання.
@@ -415,8 +415,8 @@ quickstart:
description: У wallabag багато можливостей. Не зволікайте, щоб прочитати інструкцію, щоб дізнатись про них і про те як їх використовувати.
annotate: Створити анотацію для статті
export: Конвертація статей в ePUB чи PDF
- search_filters: See how you can look for an article by using the search engine and filters
- fetching_errors: What can I do if an article encounters errors during fetching?
+ search_filters: ''
+ fetching_errors: ''
all_docs: Та багато інших статей!
title: Підтримка
@@ -434,57 +434,57 @@ tag:
add: Додати
placeholder: Ви можете додати кілька тегів розділених комами.
- footer_template: Produced by wallabag with %method%
Please open an issue if you have trouble with the display of this E-Book on your device.
- unknown: Unknown
+ footer_template: ''
+ unknown: ''
page_title: Імпорт
- page_description: Welcome to wallabag importer. Please select your previous service from which you want to migrate.
+ page_description: ''
- import_contents: Import contents
+ import_contents: ''
- mark_as_read_title: Mark all as read?
- mark_as_read_label: Mark all imported entries as read
- file_label: File
- save_label: Upload file
+ mark_as_read_title: ''
+ mark_as_read_label: ''
+ file_label: ''
+ save_label: ''
- page_title: Import > Pocket
- description: This importer will import all of your Pocket data. Pocket doesn't allow us to retrieve content from their service, so the readable content of each article will be re-fetched by wallabag.
+ page_title: ''
+ description: ''
- description: Pocket import isn't configured.
- admin_message: You need to define %keyurls%a pocket_consumer_key%keyurle%.
- user_message: Your server admin needs to define an API Key for Pocket.
- authorize_message: You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to
- connect_to_pocket: Connect to Pocket and import data
+ description: ''
+ admin_message: ''
+ user_message: ''
+ authorize_message: ''
+ connect_to_pocket: ''
- page_title: Import > Wallabag v1
- description: This importer will import all your wallabag v1 articles. On your config page, click on "JSON export" in the "Export your wallabag data" section. You will have a "wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json" file.
- how_to: Please select your wallabag export and click on the below button to upload and import it.
+ page_title: ''
+ description: ''
+ how_to: ''
- page_title: Import > Wallabag v2
- description: This importer will import all your wallabag v2 articles. Go to All articles, then, on the export sidebar, click on "JSON". You will have a "All articles.json" file.
+ page_title: ''
+ description: ''
- page_title: Import > Readability
- description: This importer will import all your Readability articles. On the tools ( page, click on "Export your data" in the "Data Export" section. You will received an email to download a json (which does not end with .json in fact).
- how_to: Please select your Readability export and click on the below button to upload and import it.
+ page_title: ''
+ description: ''
+ how_to: ''
- enabled: 'Import is made asynchronously. Once the import task is started, an external worker will handle jobs one at a time. The current service is:'
- download_images_warning: You enabled downloading images for your articles. Combined with classic import it can take ages to proceed (or maybe failed). We strongly recommend to enable asynchronous import to avoid errors.
+ enabled: ''
+ download_images_warning: ''
- page_title: Import > Firefox
- description: This importer will import all your Firefox bookmarks. Just go to your bookmarks (Ctrl+Maj+O), then into "Import and backup", choose "Backup...". You will obtain a .json file.
- how_to: Please choose the bookmark backup file and click on the button below to import it. Note that the process may take a long time since all articles have to be fetched.
+ page_title: ''
+ description: ''
+ how_to: ''
- page_title: Import > Chrome
- description: "This importer will import all your Chrome bookmarks. The location of the file depends on your operating system : - On Linux, go into the
directory - On Windows, it should be at
%LOCALAPPDATA%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default
- On OS X, it should be at
~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Bookmarks
Once you got there, copy the Bookmarks
file someplace you'll find.
Note that if you have Chromium instead of Chrome, you'll have to correct paths accordingly.
- how_to: Please choose the bookmark backup file and click on the button below to import it. Note that the process may take a long time since all articles have to be fetched.
+ page_title: ''
+ description: ""
+ how_to: ''
- page_title: Import > Instapaper
- description: This importer will import all your Instapaper articles. On the settings ( page, click on "Download .CSV file" in the "Export" section. A CSV file will be downloaded (like "instapaper-export.csv").
- how_to: Please select your Instapaper export and click on the below button to upload and import it.
+ page_title: ''
+ description: ''
+ how_to: ''
- page_title: Import > Pinboard
- description: This importer will import all your Pinboard articles. On the backup ( page, click on "JSON" in the "Bookmarks" section. A JSON file will be downloaded (like "pinboard_export").
- how_to: Please select your Pinboard export and click on the below button to upload and import it.
+ page_title: ''
+ description: ''
+ how_to: ''
page_title: Керування клієнтами API
welcome_message: Ласкаво просимо до wallabag API
@@ -536,47 +536,47 @@ developer:
paragraph_8: Щоб ознайомитись зі всіма методами API, вам потрібно переглянути нашу документацію API.
back: Назад
- page_title: Users management
- new_user: Create a new user
- edit_user: Edit an existing user
- description: Here you can manage all users (create, edit and delete)
+ page_title: ''
+ new_user: ''
+ edit_user: ''
+ description: ''
actions: Actions
- edit_action: Edit
- yes: Yes
- no: No
- create_new_one: Create a new user
+ edit_action: ''
+ yes: ''
+ no: ''
+ create_new_one: ''
- username_label: Username
- name_label: Name
- password_label: Password
- repeat_new_password_label: Repeat new password
+ username_label: ''
+ name_label: ''
+ password_label: ''
+ repeat_new_password_label: ''
plain_password_label: ????
- email_label: Email
- enabled_label: Enabled
- last_login_label: Last login
+ email_label: ''
+ enabled_label: ''
+ last_login_label: ''
twofactor_label: Two factor authentication
save: Зберегти
delete: Delete
- delete_confirm: Are you sure?
+ delete_confirm: ''
back_to_list: Назад до списку
- placeholder: Filter by username or email
+ placeholder: ''
- page_title: Site credentials management
- new_site_credential: Create a credential
- edit_site_credential: Edit an existing credential
- description: Here you can manage all credentials for sites which required them (create, edit and delete), like a paywall, an authentication, etc.
+ page_title: ''
+ new_site_credential: ''
+ edit_site_credential: ''
+ description: ''
actions: Actions
- edit_action: Edit
- yes: Yes
- no: No
- create_new_one: Create a new credential
+ edit_action: ''
+ yes: ''
+ no: ''
+ create_new_one: ''
- username_label: Username
- host_label: Host
- password_label: Password
+ username_label: ''
+ host_label: ''
+ password_label: ''
save: Зберегти
delete: Видалити
delete_confirm: Ви впевнені, що бажаєте продовжити?
@@ -621,15 +621,15 @@ flashes:
failed: Не вдалось імпортувати, спробуйте ще раз.
failed_on_file: Сталась помилка під час імпорту. Перевірте файл імпорту.
- summary: 'Import summary: %imported% imported, %skipped% already saved.'
- summary_with_queue: 'Import summary: %queued% queued.'
+ summary: ''
+ summary_with_queue: ''
- redis_enabled_not_installed: Redis is enabled for handle asynchronous import but it looks like we can't connect to it. Please check Redis configuration.
- rabbit_enabled_not_installed: RabbitMQ is enabled for handle asynchronous import but it looks like we can't connect to it. Please check RabbitMQ configuration.
+ redis_enabled_not_installed: ''
+ rabbit_enabled_not_installed: ''
client_created: Створено клієнта "%name%".
- client_deleted: Видалено клієнта "%name%".
+ client_deleted: Видалено клієнта "%name%"
added: Створено користувача "%username%"