{% load activity_tags %} {% if event.type == "followed" %}
{{ event.subject_identity.html_name_or_handle }} followed you
{% include "activities/_identity.html" with identity=event.subject_identity created=event.created %} {% elif event.type == "liked" %}
{{ event.subject_identity.html_name_or_handle }} liked your post
{% if not event.collapsed %} {% include "activities/_post.html" with post=event.subject_post %} {% endif %} {% elif event.type == "mentioned" %}
{{ event.subject_identity.html_name_or_handle }} mentioned you
{% if not event.collapsed %} {% include "activities/_post.html" with post=event.subject_post %} {% endif %} {% elif event.type == "boosted" %}
{{ event.subject_identity.html_name_or_handle }} boosted your post
{% if not event.collapsed %} {% include "activities/_post.html" with post=event.subject_post event=event %} {% endif %} {% else %} Unknown event type {{event.type}} {% endif %}