{% extends "admin/base_main.html" %} {% block subtitle %}Report {{ report.pk }}{% endblock %} {% block settings_content %} <form action="." method="POST"> {% csrf_token %} <fieldset> <legend>Report</legend> <label>Report about</label> {% if report.subject_post %} {% include "activities/_mini_post.html" with post=report.subject_post %} {% else %} {% include "activities/_identity.html" with identity=report.subject_identity %} {% endif %} <label>Reported by</label> {% if report.source_identity %} {% include "activities/_identity.html" with identity=report.source_identity %} {% else %} <p>Remote server {{ report.source_domain.domain }}</p> {% endif %} <label>Complaint Type</label> <p>{{ report.type|title }}</p> <label>Complaint</label> <p>{{ report.complaint|linebreaks }}</p> {% if report.resolved %} <label>Resolved</label> <p> {{ report.resolved|timesince }} ago by <a href="{{ report.moderator.urls.view }}">{{ report.moderator.name_or_handle }}</a> </p> {% endif %} </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Moderator Notes</legend> {% include "forms/_field.html" with field=form.notes %} </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Resolution Options</legend> <table class="buttons"> <tr> {% if report.resolved and report.valid %} <th><button disabled="true">Resolve Valid</button></th> <td>Report is already resolved as valid</td> {% else %} <th><button name="valid">Resolve Valid</button></th> <td>Mark report against the identity but take no further action</td> {% endif %} </tr> <tr> {% if report.resolved and not report.valid %} <th><button disabled="true">Resolve Invalid</button></th> <td>Report is already resolved as invalid</td> {% else %} <th><button name="invalid">Resolve Invalid</button></th> <td>Mark report as invalid and take no action</td> {% endif %} </tr> <tr> {% if report.subject_identity.limited %} <th><button class="danger" disabled="true">Limit</button></th> <td>User is already limited</td> {% else %} <th><button class="danger" name="limit">Limit</button></th> <td>Make them less visible on this server</td> {% endif %} </tr> <tr> {% if report.subject_identity.blocked %} <th><button class="danger" disabled="true">Block</button></th> <td>User is already blocked</td> {% else %} <th><button class="danger" name="block">Block</button></th> <td>Remove their existence entirely from this server</td> {% endif %} </tr> </table> </fieldset> <div class="buttons"> <a href="{{ report.urls.admin }}?page={{ page }}" class="button secondary left">Back</a> <a href="{{ report.subject_identity.urls.view }}" class="button secondary">View Profile</a> <a href="{{ report.subject_identity.urls.admin_edit }}" class="button secondary">Identity Admin</a> <button>Save Notes</button> </div> </form> {% endblock %}