from django import forms from django.conf import settings from django.contrib import messages from django.shortcuts import redirect from django.utils import timezone from django.views.generic import FormView from activities.models import Post, PostAttachment, PostAttachmentStates, TimelineEvent from core.files import blurhash_image, resize_image from core.models import Config from users.views.base import IdentityViewMixin class Compose(IdentityViewMixin, FormView): template_name = "activities/compose.html" class form_class(forms.Form): text = forms.CharField( widget=forms.Textarea( attrs={ "autofocus": "autofocus", "placeholder": "What's on your mind?", }, ) ) visibility = forms.ChoiceField( choices=[ (Post.Visibilities.public, "Public"), (Post.Visibilities.local_only, "Local Only"), (Post.Visibilities.unlisted, "Unlisted"), (Post.Visibilities.followers, "Followers & Mentioned Only"), (Post.Visibilities.mentioned, "Mentioned Only"), ], ) content_warning = forms.CharField( required=False, label=Config.lazy_system_value("content_warning_text"), widget=forms.TextInput( attrs={ "placeholder": Config.lazy_system_value("content_warning_text"), }, ), help_text="Optional - Post will be hidden behind this text until clicked", ) image = forms.ImageField( required=False, help_text="Optional - For multiple image uploads and cropping, please use an app", widget=forms.FileInput( attrs={ "_": f""" on change if me.files[0].size > {settings.SETUP.MEDIA_MAX_IMAGE_FILESIZE_MB * 1024 ** 2} add [@disabled=] to #upload remove make called errorlist make
  • called error set size_in_mb to (me.files[0].size / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2) put 'File must be {settings.SETUP.MEDIA_MAX_IMAGE_FILESIZE_MB}MB or less (actual: ' + size_in_mb + 'MB)' into error put error into errorlist put errorlist before me else remove @disabled from #upload remove end end """ } ), ) image_caption = forms.CharField( required=False, help_text="Provide an image caption for the visually impaired", ) def __init__(self, identity, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.identity = identity self.fields["text"].widget.attrs[ "_" ] = rf""" init -- Move cursor to the end of existing text set my.selectionStart to my.value.length end on load or input -- Unicode-aware counting to match Python -- will be normalized as in Django set characters to Array.from(my.value.replaceAll('\n','\r\n').trim()).length put {Config.system.post_length} - characters into #character-counter if characters > {Config.system.post_length} then set #character-counter's style.color to 'var(--color-text-error)' add [@disabled=] to #post-button else set #character-counter's style.color to '' remove @disabled from #post-button end """ def clean_text(self): text = self.cleaned_data.get("text") # Check minimum interval last_post = self.identity.posts.order_by("-created").first() if ( last_post and ( - last_post.created).total_seconds() < Config.system.post_minimum_interval ): raise forms.ValidationError( f"You must wait at least {Config.system.post_minimum_interval} seconds between posts" ) if not text: return text # Check post length length = len(text) if length > Config.system.post_length: raise forms.ValidationError( f"Maximum post length is {Config.system.post_length} characters (you have {length})" ) return text def clean_image(self): value = self.cleaned_data.get("image") if value: max_mb = settings.SETUP.MEDIA_MAX_IMAGE_FILESIZE_MB max_bytes = max_mb * 1024 * 1024 if value.size > max_bytes: # Erase the file from our data to stop trying to show it again self.files = {} raise forms.ValidationError( f"File must be {max_mb}MB or less (actual: {value.size / 1024 ** 2:.2f})" ) return value def get_form(self, form_class=None): return self.form_class(identity=self.identity, **self.get_form_kwargs()) def get_initial(self): initial = super().get_initial() initial["visibility"] = self.identity.config_identity.default_post_visibility return initial def form_valid(self, form): # See if we need to make an image attachment attachments = [] if form.cleaned_data.get("image"): main_file = resize_image( form.cleaned_data["image"], size=(2000, 2000), cover=False, ) thumbnail_file = resize_image( form.cleaned_data["image"], size=(400, 225), cover=True, ) attachment = PostAttachment.objects.create( blurhash=blurhash_image(thumbnail_file), mimetype="image/webp", width=main_file.image.width, height=main_file.image.height, name=form.cleaned_data.get("image_caption"), state=PostAttachmentStates.fetched, author=self.identity, ), main_file, ), thumbnail_file, ) attachments.append(attachment) # Create the post post = Post.create_local( author=self.identity, content=form.cleaned_data["text"], summary=form.cleaned_data.get("content_warning"), visibility=form.cleaned_data["visibility"], attachments=attachments, ) # Add their own timeline event for immediate visibility TimelineEvent.add_post(self.identity, post) messages.success(self.request, "Your post was created.") return redirect(".") def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context["identity"] = self.identity context["section"] = "compose" return context