import datetime import json import logging import mimetypes import ssl from import Iterable from typing import Optional from urllib.parse import urlparse import httpx import urlman from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.postgres.indexes import GinIndex from import SearchVector from django.db import models, transaction from django.db.utils import IntegrityError from django.template import loader from django.template.defaultfilters import linebreaks_filter from django.utils import timezone from pyld.jsonld import JsonLdError from activities.models.emoji import Emoji from activities.models.fan_out import FanOut from activities.models.hashtag import Hashtag, HashtagStates from activities.models.post_types import ( PostTypeData, PostTypeDataDecoder, PostTypeDataEncoder, QuestionData, ) from core.exceptions import ActivityPubFormatError from core.html import ContentRenderer, FediverseHtmlParser from core.ld import ( canonicalise, format_ld_date, get_list, get_value_or_map, parse_ld_date, ) from core.snowflake import Snowflake from stator.exceptions import TryAgainLater from stator.models import State, StateField, StateGraph, StatorModel from users.models.follow import FollowStates from users.models.hashtag_follow import HashtagFollow from users.models.identity import Identity, IdentityStates from users.models.inbox_message import InboxMessage from users.models.system_actor import SystemActor logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PostStates(StateGraph): new = State(try_interval=300) fanned_out = State(externally_progressed=True) deleted = State(try_interval=300) deleted_fanned_out = State(delete_after=86400) edited = State(try_interval=300) edited_fanned_out = State(externally_progressed=True) new.transitions_to(fanned_out) fanned_out.transitions_to(deleted_fanned_out) fanned_out.transitions_to(deleted) fanned_out.transitions_to(edited) deleted.transitions_to(deleted_fanned_out) edited.transitions_to(edited_fanned_out) edited_fanned_out.transitions_to(edited) edited_fanned_out.transitions_to(deleted) @classmethod def targets_fan_out(cls, post: "Post", type_: str) -> None: # Fan out to each target for follow in post.get_targets(): FanOut.objects.create( identity=follow, type=type_, subject_post=post, ) @classmethod def handle_new(cls, instance: "Post"): """ Creates all needed fan-out objects for a new Post. """ # Only fan out if the post was published in the last day or it's local # (we don't want to fan out anything older that that which is remote) if instance.local or ( - instance.published) < datetime.timedelta( days=1 ): cls.targets_fan_out(instance, instance.ensure_hashtags() return cls.fanned_out @classmethod def handle_fanned_out(cls, instance: "Post"): """ For remote posts, sees if we can delete them every so often. """ # Skip all of this if the horizon is zero if settings.SETUP.REMOTE_PRUNE_HORIZON <= 0: return # To be a candidate for deletion, a post must be remote and old enough if instance.local: return if instance.created > - datetime.timedelta( days=settings.SETUP.REMOTE_PRUNE_HORIZON ): return # It must have no local interactions if instance.interactions.filter(identity__local=True).exists(): return # OK, delete it! instance.delete() return cls.deleted_fanned_out @classmethod def handle_deleted(cls, instance: "Post"): """ Creates all needed fan-out objects needed to delete a Post. """ cls.targets_fan_out(instance, FanOut.Types.post_deleted) return cls.deleted_fanned_out @classmethod def handle_edited(cls, instance: "Post"): """ Creates all needed fan-out objects for an edited Post. """ cls.targets_fan_out(instance, FanOut.Types.post_edited) instance.ensure_hashtags() return cls.edited_fanned_out class PostQuerySet(models.QuerySet): def not_hidden(self): query = self.exclude( state__in=[PostStates.deleted, PostStates.deleted_fanned_out] ) return query def public(self, include_replies: bool = False): query = self.filter( visibility__in=[ Post.Visibilities.public, Post.Visibilities.local_only, ], ) if not include_replies: return query.filter(in_reply_to__isnull=True) return query def local_public(self, include_replies: bool = False): query = self.filter( visibility__in=[ Post.Visibilities.public, Post.Visibilities.local_only, ], local=True, ) if not include_replies: return query.filter(in_reply_to__isnull=True) return query def unlisted(self, include_replies: bool = False): query = self.filter( visibility__in=[ Post.Visibilities.public, Post.Visibilities.local_only, Post.Visibilities.unlisted, ], ) if not include_replies: return query.filter(in_reply_to__isnull=True) return query def visible_to(self, identity: Identity | None, include_replies: bool = False): if identity is None: return self.unlisted(include_replies=include_replies) query = self.filter( models.Q( visibility__in=[ Post.Visibilities.public, Post.Visibilities.local_only, Post.Visibilities.unlisted, ] ) | models.Q( visibility=Post.Visibilities.followers, author__inbound_follows__source=identity, ) | models.Q( mentions=identity, ) | models.Q(author=identity) ).distinct() if not include_replies: return query.filter(in_reply_to__isnull=True) return query def tagged_with(self, hashtag: str | Hashtag): if isinstance(hashtag, str): tag_q = models.Q(hashtags__contains=hashtag) else: tag_q = models.Q(hashtags__contains=hashtag.hashtag) if hashtag.aliases: for alias in hashtag.aliases: tag_q |= models.Q(hashtags__contains=alias) return self.filter(tag_q) class PostManager(models.Manager): def get_queryset(self): return PostQuerySet(self.model, using=self._db) def not_hidden(self): return self.get_queryset().not_hidden() def public(self, include_replies: bool = False): return self.get_queryset().public(include_replies=include_replies) def local_public(self, include_replies: bool = False): return self.get_queryset().local_public(include_replies=include_replies) def unlisted(self, include_replies: bool = False): return self.get_queryset().unlisted(include_replies=include_replies) def tagged_with(self, hashtag: str | Hashtag): return self.get_queryset().tagged_with(hashtag=hashtag) class Post(StatorModel): """ A post (status, toot) that is either local or remote. """ class Visibilities(models.IntegerChoices): public = 0 local_only = 4 unlisted = 1 followers = 2 mentioned = 3 class Types(models.TextChoices): article = "Article" audio = "Audio" event = "Event" image = "Image" note = "Note" page = "Page" question = "Question" video = "Video" id = models.BigIntegerField(primary_key=True, default=Snowflake.generate_post) # The author (attributedTo) of the post author = models.ForeignKey( "users.Identity", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="posts", ) # The state the post is in state = StateField(PostStates) # If it is our post or not local = models.BooleanField() # The canonical object ID object_uri = models.CharField(max_length=2048, blank=True, null=True, unique=True) # Who should be able to see this Post visibility = models.IntegerField( choices=Visibilities.choices, default=Visibilities.public, ) # The main (HTML) content content = models.TextField() type = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=Types.choices, default=Types.note, ) type_data = models.JSONField( blank=True, null=True, encoder=PostTypeDataEncoder, decoder=PostTypeDataDecoder ) # If the contents of the post are sensitive, and the summary (content # warning) to show if it is sensitive = models.BooleanField(default=False) summary = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) # The public, web URL of this Post on the original server url = models.CharField(max_length=2048, blank=True, null=True) # The Post it is replying to as an AP ID URI # (as otherwise we'd have to pull entire threads to use IDs) in_reply_to = models.CharField(max_length=500, blank=True, null=True, db_index=True) # The identities the post is directly to (who can see it if not public) to = models.ManyToManyField( "users.Identity", related_name="posts_to", blank=True, ) # The identities mentioned in the post mentions = models.ManyToManyField( "users.Identity", related_name="posts_mentioning", blank=True, ) # Hashtags in the post hashtags = models.JSONField(blank=True, null=True) emojis = models.ManyToManyField( "activities.Emoji", related_name="posts_using_emoji", blank=True, ) # Like/Boost/etc counts stats = models.JSONField(blank=True, null=True) # When the post was originally created (as opposed to when we received it) published = models.DateTimeField( # If the post has been edited after initial publication edited = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = PostManager() class Meta: indexes = [ GinIndex(fields=["hashtags"], name="hashtags_gin"), GinIndex( SearchVector("content", config="english"), name="content_vector_gin", ), models.Index( fields=["visibility", "local", "published"], name="ix_post_local_public_published", ), models.Index( fields=["visibility", "local", "created"], name="ix_post_local_public_created", ), ] class urls(urlman.Urls): view = "{}posts/{}/" object_uri = "{}posts/{}/" action_like = "{view}like/" action_unlike = "{view}unlike/" action_boost = "{view}boost/" action_unboost = "{view}unboost/" action_bookmark = "{view}bookmark/" action_unbookmark = "{view}unbookmark/" action_delete = "{view}delete/" action_edit = "{view}edit/" action_report = "{view}report/" action_reply = "/compose/?reply_to={}" admin_edit = "/djadmin/activities/post/{}/change/" def get_scheme(self, url): return "https" def get_hostname(self, url): return def __str__(self): return f"{} #{}" def get_absolute_url(self): return self.urls.view def absolute_object_uri(self): """ Returns an object URI that is always absolute, for sending out to other servers. """ if self.local: return + f"posts/{}/" else: return self.object_uri def in_reply_to_post(self) -> Optional["Post"]: """ Returns the actual Post object we're replying to, if we can find it """ if self.in_reply_to is None: return None return ( Post.objects.filter(object_uri=self.in_reply_to) .select_related("author") .first() ) ### Content cleanup and extraction ### def clean_type_data(self, value): PostTypeData.parse_obj(value) def _safe_content_note(self, *, local: bool = True): return ContentRenderer(local=local).render_post(self.content, self) def _safe_content_question(self, *, local: bool = True): if local: context = { "post": self, "sanitized_content": self._safe_content_note(local=local), "local_display": local, } return loader.render_to_string("activities/_type_question.html", context) else: return ContentRenderer(local=local).render_post(self.content, self) def _safe_content_typed(self, *, local: bool = True): context = { "post": self, "sanitized_content": self._safe_content_note(local=local), "local_display": local, } return loader.render_to_string( ( f"activities/_type_{self.type.lower()}.html", "activities/_type_unknown.html", ), context, ) def safe_content(self, *, local: bool = True): func = getattr( self, f"_safe_content_{self.type.lower()}", self._safe_content_typed ) if callable(func): return func(local=local) return self._safe_content_note(local=local) # fallback def safe_content_local(self): """ Returns the content formatted for local display """ return self.safe_content(local=True) def safe_content_remote(self): """ Returns the content formatted for remote consumption """ return self.safe_content(local=False) def summary_class(self) -> str: """ Returns a CSS class name to identify this summary value """ if not self.summary: return "" return "summary-{}" @property def stats_with_defaults(self): """ Returns the stats dict with counts of likes/etc. in it """ return { "likes": self.stats.get("likes", 0) if self.stats else 0, "boosts": self.stats.get("boosts", 0) if self.stats else 0, "replies": self.stats.get("replies", 0) if self.stats else 0, } ### Local creation/editing ### @classmethod def create_local( cls, author: Identity, content: str, summary: str | None = None, sensitive: bool = False, visibility: int = Visibilities.public, reply_to: Optional["Post"] = None, attachments: list | None = None, question: dict | None = None, ) -> "Post": with transaction.atomic(): # Find mentions in this post mentions = cls.mentions_from_content(content, author) if reply_to: mentions.add( # Maintain local-only for replies if reply_to.visibility == reply_to.Visibilities.local_only: visibility = reply_to.Visibilities.local_only # Find emoji in this post emojis = Emoji.emojis_from_content(content, None) # Strip all unwanted HTML and apply linebreaks filter, grabbing hashtags on the way parser = FediverseHtmlParser(linebreaks_filter(content), find_hashtags=True) content = parser.html hashtags = ( sorted([tag[: Hashtag.MAXIMUM_LENGTH] for tag in parser.hashtags]) or None ) # Make the Post object post = cls.objects.create( author=author, content=content, summary=summary or None, sensitive=bool(summary) or sensitive, local=True, visibility=visibility, hashtags=hashtags, in_reply_to=reply_to.object_uri if reply_to else None, ) post.object_uri = post.urls.object_uri post.url = post.absolute_object_uri() post.mentions.set(mentions) post.emojis.set(emojis) if attachments: post.attachments.set(attachments) if question: post.type = question["type"] post.type_data = PostTypeData(__root__=question).__root__ # Recalculate parent stats for replies if reply_to: reply_to.calculate_stats() return post def edit_local( self, content: str, summary: str | None = None, sensitive: bool | None = None, visibility: int = Visibilities.public, attachments: list | None = None, attachment_attributes: list | None = None, ): with transaction.atomic(): # Strip all HTML and apply linebreaks filter parser = FediverseHtmlParser(linebreaks_filter(content), find_hashtags=True) self.content = parser.html self.hashtags = ( sorted([tag[: Hashtag.MAXIMUM_LENGTH] for tag in parser.hashtags]) or None ) self.summary = summary or None self.sensitive = bool(summary) if sensitive is None else sensitive self.visibility = visibility self.edited = self.mentions.set(self.mentions_from_content(content, self.emojis.set(Emoji.emojis_from_content(content, None)) self.attachments.set(attachments or []) for attrs in attachment_attributes or []: attachment = next( (a for a in attachments or [] if str( ==, None ) if attachment is None: continue = attrs.description self.transition_perform(PostStates.edited) @classmethod def mentions_from_content(cls, content, author) -> set[Identity]: mention_hits = FediverseHtmlParser(content, find_mentions=True).mentions mentions = set() for handle in mention_hits: handle = handle.lower() if "@" in handle: username, domain = handle.split("@", 1) else: username = handle domain = author.domain_id identity = Identity.by_username_and_domain( username=username, domain=domain, fetch=True, ) if identity is not None and not identity.deleted: mentions.add(identity) return mentions def ensure_hashtags(self) -> None: """ Ensure any of the already parsed hashtags from this Post have a corresponding Hashtag record. """ # Ensure hashtags if self.hashtags: for hashtag in self.hashtags: tag, _ = Hashtag.objects.get_or_create( hashtag=hashtag[: Hashtag.MAXIMUM_LENGTH], ) tag.transition_perform(HashtagStates.outdated) def calculate_stats(self, save=True): """ Recalculates our stats dict """ from activities.models import PostInteraction, PostInteractionStates self.stats = { "likes": self.interactions.filter(, state__in=PostInteractionStates.group_active(), ).count(), "boosts": self.interactions.filter( type=PostInteraction.Types.boost, state__in=PostInteractionStates.group_active(), ).count(), "replies": Post.objects.filter(in_reply_to=self.object_uri).count(), } if save: def calculate_type_data(self, save=True): """ Recalculate type_data (used mostly for poll votes) """ from activities.models import PostInteraction if self.local and isinstance(self.type_data, QuestionData): self.type_data.voter_count = ( self.interactions.filter(, ) .values("identity") .distinct() .count() ) for option in self.type_data.options: option.votes = self.interactions.filter(,, ).count() if save: ### ActivityPub (outbound) ### def to_ap(self) -> dict: """ Returns the AP JSON for this object """ value = { "to": [], "cc": [], "type": self.type, "id": self.object_uri, "published": format_ld_date(self.published), "attributedTo":, "content": self.safe_content_remote(), "sensitive": self.sensitive, "url": self.absolute_object_uri(), "tag": [], "attachment": [], } if self.type == Post.Types.question and self.type_data: value[self.type_data.mode] = [ { "name":, "type": option.type, "replies": {"type": "Collection", "totalItems": option.votes}, } for option in self.type_data.options ] value["toot:votersCount"] = self.type_data.voter_count if self.type_data.end_time: value["endTime"] = format_ld_date(self.type_data.end_time) if self.summary: value["summary"] = self.summary if self.in_reply_to: value["inReplyTo"] = self.in_reply_to if self.edited: value["updated"] = format_ld_date(self.edited) # Targeting if self.visibility == self.Visibilities.public: value["to"].append("as:Public") elif self.visibility == self.Visibilities.unlisted: value["cc"].append("as:Public") elif ( self.visibility == self.Visibilities.followers and ): value["to"].append( # Mentions for mention in self.mentions.all(): value["tag"].append(mention.to_ap_tag()) value["cc"].append(mention.actor_uri) # Hashtags for hashtag in self.hashtags or []: value["tag"].append( { "href": f"https://{}/tags/{hashtag}/", "name": f"#{hashtag}", "type": "Hashtag", } ) # Emoji for emoji in self.emojis.all(): value["tag"].append(emoji.to_ap_tag()) # Attachments for attachment in self.attachments.all(): value["attachment"].append(attachment.to_ap()) # Remove fields if they're empty for field in ["to", "cc", "tag", "attachment"]: if not value[field]: del value[field] return value def to_create_ap(self): """ Returns the AP JSON to create this object """ object = self.to_ap() return { "to": object.get("to", []), "cc": object.get("cc", []), "type": "Create", "id": self.object_uri + "#create", "actor":, "object": object, } def to_update_ap(self): """ Returns the AP JSON to update this object """ object = self.to_ap() return { "to": object.get("to", []), "cc": object.get("cc", []), "type": "Update", "id": self.object_uri + "#update", "actor":, "object": object, } def to_delete_ap(self): """ Returns the AP JSON to create this object """ object = self.to_ap() return { "to": object.get("to", []), "cc": object.get("cc", []), "type": "Delete", "id": self.object_uri + "#delete", "actor":, "object": object, } def get_targets(self) -> Iterable[Identity]: """ Returns a list of Identities that need to see posts and their changes """ targets = set() for mention in self.mentions.all(): targets.add(mention) if self.visibility in [Post.Visibilities.public, Post.Visibilities.unlisted]: for interaction in self.interactions.all(): targets.add(interaction.identity) # Then, if it's not mentions only, also deliver to followers and all hashtag followers if self.visibility != Post.Visibilities.mentioned: for follower in state__in=FollowStates.group_active() ).select_related("source"): targets.add(follower.source) if self.hashtags: for follow in HashtagFollow.objects.by_hashtags( self.hashtags ).prefetch_related("identity"): targets.add(follow.identity) # If it's a reply, always include the original author if we know them reply_post = self.in_reply_to_post() if reply_post: targets.add( # And if it's a reply to one of our own, we have to re-fan-out to # the original author's followers if for follower in state__in=FollowStates.group_active() ).select_related("source"): targets.add(follower.source) # If this is a remote post or local-only, filter to only include # local identities if not self.local or self.visibility == Post.Visibilities.local_only: targets = {target for target in targets if target.local} # If it's a local post, include the author if self.local: targets.add( # Fetch the author's full blocks and remove them as targets blocks = ( .filter(mute=False) .select_related("target") ) for block in blocks: try: targets.remove( except KeyError: pass # Now dedupe the targets based on shared inboxes (we only keep one per # shared inbox) deduped_targets = set() shared_inboxes = set() for target in targets: if target.local or not target.shared_inbox_uri: deduped_targets.add(target) elif target.shared_inbox_uri not in shared_inboxes: shared_inboxes.add(target.shared_inbox_uri) deduped_targets.add(target) else: # Their shared inbox is already being sent to pass return deduped_targets ### ActivityPub (inbound) ### @classmethod def by_ap(cls, data, create=False, update=False, fetch_author=False) -> "Post": """ Retrieves a Post instance by its ActivityPub JSON object. Optionally creates one if it's not present. Raises DoesNotExist if it's not found and create is False, or it's from a blocked domain. """ try: # Ensure data has the primary fields of all Posts if ( not isinstance(data["id"], str) or not isinstance(data["attributedTo"], str) or not isinstance(data["type"], str) ): raise TypeError() # Ensure the domain of the object's actor and ID match to prevent injection if urlparse(data["id"]).hostname != urlparse(data["attributedTo"]).hostname: raise ValueError("Object's ID domain is different to its author") except (TypeError, KeyError) as ex: raise cls.DoesNotExist( "Object data is not a recognizable ActivityPub object" ) from ex # Do we have one with the right ID? created = False try: post: Post = cls.objects.select_related("author__domain").get( object_uri=data["id"] ) except cls.DoesNotExist: if create: # Resolve the author author = Identity.by_actor_uri(data["attributedTo"], create=create) # If the author is not fetched yet, try again later if author.domain is None: if fetch_author: if not author.fetch_actor() or author.domain is None: raise TryAgainLater() else: raise TryAgainLater() # If the post is from a blocked domain, stop and drop if author.domain.recursively_blocked(): raise cls.DoesNotExist("Post is from a blocked domain") # parallelism may cause another simultaneous worker thread # to try to create the same post - so watch for that and # try to avoid failing the entire transaction try: # wrapped in a transaction to avoid breaking the outer # transaction with transaction.atomic(): post = cls.objects.create( object_uri=data["id"], author=author, content="", local=False, type=data["type"], ) created = True except IntegrityError: # despite previous checks, a parallel thread managed # to create the same object already raise TryAgainLater() else: raise cls.DoesNotExist(f"No post with ID {data['id']}", data) if update or created: post.type = data["type"] post.url = data.get("url", data["id"]) if post.type in (cls.Types.article, cls.Types.question): post.type_data = PostTypeData(__root__=data).__root__ try: # apparently sometimes posts (Pages?) in the fediverse # don't have content, but this shouldn't be a total failure post.content = get_value_or_map(data, "content", "contentMap") except ActivityPubFormatError as err: logger.warning("%s on %s", err, post.url) post.content = None # Document types have names, not summaries post.summary = data.get("summary") or data.get("name") if not post.content and post.summary: post.content = post.summary post.summary = None post.sensitive = data.get("sensitive", False) post.published = parse_ld_date(data.get("published")) post.edited = parse_ld_date(data.get("updated")) post.in_reply_to = data.get("inReplyTo") # Mentions and hashtags post.hashtags = [] for tag in get_list(data, "tag"): tag_type = tag["type"].lower() if tag_type == "mention": mention_identity = Identity.by_actor_uri(tag["href"], create=True) post.mentions.add(mention_identity) elif tag_type in ["_:hashtag", "hashtag"]: # kbin produces tags with 'tag' instead of 'name' if "tag" in tag and "name" not in tag: name = get_value_or_map(tag, "tag", "tagMap") else: name = get_value_or_map(tag, "name", "nameMap") post.hashtags.append( name.lower().lstrip("#")[: Hashtag.MAXIMUM_LENGTH] ) elif tag_type in ["toot:emoji", "emoji"]: emoji = Emoji.by_ap_tag(, tag, create=True) post.emojis.add(emoji) else: # Various ActivityPub implementations and proposals introduced tag # types, e.g. Edition in Bookwyrm and Link in fep-e232 Object Links # it should be safe to ignore (and log) them before a full support pass # Visibility and to # (a post is public if it's to:public, otherwise it's unlisted if # it's cc:public, otherwise it's more limited) to = [x.lower() for x in get_list(data, "to")] cc = [x.lower() for x in get_list(data, "cc")] post.visibility = Post.Visibilities.mentioned if "public" in to or "as:public" in to: post.visibility = Post.Visibilities.public elif "public" in cc or "as:public" in cc: post.visibility = Post.Visibilities.unlisted elif in to: post.visibility = Post.Visibilities.followers # Attachments # These have no IDs, so we have to wipe them each time post.attachments.all().delete() for attachment in get_list(data, "attachment"): if "url" not in attachment and "href" in attachment: # Links have hrefs, while other Objects have urls attachment["url"] = attachment["href"] if "focalPoint" in attachment: try: focal_x, focal_y = attachment["focalPoint"] except (ValueError, TypeError): focal_x, focal_y = None, None else: focal_x, focal_y = None, None mimetype = attachment.get("mediaType") if not mimetype or not isinstance(mimetype, str): if "url" not in attachment: raise ActivityPubFormatError( f"No URL present on attachment in {post.url}" ) mimetype, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(attachment["url"]) if not mimetype: mimetype = "application/octet-stream" post.attachments.create( remote_url=attachment["url"], mimetype=mimetype, name=attachment.get("name"), width=attachment.get("width"), height=attachment.get("height"), blurhash=attachment.get("blurhash"), focal_x=focal_x, focal_y=focal_y, ) # Calculate stats in case we have existing replies post.calculate_stats(save=False) with transaction.atomic(): # if we don't commit the transaction here, there's a chance # the parent fetch below goes into an infinite loop # Potentially schedule a fetch of the reply parent, and recalculate # its stats if it's here already. if post.in_reply_to: try: parent = cls.by_object_uri(post.in_reply_to) except cls.DoesNotExist: try: cls.ensure_object_uri(post.in_reply_to, reason=post.object_uri) except ValueError: logger.warning( "Cannot fetch ancestor of Post=%s, ancestor_uri=%s",, post.in_reply_to, ) else: parent.calculate_stats() return post @classmethod def by_object_uri(cls, object_uri, fetch=False) -> "Post": """ Gets the post by URI - either looking up locally, or fetching from the other end if it's not here. """ try: return cls.objects.get(object_uri=object_uri) except cls.DoesNotExist: if fetch: try: response = SystemActor().signed_request( method="get", uri=object_uri ) except (httpx.HTTPError, ssl.SSLCertVerificationError, ValueError): raise cls.DoesNotExist(f"Could not fetch {object_uri}") if response.status_code in [404, 410]: raise cls.DoesNotExist(f"No post at {object_uri}") if response.status_code >= 500: raise cls.DoesNotExist(f"Server error fetching {object_uri}") if response.status_code >= 400: raise cls.DoesNotExist( f"Error fetching post from {object_uri}: {response.status_code}", {response.content}, ) try: post = cls.by_ap( canonicalise(response.json(), include_security=True), create=True, update=True, fetch_author=True, ) except (json.JSONDecodeError, ValueError, JsonLdError) as err: raise cls.DoesNotExist( f"Invalid ld+json response for {object_uri}" ) from err # We may need to fetch the author too if == IdentityStates.outdated: return post else: raise cls.DoesNotExist(f"Cannot find Post with URI {object_uri}") @classmethod def ensure_object_uri(cls, object_uri: str, reason: str | None = None): """ Sees if the post is in our local set, and if not, schedules a fetch for it (in the background) """ if not object_uri or "://" not in object_uri: raise ValueError("URI missing or invalid") try: cls.by_object_uri(object_uri) except cls.DoesNotExist: InboxMessage.create_internal( { "type": "FetchPost", "object": object_uri, "reason": reason, } ) @classmethod def handle_create_ap(cls, data): """ Handles an incoming create request """ with transaction.atomic(): # Ensure the Create actor is the Post's attributedTo if data["actor"] != data["object"]["attributedTo"]: raise ValueError("Create actor does not match its Post object", data) # Create it, stator will fan it out locally cls.by_ap(data["object"], create=True, update=True, fetch_author=True) @classmethod def handle_update_ap(cls, data): """ Handles an incoming update request """ with transaction.atomic(): # Ensure the Create actor is the Post's attributedTo if data["actor"] != data["object"]["attributedTo"]: raise ValueError("Create actor does not match its Post object", data) # Find it and update it try: cls.by_ap(data["object"], create=False, update=True) except cls.DoesNotExist: # We don't have a copy - assume we got a delete first and ignore. pass @classmethod def handle_delete_ap(cls, data): """ Handles an incoming delete request """ with transaction.atomic(): # Is this an embedded object or plain ID? if isinstance(data["object"], str): object_uri = data["object"] else: object_uri = data["object"]["id"] # Find our post by ID if we have one try: post = cls.by_object_uri(object_uri) except cls.DoesNotExist: # It's already been deleted return # Ensure the actor on the request authored the post if not == data["actor"]: raise ValueError("Actor on delete does not match object") post.delete() @classmethod def handle_fetch_internal(cls, data): """ Handles an internal fetch-request inbox message """ try: uri = data["object"] if "://" in uri: cls.by_object_uri(uri, fetch=True) except (cls.DoesNotExist, KeyError): pass ### OpenGraph API ### def to_opengraph_dict(self) -> dict: return { "og:title": f"{} (@{})", "og:type": "article", "og:published_time": (self.published or self.created).isoformat(), "og:modified_time": ( self.edited or self.published or self.created ).isoformat(), "og:description": (self.summary or self.safe_content_local()), "og:image:url":, "og:image:height": 85, "og:image:width": 85, } ### Mastodon API ### def to_mastodon_json(self, interactions=None, bookmarks=None, identity=None): reply_parent = None if self.in_reply_to: # Load the PK and explicitly to prevent a SELECT on the entire author Identity reply_parent = ( Post.objects.filter(object_uri=self.in_reply_to) .only("pk", "author_id") .first() ) visibility_mapping = { self.Visibilities.public: "public", self.Visibilities.unlisted: "unlisted", self.Visibilities.followers: "private", self.Visibilities.mentioned: "direct", self.Visibilities.local_only: "public", } value = { "id":, "uri": self.object_uri, "created_at": format_ld_date(self.published), "account":, "content": self.safe_content_remote(), "visibility": visibility_mapping[self.visibility], "sensitive": self.sensitive, "spoiler_text": self.summary or "", "media_attachments": [ attachment.to_mastodon_json() for attachment in self.attachments.all() ], "mentions": [ mention.to_mastodon_mention_json() for mention in self.mentions.all() ], "tags": ( [ { "name": tag, "url": f"https://{}/tags/{tag}/", } for tag in self.hashtags ] if self.hashtags else [] ), # Filter in the list comp rather than query because the common case is no emoji in the resultset # When filter is on emojis like `emojis.usable()` it causes a query that is not cached by prefetch_related "emojis": [ emoji.to_mastodon_json() for emoji in self.emojis.all() if emoji.is_usable ], "reblogs_count": self.stats_with_defaults["boosts"], "favourites_count": self.stats_with_defaults["likes"], "replies_count": self.stats_with_defaults["replies"], "url": self.absolute_object_uri(), "in_reply_to_id": if reply_parent else None, "in_reply_to_account_id": ( reply_parent.author_id if reply_parent else None ), "reblog": None, "poll": self.type_data.to_mastodon_json(self, identity) if isinstance(self.type_data, QuestionData) else None, "card": None, "language": None, "text": self.safe_content_remote(), "edited_at": format_ld_date(self.edited) if self.edited else None, } if interactions: value["favourited"] = in interactions.get("like", []) value["reblogged"] = in interactions.get("boost", []) value["pinned"] = in interactions.get("pin", []) if bookmarks: value["bookmarked"] = in bookmarks return value