import dataclasses import urllib.parse from import Callable from typing import Any from django.db import models from django.http import HttpRequest from activities.models import PostInteraction @dataclasses.dataclass class PaginationResult: """ Represents a pagination result for Mastodon (it does Link header stuff) """ #: A list of objects that matched the pagination query. results: list[models.Model] #: The actual applied limit, which may be different from what was requested. limit: int #: A list of transformed JSON objects json_results: list[dict] | None = None @classmethod def empty(cls): return cls(results=[], limit=20) def next(self, request: HttpRequest, allowed_params: list[str]): """ Returns a URL to the next page of results. """ if not self.results: return None if self.json_results is None: raise ValueError("You must JSONify the results first") params = self.filter_params(request, allowed_params) params["max_id"] = self.json_results[-1]["id"] return f"{request.build_absolute_uri(request.path)}?{urllib.parse.urlencode(params)}" def prev(self, request: HttpRequest, allowed_params: list[str]): """ Returns a URL to the previous page of results. """ if not self.results: return None if self.json_results is None: raise ValueError("You must JSONify the results first") params = self.filter_params(request, allowed_params) params["min_id"] = self.json_results[0]["id"] return f"{request.build_absolute_uri(request.path)}?{urllib.parse.urlencode(params)}" def link_header(self, request: HttpRequest, allowed_params: list[str]): """ Creates a link header for the given request """ return ", ".join( ( f'<{, allowed_params)}>; rel="next"', f'<{self.prev(request, allowed_params)}>; rel="prev"', ) ) def jsonify_results(self, map_function: Callable[[Any], Any]): """ Replaces our results with ones transformed via map_function """ self.json_results = [map_function(result) for result in self.results] def jsonify_posts(self, identity): """ Predefined way of JSON-ifying Post objects """ interactions = PostInteraction.get_post_interactions(self.results, identity) self.jsonify_results( lambda post: post.to_mastodon_json(interactions=interactions) ) def jsonify_status_events(self, identity): """ Predefined way of JSON-ifying TimelineEvent objects representing statuses """ interactions = PostInteraction.get_event_interactions(self.results, identity) self.jsonify_results( lambda event: event.to_mastodon_status_json(interactions=interactions) ) def jsonify_notification_events(self, identity): """ Predefined way of JSON-ifying TimelineEvent objects representing notifications """ interactions = PostInteraction.get_event_interactions(self.results, identity) self.jsonify_results( lambda event: event.to_mastodon_notification_json(interactions=interactions) ) def jsonify_identities(self): """ Predefined way of JSON-ifying Identity objects """ self.jsonify_results(lambda identity: identity.to_mastodon_json()) @staticmethod def filter_params(request: HttpRequest, allowed_params: list[str]): params = {} for key in allowed_params: value = request.GET.get(key, None) if value: params[key] = value return params class MastodonPaginator: """ Paginates in the Mastodon style (max_id, min_id, etc). Note that this basically _requires_ us to always do it on IDs, so we do. """ def __init__( self, default_limit: int = 20, max_limit: int = 40, ): self.default_limit = default_limit self.max_limit = max_limit def paginate( self, queryset, min_id: str | None, max_id: str | None, since_id: str | None, limit: int | None, ) -> PaginationResult: # These "does not start with interaction" checks can be removed after a # couple months, when clients have flushed them out. if max_id and not max_id.startswith("interaction"): queryset = queryset.filter(id__lt=max_id) if since_id and not since_id.startswith("interaction"): queryset = queryset.filter(id__gt=since_id) if min_id and not min_id.startswith("interaction"): # Min ID requires items _immediately_ newer than specified, so we # invert the ordering to accommodate queryset = queryset.filter(id__gt=min_id).order_by("id") else: queryset = queryset.order_by("-id") limit = min(limit or self.default_limit, self.max_limit) return PaginationResult( results=list(queryset[:limit]), limit=limit, ) def paginate_home( self, queryset, min_id: str | None, max_id: str | None, since_id: str | None, limit: int | None, ) -> PaginationResult: """ The home timeline requires special handling where we mix Posts and PostInteractions together. """ if max_id and not max_id.startswith("interaction"): queryset = queryset.filter( models.Q(subject_post_id__lt=max_id) | models.Q(subject_post_interaction_id__lt=max_id) ) if since_id and not since_id.startswith("interaction"): queryset = queryset.filter( models.Q(subject_post_id__gt=since_id) | models.Q(subject_post_interaction_id__gt=since_id) ) if min_id and not min_id.startswith("interaction"): # Min ID requires items _immediately_ newer than specified, so we # invert the ordering to accommodate queryset = queryset.filter( models.Q(subject_post_id__gt=min_id) | models.Q(subject_post_interaction_id__gt=min_id) ).order_by("id") else: queryset = queryset.order_by("-id") limit = min(limit or self.default_limit, self.max_limit) return PaginationResult( results=list(queryset[:limit]), limit=limit, )