import datetime import json import mimetypes import ssl from import Iterable from typing import Optional from urllib.parse import urlparse import httpx import urlman from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync from django.contrib.postgres.indexes import GinIndex from import SearchVector from django.db import models, transaction from django.db.utils import IntegrityError from django.template import loader from django.template.defaultfilters import linebreaks_filter from django.utils import timezone from pyld.jsonld import JsonLdError from activities.models.emoji import Emoji from activities.models.fan_out import FanOut from activities.models.hashtag import Hashtag, HashtagStates from activities.models.post_types import ( PostTypeData, PostTypeDataDecoder, PostTypeDataEncoder, QuestionData, ) from core.exceptions import ActivityPubFormatError, capture_message from core.html import ContentRenderer, FediverseHtmlParser from core.ld import ( canonicalise, format_ld_date, get_list, get_value_or_map, parse_ld_date, ) from core.snowflake import Snowflake from stator.exceptions import TryAgainLater from stator.models import State, StateField, StateGraph, StatorModel from users.models.follow import FollowStates from users.models.hashtag_follow import HashtagFollow from users.models.identity import Identity, IdentityStates from users.models.inbox_message import InboxMessage from users.models.system_actor import SystemActor class PostStates(StateGraph): new = State(try_interval=300) fanned_out = State(externally_progressed=True) deleted = State(try_interval=300) deleted_fanned_out = State(delete_after=24 * 60 * 60) edited = State(try_interval=300) edited_fanned_out = State(externally_progressed=True) new.transitions_to(fanned_out) fanned_out.transitions_to(deleted) fanned_out.transitions_to(edited) deleted.transitions_to(deleted_fanned_out) edited.transitions_to(edited_fanned_out) edited_fanned_out.transitions_to(edited) edited_fanned_out.transitions_to(deleted) @classmethod def targets_fan_out(cls, post: "Post", type_: str) -> None: # Fan out to each target for follow in post.get_targets(): FanOut.objects.create( identity=follow, type=type_, subject_post=post, ) @classmethod def handle_new(cls, instance: "Post"): """ Creates all needed fan-out objects for a new Post. """ # Only fan out if the post was published in the last day or it's local # (we don't want to fan out anything older that that which is remote) if instance.local or ( - instance.published) < datetime.timedelta( days=1 ): cls.targets_fan_out(instance, instance.ensure_hashtags() return cls.fanned_out @classmethod def handle_deleted(cls, instance: "Post"): """ Creates all needed fan-out objects needed to delete a Post. """ cls.targets_fan_out(instance, FanOut.Types.post_deleted) return cls.deleted_fanned_out @classmethod def handle_edited(cls, instance: "Post"): """ Creates all needed fan-out objects for an edited Post. """ cls.targets_fan_out(instance, FanOut.Types.post_edited) instance.ensure_hashtags() return cls.edited_fanned_out class PostQuerySet(models.QuerySet): def not_hidden(self): query = self.exclude( state__in=[PostStates.deleted, PostStates.deleted_fanned_out] ) return query def public(self, include_replies: bool = False): query = self.filter( visibility__in=[ Post.Visibilities.public, Post.Visibilities.local_only, ], ) if not include_replies: return query.filter(in_reply_to__isnull=True) return query def local_public(self, include_replies: bool = False): query = self.filter( visibility__in=[ Post.Visibilities.public, Post.Visibilities.local_only, ], local=True, ) if not include_replies: return query.filter(in_reply_to__isnull=True) return query def unlisted(self, include_replies: bool = False): query = self.filter( visibility__in=[ Post.Visibilities.public, Post.Visibilities.local_only, Post.Visibilities.unlisted, ], ) if not include_replies: return query.filter(in_reply_to__isnull=True) return query def visible_to(self, identity: Identity | None, include_replies: bool = False): if identity is None: return self.unlisted(include_replies=include_replies) query = self.filter( models.Q( visibility__in=[ Post.Visibilities.public, Post.Visibilities.local_only, Post.Visibilities.unlisted, ] ) | models.Q( visibility=Post.Visibilities.followers, author__inbound_follows__source=identity, ) | models.Q( mentions=identity, ) | models.Q(author=identity) ).distinct() if not include_replies: return query.filter(in_reply_to__isnull=True) return query def tagged_with(self, hashtag: str | Hashtag): if isinstance(hashtag, str): tag_q = models.Q(hashtags__contains=hashtag) else: tag_q = models.Q(hashtags__contains=hashtag.hashtag) if hashtag.aliases: for alias in hashtag.aliases: tag_q |= models.Q(hashtags__contains=alias) return self.filter(tag_q) class PostManager(models.Manager): def get_queryset(self): return PostQuerySet(self.model, using=self._db) def not_hidden(self): return self.get_queryset().not_hidden() def public(self, include_replies: bool = False): return self.get_queryset().public(include_replies=include_replies) def local_public(self, include_replies: bool = False): return self.get_queryset().local_public(include_replies=include_replies) def unlisted(self, include_replies: bool = False): return self.get_queryset().unlisted(include_replies=include_replies) def tagged_with(self, hashtag: str | Hashtag): return self.get_queryset().tagged_with(hashtag=hashtag) class Post(StatorModel): """ A post (status, toot) that is either local or remote. """ class Visibilities(models.IntegerChoices): public = 0 local_only = 4 unlisted = 1 followers = 2 mentioned = 3 class Types(models.TextChoices): article = "Article" audio = "Audio" event = "Event" image = "Image" note = "Note" page = "Page" question = "Question" video = "Video" id = models.BigIntegerField(primary_key=True, default=Snowflake.generate_post) # The author (attributedTo) of the post author = models.ForeignKey( "users.Identity", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="posts", ) # The state the post is in state = StateField(PostStates) # If it is our post or not local = models.BooleanField() # The canonical object ID object_uri = models.CharField(max_length=2048, blank=True, null=True, unique=True) # Who should be able to see this Post visibility = models.IntegerField( choices=Visibilities.choices, default=Visibilities.public, ) # The main (HTML) content content = models.TextField() type = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=Types.choices, default=Types.note, ) type_data = models.JSONField( blank=True, null=True, encoder=PostTypeDataEncoder, decoder=PostTypeDataDecoder ) # If the contents of the post are sensitive, and the summary (content # warning) to show if it is sensitive = models.BooleanField(default=False) summary = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) # The public, web URL of this Post on the original server url = models.CharField(max_length=2048, blank=True, null=True) # The Post it is replying to as an AP ID URI # (as otherwise we'd have to pull entire threads to use IDs) in_reply_to = models.CharField(max_length=500, blank=True, null=True, db_index=True) # The identities the post is directly to (who can see it if not public) to = models.ManyToManyField( "users.Identity", related_name="posts_to", blank=True, ) # The identities mentioned in the post mentions = models.ManyToManyField( "users.Identity", related_name="posts_mentioning", blank=True, ) # Hashtags in the post hashtags = models.JSONField(blank=True, null=True) emojis = models.ManyToManyField( "activities.Emoji", related_name="posts_using_emoji", blank=True, ) # Like/Boost/etc counts stats = models.JSONField(blank=True, null=True) # When the post was originally created (as opposed to when we received it) published = models.DateTimeField( # If the post has been edited after initial publication edited = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = PostManager() class Meta: indexes = [ GinIndex(fields=["hashtags"], name="hashtags_gin"), GinIndex( SearchVector("content", config="english"), name="content_vector_gin", ), models.Index( fields=["visibility", "local", "published"], name="ix_post_local_public_published", ), models.Index( fields=["visibility", "local", "created"], name="ix_post_local_public_created", ), ] class urls(urlman.Urls): view = "{}posts/{}/" object_uri = "{}posts/{}/" action_like = "{view}like/" action_unlike = "{view}unlike/" action_boost = "{view}boost/" action_unboost = "{view}unboost/" action_bookmark = "{view}bookmark/" action_unbookmark = "{view}unbookmark/" action_delete = "{view}delete/" action_edit = "{view}edit/" action_report = "{view}report/" action_reply = "/compose/?reply_to={}" admin_edit = "/djadmin/activities/post/{}/change/" def get_scheme(self, url): return "https" def get_hostname(self, url): return def __str__(self): return f"{} #{}" def get_absolute_url(self): return self.urls.view def absolute_object_uri(self): """ Returns an object URI that is always absolute, for sending out to other servers. """ if self.local: return + f"posts/{}/" else: return self.object_uri def in_reply_to_post(self) -> Optional["Post"]: """ Returns the actual Post object we're replying to, if we can find it """ if self.in_reply_to is None: return None return ( Post.objects.filter(object_uri=self.in_reply_to) .select_related("author") .first() ) ### Content cleanup and extraction ### def clean_type_data(self, value): PostTypeData.parse_obj(value) def _safe_content_note(self, *, local: bool = True): return ContentRenderer(local=local).render_post(self.content, self) def _safe_content_question(self, *, local: bool = True): if local: context = { "post": self, "sanitized_content": self._safe_content_note(local=local), "local_display": local, } return loader.render_to_string("activities/_type_question.html", context) else: return ContentRenderer(local=local).render_post(self.content, self) def _safe_content_typed(self, *, local: bool = True): context = { "post": self, "sanitized_content": self._safe_content_note(local=local), "local_display": local, } return loader.render_to_string( ( f"activities/_type_{self.type.lower()}.html", "activities/_type_unknown.html", ), context, ) def safe_content(self, *, local: bool = True): func = getattr( self, f"_safe_content_{self.type.lower()}", self._safe_content_typed ) if callable(func): return func(local=local) return self._safe_content_note(local=local) # fallback def safe_content_local(self): """ Returns the content formatted for local display """ return self.safe_content(local=True) def safe_content_remote(self): """ Returns the content formatted for remote consumption """ return self.safe_content(local=False) def summary_class(self) -> str: """ Returns a CSS class name to identify this summary value """ if not self.summary: return "" return "summary-{}" @property def stats_with_defaults(self): """ Returns the stats dict with counts of likes/etc. in it """ return { "likes": self.stats.get("likes", 0) if self.stats else 0, "boosts": self.stats.get("boosts", 0) if self.stats else 0, "replies": self.stats.get("replies", 0) if self.stats else 0, } ### Async helpers ### async def afetch_full(self) -> "Post": """ Returns a version of the object with all relations pre-loaded """ return ( await Post.objects.select_related("author", "author__domain") .prefetch_related("mentions", "mentions__domain", "attachments", "emojis") .aget( ) ### Local creation/editing ### @classmethod def create_local( cls, author: Identity, content: str, summary: str | None = None, sensitive: bool = False, visibility: int = Visibilities.public, reply_to: Optional["Post"] = None, attachments: list | None = None, question: dict | None = None, ) -> "Post": with transaction.atomic(): # Find mentions in this post mentions = cls.mentions_from_content(content, author) if reply_to: mentions.add( # Maintain local-only for replies if reply_to.visibility == reply_to.Visibilities.local_only: visibility = reply_to.Visibilities.local_only # Find emoji in this post emojis = Emoji.emojis_from_content(content, None) # Strip all unwanted HTML and apply linebreaks filter, grabbing hashtags on the way parser = FediverseHtmlParser(linebreaks_filter(content), find_hashtags=True) content = parser.html hashtags = ( sorted([tag[: Hashtag.MAXIMUM_LENGTH] for tag in parser.hashtags]) or None ) # Make the Post object post = cls.objects.create( author=author, content=content, summary=summary or None, sensitive=bool(summary) or sensitive, local=True, visibility=visibility, hashtags=hashtags, in_reply_to=reply_to.object_uri if reply_to else None, ) post.object_uri = post.urls.object_uri post.url = post.absolute_object_uri() post.mentions.set(mentions) post.emojis.set(emojis) if attachments: post.attachments.set(attachments) if question: post.type = question["type"] post.type_data = PostTypeData(__root__=question).__root__ # Recalculate parent stats for replies if reply_to: reply_to.calculate_stats() return post def edit_local( self, content: str, summary: str | None = None, sensitive: bool | None = None, visibility: int = Visibilities.public, attachments: list | None = None, attachment_attributes: list | None = None, ): with transaction.atomic(): # Strip all HTML and apply linebreaks filter parser = FediverseHtmlParser(linebreaks_filter(content), find_hashtags=True) self.content = parser.html self.hashtags = ( sorted([tag[: Hashtag.MAXIMUM_LENGTH] for tag in parser.hashtags]) or None ) self.summary = summary or None self.sensitive = bool(summary) if sensitive is None else sensitive self.visibility = visibility self.edited = self.mentions.set(self.mentions_from_content(content, self.emojis.set(Emoji.emojis_from_content(content, None)) self.attachments.set(attachments or []) for attrs in attachment_attributes or []: attachment = next( (a for a in attachments or [] if str( ==, None ) if attachment is None: continue = attrs.description self.transition_perform(PostStates.edited) @classmethod def mentions_from_content(cls, content, author) -> set[Identity]: mention_hits = FediverseHtmlParser(content, find_mentions=True).mentions mentions = set() for handle in mention_hits: handle = handle.lower() if "@" in handle: username, domain = handle.split("@", 1) else: username = handle domain = author.domain_id identity = Identity.by_username_and_domain( username=username, domain=domain, fetch=True, ) if identity is not None: mentions.add(identity) return mentions def ensure_hashtags(self) -> None: """ Ensure any of the already parsed hashtags from this Post have a corresponding Hashtag record. """ # Ensure hashtags if self.hashtags: for hashtag in self.hashtags: tag, _ = Hashtag.objects.get_or_create( hashtag=hashtag[: Hashtag.MAXIMUM_LENGTH], ) tag.transition_perform(HashtagStates.outdated) def calculate_stats(self, save=True): """ Recalculates our stats dict """ from activities.models import PostInteraction, PostInteractionStates self.stats = { "likes": self.interactions.filter(, state__in=PostInteractionStates.group_active(), ).count(), "boosts": self.interactions.filter( type=PostInteraction.Types.boost, state__in=PostInteractionStates.group_active(), ).count(), "replies": Post.objects.filter(in_reply_to=self.object_uri).count(), } if save: def calculate_type_data(self, save=True): """ Recalculate type_data (used mostly for poll votes) """ from activities.models import PostInteraction if self.local and isinstance(self.type_data, QuestionData): self.type_data.voter_count = ( self.interactions.filter(, ) .values("identity") .distinct() .count() ) for option in self.type_data.options: option.votes = self.interactions.filter(,, ).count() if save: ### ActivityPub (outbound) ### def to_ap(self) -> dict: """ Returns the AP JSON for this object """ value = { "to": [], "cc": [], "type": self.type, "id": self.object_uri, "published": format_ld_date(self.published), "attributedTo":, "content": self.safe_content_remote(), "sensitive": self.sensitive, "url": self.absolute_object_uri(), "tag": [], "attachment": [], } if self.type == Post.Types.question and self.type_data: value[self.type_data.mode] = [ { "name":, "type": option.type, "replies": {"type": "Collection", "totalItems": option.votes}, } for option in self.type_data.options ] value["toot:votersCount"] = self.type_data.voter_count if self.type_data.end_time: value["endTime"] = format_ld_date(self.type_data.end_time) if self.summary: value["summary"] = self.summary if self.in_reply_to: value["inReplyTo"] = self.in_reply_to if self.edited: value["updated"] = format_ld_date(self.edited) # Targeting # TODO: Add followers object if self.visibility == self.Visibilities.public: value["to"].append("as:Public") elif self.visibility == self.Visibilities.unlisted: value["cc"].append("as:Public") # Mentions for mention in self.mentions.all(): value["tag"].append(mention.to_ap_tag()) value["cc"].append(mention.actor_uri) # Hashtags for hashtag in self.hashtags or []: value["tag"].append( { "href": f"https://{}/tags/{hashtag}/", "name": f"#{hashtag}", "type": "Hashtag", } ) # Emoji for emoji in self.emojis.all(): value["tag"].append(emoji.to_ap_tag()) # Attachments for attachment in self.attachments.all(): value["attachment"].append(attachment.to_ap()) # Remove fields if they're empty for field in ["to", "cc", "tag", "attachment"]: if not value[field]: del value[field] return value def to_create_ap(self): """ Returns the AP JSON to create this object """ object = self.to_ap() return { "to": object.get("to", []), "cc": object.get("cc", []), "type": "Create", "id": self.object_uri + "#create", "actor":, "object": object, } def to_update_ap(self): """ Returns the AP JSON to update this object """ object = self.to_ap() return { "to": object.get("to", []), "cc": object.get("cc", []), "type": "Update", "id": self.object_uri + "#update", "actor":, "object": object, } def to_delete_ap(self): """ Returns the AP JSON to create this object """ object = self.to_ap() return { "to": object.get("to", []), "cc": object.get("cc", []), "type": "Delete", "id": self.object_uri + "#delete", "actor":, "object": object, } def get_targets(self) -> Iterable[Identity]: """ Returns a list of Identities that need to see posts and their changes """ targets = set() for mention in self.mentions.all(): targets.add(mention) # Then, if it's not mentions only, also deliver to followers and all hashtag followers if self.visibility != Post.Visibilities.mentioned: for follower in state__in=FollowStates.group_active() ).select_related("source"): targets.add(follower.source) if self.hashtags: for follow in HashtagFollow.objects.by_hashtags( self.hashtags ).prefetch_related("identity"): targets.add(follow.identity) # If it's a reply, always include the original author if we know them reply_post = self.in_reply_to_post() if reply_post: targets.add( # And if it's a reply to one of our own, we have to re-fan-out to # the original author's followers if for follower in state__in=FollowStates.group_active() ).select_related("source"): targets.add(follower.source) # If this is a remote post or local-only, filter to only include # local identities if not self.local or self.visibility == Post.Visibilities.local_only: targets = {target for target in targets if target.local} # If it's a local post, include the author if self.local: targets.add( # Fetch the author's full blocks and remove them as targets blocks = ( .filter(mute=False) .select_related("target") ) for block in blocks: try: targets.remove( except KeyError: pass # Now dedupe the targets based on shared inboxes (we only keep one per # shared inbox) deduped_targets = set() shared_inboxes = set() for target in targets: if target.local or not target.shared_inbox_uri: deduped_targets.add(target) elif target.shared_inbox_uri not in shared_inboxes: shared_inboxes.add(target.shared_inbox_uri) deduped_targets.add(target) else: # Their shared inbox is already being sent to pass return deduped_targets ### ActivityPub (inbound) ### @classmethod def by_ap(cls, data, create=False, update=False, fetch_author=False) -> "Post": """ Retrieves a Post instance by its ActivityPub JSON object. Optionally creates one if it's not present. Raises DoesNotExist if it's not found and create is False, or it's from a blocked domain. """ try: # Ensure data has the primary fields of all Posts if ( not isinstance(data["id"], str) or not isinstance(data["attributedTo"], str) or not isinstance(data["type"], str) ): raise TypeError() # Ensure the domain of the object's actor and ID match to prevent injection if urlparse(data["id"]).hostname != urlparse(data["attributedTo"]).hostname: raise ValueError("Object's ID domain is different to its author") except (TypeError, KeyError) as ex: raise cls.DoesNotExist( "Object data is not a recognizable ActivityPub object" ) from ex # Do we have one with the right ID? created = False try: post: Post = cls.objects.select_related("author__domain").get( object_uri=data["id"] ) except cls.DoesNotExist: if create: # Resolve the author author = Identity.by_actor_uri(data["attributedTo"], create=create) # If the author is not fetched yet, try again later if author.domain is None: if fetch_author: async_to_sync(author.fetch_actor)() # perhaps the entire "try again" logic below # could be replaced with TryAgainLater for # _all_ fetches, to let it handle pinned posts? if author.domain is None: raise TryAgainLater() else: raise TryAgainLater() # If the post is from a blocked domain, stop and drop if author.domain.blocked: raise cls.DoesNotExist("Post is from a blocked domain") try: # try again, because fetch_actor() also fetches pinned posts post = cls.objects.select_related("author__domain").get( object_uri=data["id"] ) except cls.DoesNotExist: # finally, create a stub try: post = cls.objects.create( object_uri=data["id"], author=author, content="", local=False, type=data["type"], ) created = True except IntegrityError as dupe: # there's still some kind of race condition here # it's far more rare, but sometimes we fire an # IntegrityError on activities_post_object_uri_key # this transaction is now aborted and anything following # in the caller function will fail in the database. raise TryAgainLater() from dupe else: raise cls.DoesNotExist(f"No post with ID {data['id']}", data) if update or created: post.type = data["type"] if post.type in (cls.Types.article, cls.Types.question): post.type_data = PostTypeData(__root__=data).__root__ try: # apparently sometimes posts (Pages?) in the fediverse # don't have content?! post.content = get_value_or_map(data, "content", "contentMap") except KeyError: post.content = None # Document types have names, not summaries post.summary = data.get("summary") or data.get("name") if not post.content and post.summary: post.content = post.summary post.summary = None post.sensitive = data.get("sensitive", False) post.url = data.get("url", data["id"]) post.published = parse_ld_date(data.get("published")) post.edited = parse_ld_date(data.get("updated")) post.in_reply_to = data.get("inReplyTo") # Mentions and hashtags post.hashtags = [] for tag in get_list(data, "tag"): tag_type = tag["type"].lower() if tag_type == "mention": mention_identity = Identity.by_actor_uri(tag["href"], create=True) post.mentions.add(mention_identity) elif tag_type in ["_:hashtag", "hashtag"]: # kbin produces tags with 'tag' instead of 'name' if "tag" in tag and "name" not in tag: name = get_value_or_map(tag, "tag", "tagMap") else: name = get_value_or_map(tag, "name", "nameMap") post.hashtags.append( name.lower().lstrip("#")[: Hashtag.MAXIMUM_LENGTH] ) elif tag_type in ["toot:emoji", "emoji"]: emoji = Emoji.by_ap_tag(, tag, create=True) post.emojis.add(emoji) elif tag_type == "edition": # Bookwyrm Edition is similar to hashtags. There should be a link to # the book in the Note's content and a post attachment of the cover # image. No special processing should be needed for ingest. pass else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown tag type {tag['type']}") # Visibility and to # (a post is public if it's to:public, otherwise it's unlisted if # it's cc:public, otherwise it's more limited) to = [x.lower() for x in get_list(data, "to")] cc = [x.lower() for x in get_list(data, "cc")] post.visibility = Post.Visibilities.mentioned if "public" in to or "as:public" in to: post.visibility = Post.Visibilities.public elif "public" in cc or "as:public" in cc: post.visibility = Post.Visibilities.unlisted # Attachments # These have no IDs, so we have to wipe them each time post.attachments.all().delete() for attachment in get_list(data, "attachment"): if "focalPoint" in attachment: try: focal_x, focal_y = attachment["focalPoint"] except (ValueError, TypeError): focal_x, focal_y = None, None else: focal_x, focal_y = None, None mimetype = attachment.get("mediaType") if not mimetype or not isinstance(mimetype, str): if "url" not in attachment: raise ActivityPubFormatError("No URL present on attachment") mimetype, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(attachment["url"]) if not mimetype: mimetype = "application/octet-stream" post.attachments.create( remote_url=attachment["url"], mimetype=mimetype, name=attachment.get("name"), width=attachment.get("width"), height=attachment.get("height"), blurhash=attachment.get("blurhash"), focal_x=focal_x, focal_y=focal_y, ) # Calculate stats in case we have existing replies post.calculate_stats(save=False) # Potentially schedule a fetch of the reply parent, and recalculate # its stats if it's here already. if post.in_reply_to: try: parent = cls.by_object_uri(post.in_reply_to) except cls.DoesNotExist: try: cls.ensure_object_uri(post.in_reply_to, reason=post.object_uri) except ValueError: capture_message( f"Cannot fetch ancestor of Post={}, ancestor_uri={post.in_reply_to}" ) else: parent.calculate_stats() return post @classmethod def by_object_uri(cls, object_uri, fetch=False) -> "Post": """ Gets the post by URI - either looking up locally, or fetching from the other end if it's not here. """ try: return cls.objects.get(object_uri=object_uri) except cls.DoesNotExist: if fetch: try: response = async_to_sync(SystemActor().signed_request)( method="get", uri=object_uri ) except (httpx.HTTPError, ssl.SSLCertVerificationError): raise cls.DoesNotExist(f"Could not fetch {object_uri}") if response.status_code in [404, 410]: raise cls.DoesNotExist(f"No post at {object_uri}") if response.status_code >= 500: raise cls.DoesNotExist(f"Server error fetching {object_uri}") if response.status_code >= 400: raise cls.DoesNotExist( f"Error fetching post from {object_uri}: {response.status_code}", {response.content}, ) try: post = cls.by_ap( canonicalise(response.json(), include_security=True), create=True, update=True, fetch_author=True, ) except (json.JSONDecodeError, ValueError, JsonLdError) as err: raise cls.DoesNotExist( f"Invalid ld+json response for {object_uri}" ) from err # We may need to fetch the author too if == IdentityStates.outdated: async_to_sync( return post else: raise cls.DoesNotExist(f"Cannot find Post with URI {object_uri}") @classmethod def ensure_object_uri(cls, object_uri: str, reason: str | None = None): """ Sees if the post is in our local set, and if not, schedules a fetch for it (in the background) """ if not object_uri or "://" not in object_uri: raise ValueError("URI missing or invalid") try: cls.by_object_uri(object_uri) except cls.DoesNotExist: InboxMessage.create_internal( { "type": "FetchPost", "object": object_uri, "reason": reason, } ) @classmethod def handle_create_ap(cls, data): """ Handles an incoming create request """ with transaction.atomic(): # Ensure the Create actor is the Post's attributedTo if data["actor"] != data["object"]["attributedTo"]: raise ValueError("Create actor does not match its Post object", data) # Create it, stator will fan it out locally cls.by_ap(data["object"], create=True, update=True) @classmethod def handle_update_ap(cls, data): """ Handles an incoming update request """ with transaction.atomic(): # Ensure the Create actor is the Post's attributedTo if data["actor"] != data["object"]["attributedTo"]: raise ValueError("Create actor does not match its Post object", data) # Find it and update it try: cls.by_ap(data["object"], create=False, update=True) except cls.DoesNotExist: # We don't have a copy - assume we got a delete first and ignore. pass @classmethod def handle_delete_ap(cls, data): """ Handles an incoming delete request """ with transaction.atomic(): # Is this an embedded object or plain ID? if isinstance(data["object"], str): object_uri = data["object"] else: object_uri = data["object"]["id"] # Find our post by ID if we have one try: post = cls.by_object_uri(object_uri) except cls.DoesNotExist: # It's already been deleted return # Ensure the actor on the request authored the post if not == data["actor"]: raise ValueError("Actor on delete does not match object") post.delete() @classmethod def handle_fetch_internal(cls, data): """ Handles an internal fetch-request inbox message """ try: uri = data["object"] if "://" in uri: cls.by_object_uri(uri, fetch=True) except (cls.DoesNotExist, KeyError): pass ### OpenGraph API ### def to_opengraph_dict(self) -> dict: return { "og:title": f"{} (@{})", "og:type": "article", "og:published_time": (self.published or self.created).isoformat(), "og:modified_time": ( self.edited or self.published or self.created ).isoformat(), "og:description": (self.summary or self.safe_content_local()), "og:image:url":, "og:image:height": 85, "og:image:width": 85, } ### Mastodon API ### def to_mastodon_json(self, interactions=None, bookmarks=None, identity=None): reply_parent = None if self.in_reply_to: # Load the PK and explicitly to prevent a SELECT on the entire author Identity reply_parent = ( Post.objects.filter(object_uri=self.in_reply_to) .only("pk", "author_id") .first() ) visibility_mapping = { self.Visibilities.public: "public", self.Visibilities.unlisted: "unlisted", self.Visibilities.followers: "private", self.Visibilities.mentioned: "direct", self.Visibilities.local_only: "public", } value = { "id":, "uri": self.object_uri, "created_at": format_ld_date(self.published), "account":, "content": self.safe_content_remote(), "visibility": visibility_mapping[self.visibility], "sensitive": self.sensitive, "spoiler_text": self.summary or "", "media_attachments": [ attachment.to_mastodon_json() for attachment in self.attachments.all() ], "mentions": [ mention.to_mastodon_mention_json() for mention in self.mentions.all() ], "tags": ( [ { "name": tag, "url": f"https://{}/tags/{tag}/", } for tag in self.hashtags ] if self.hashtags else [] ), # Filter in the list comp rather than query because the common case is no emoji in the resultset # When filter is on emojis like `emojis.usable()` it causes a query that is not cached by prefetch_related "emojis": [ emoji.to_mastodon_json() for emoji in self.emojis.all() if emoji.is_usable ], "reblogs_count": self.stats_with_defaults["boosts"], "favourites_count": self.stats_with_defaults["likes"], "replies_count": self.stats_with_defaults["replies"], "url": self.absolute_object_uri(), "in_reply_to_id": if reply_parent else None, "in_reply_to_account_id": ( reply_parent.author_id if reply_parent else None ), "reblog": None, "poll": self.type_data.to_mastodon_json(self, identity) if isinstance(self.type_data, QuestionData) else None, "card": None, "language": None, "text": self.safe_content_remote(), "edited_at": format_ld_date(self.edited) if self.edited else None, } if interactions: value["favourited"] = in interactions.get("like", []) value["reblogged"] = in interactions.get("boost", []) value["pinned"] = in interactions.get("pin", []) if bookmarks: value["bookmarked"] = in bookmarks return value