import datetime import os import signal import time import traceback import uuid from concurrent.futures import Future, ThreadPoolExecutor from django.conf import settings from django.db import close_old_connections from django.utils import timezone from core import exceptions, sentry from core.models import Config from stator.models import StatorModel, Stats class LoopingTimer: """ Triggers check() to be true once every `interval`. """ next_run: float | None = None def __init__(self, interval: float, trigger_at_start=True): self.interval = interval self.trigger_at_start = trigger_at_start def check(self) -> bool: # See if it's our first time being called if self.next_run is None: # Set up the next call based on trigger_at_start if self.trigger_at_start: self.next_run = time.monotonic() else: self.next_run = time.monotonic() + self.interval # See if it's time to run the next call if time.monotonic() >= self.next_run: self.next_run = time.monotonic() + self.interval return True return False class StatorRunner: """ Runs tasks on models that are looking for state changes. Designed to run either indefinitely, or just for a few seconds. """ def __init__( self, models: list[type[StatorModel]], concurrency: int = getattr(settings, "STATOR_CONCURRENCY", 30), concurrency_per_model: int = getattr( settings, "STATOR_CONCURRENCY_PER_MODEL", 15 ), liveness_file: str | None = None, schedule_interval: int = 60, delete_interval: int = 30, lock_expiry: int = 300, run_for: int = 0, ): self.models = models self.runner_id = uuid.uuid4().hex self.concurrency = concurrency self.concurrency_per_model = concurrency_per_model self.liveness_file = liveness_file self.schedule_interval = schedule_interval self.delete_interval = delete_interval self.lock_expiry = lock_expiry self.run_for = run_for self.minimum_loop_delay = 0.5 self.maximum_loop_delay = 5 self.tasks: dict[tuple[str, str], Future] = {} # Set up SIGALRM handler signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.alarm_handler) def run(self): sentry.set_takahe_app("stator") self.handled = {} self.started = time.monotonic() self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.concurrency) self.loop_delay = self.minimum_loop_delay self.scheduling_timer = LoopingTimer(self.schedule_interval) self.deletion_timer = LoopingTimer(self.delete_interval) # For the first time period, launch tasks print("Running main task loop") try: with sentry.configure_scope() as scope: while True: # See if we need to run cleaning if self.scheduling_timer.check(): # Set up the watchdog timer (each time we do this the previous one is cancelled) signal.alarm(self.schedule_interval * 2) # Write liveness file if configured if self.liveness_file: with open(self.liveness_file, "w") as fh: fh.write(str(int(time.time()))) # Refresh the config self.load_config() # Do scheduling (stale lock deletion and stats gathering) self.run_scheduling() # Clear the cleaning breadcrumbs/extra for the main part of the loop sentry.scope_clear(scope) self.clean_tasks() # See if we need to add deletion tasks if self.deletion_timer.check(): self.add_deletion_tasks() # Fetch and run any new handlers we can fit self.add_transition_tasks() # Are we in limited run mode? if ( self.run_for and (time.monotonic() - self.started) > self.run_for ): break # Prevent busylooping, but also back off delay if we have # no tasks if self.tasks: self.loop_delay = self.minimum_loop_delay else: self.loop_delay = min( self.loop_delay * 1.5, self.maximum_loop_delay, ) time.sleep(self.loop_delay) # Clear the Sentry breadcrumbs and extra for next loop sentry.scope_clear(scope) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # Wait for tasks to finish print("Waiting for tasks to complete") self.executor.shutdown() # We're done print("Complete") def alarm_handler(self, signum, frame): """ Called when SIGALRM fires, which means we missed a schedule loop. Just exit as we're likely deadlocked. """ print("Watchdog timeout exceeded") os._exit(2) def load_config(self): """ Refreshes config from the DB """ Config.system = Config.load_system() def run_scheduling(self): """ Deletes stale locks for models, and submits their stats. """ with sentry.start_transaction(op="task", name="stator.run_scheduling"): for model in self.models: print( f"{model._meta.label_lower}: Scheduling ({self.handled.get(model._meta.label_lower, 0)} handled)" ) self.submit_stats(model) model.transition_clean_locks() def submit_stats(self, model: type[StatorModel]): """ Pop some statistics into the database from our local info for the given model """ stats_instance = Stats.get_for_model(model) if stats_instance.model_label in self.handled: stats_instance.add_handled(self.handled[stats_instance.model_label]) del self.handled[stats_instance.model_label] stats_instance.set_queued(model.transition_ready_count()) stats_instance.trim_data() def add_transition_tasks(self, call_inline=False): """ Adds a transition thread for as many instances as we can, given capacity and batch size limits. """ # Calculate space left for tasks space_remaining = self.concurrency - len(self.tasks) # Fetch new tasks for model in self.models: if space_remaining > 0: for instance in model.transition_get_with_lock( number=min(space_remaining, self.concurrency_per_model), lock_expiry=( + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.lock_expiry) ), ): key = (model._meta.label_lower, # Don't run two threads for the same thing if key in self.tasks: continue if call_inline: task_transition(instance, in_thread=False) else: self.tasks[key] = self.executor.submit( task_transition, instance ) self.handled[model._meta.label_lower] = ( self.handled.get(model._meta.label_lower, 0) + 1 ) space_remaining -= 1 def add_deletion_tasks(self, call_inline=False): """ Adds a deletion thread for each model """ # Yes, this potentially goes over the capacity limit - it's fine. for model in self.models: if model.state_graph.deletion_states: if call_inline: task_deletion(model, in_thread=False) else: self.tasks[ model._meta.label_lower, "__delete__" ] = self.executor.submit(task_deletion, model) def clean_tasks(self): """ Removes any tasks that are done and handles exceptions if they raised them. """ for key, task in list(self.tasks.items()): if task.done(): del self.tasks[key] try: task.result() except BaseException as e: exceptions.capture_exception(e) traceback.print_exc() def run_single_cycle(self): """ Testing entrypoint to advance things just one cycle, and allow errors to propagate out. """ self.add_deletion_tasks(call_inline=True) self.add_transition_tasks(call_inline=True) def task_transition(instance: StatorModel, in_thread: bool = True): """ Runs one state transition/action. """ task_name = f"stator.task_transition:{instance._meta.label_lower}#{{id}} from {instance.state}" started = time.monotonic() with sentry.start_transaction(op="task", name=task_name): sentry.set_context( "instance", { "model": instance._meta.label_lower, "pk":, "state": instance.state, "state_age": instance.state_age, }, ) result = instance.transition_attempt() duration = time.monotonic() - started if result: print( f"{instance._meta.label_lower}: {}: {instance.state} -> {result} ({duration:.2f}s)" ) else: print( f"{instance._meta.label_lower}: {}: {instance.state} unchanged ({duration:.2f}s)" ) if in_thread: close_old_connections() def task_deletion(model: type[StatorModel], in_thread: bool = True): """ Runs one model deletion set. """ # Loop, running deletions every second, until there are no more to do while True: deleted = model.transition_delete_due() if not deleted: break print(f"{model._meta.label_lower}: Deleted {deleted} stale items") time.sleep(1) if in_thread: close_old_connections()