Thomas Gummerer 80b77513a6 create sub-hierarchies for summary and histogram options
Currently the Buckets and Quantiles settings are top level settings per metric
in the yaml.  In a subsequent commit we're going to allow adding more such
options for summaries, at which point having them all at the top level gets

Split the options out into separate hierarchies to allow adding more options,
without adding confusion.  We preserve backwards compatibility by still
accepting the old option, but warning when it is present.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Gummerer <>
2020-02-18 18:04:27 +00:00

368 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2013 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package mapper
import (
yaml ""
var (
statsdMetricRE = `[a-zA-Z_](-?[a-zA-Z0-9_])+`
templateReplaceRE = `(\$\{?\d+\}?)`
metricLineRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\*\.|` + statsdMetricRE + `\.)+(\*|` + statsdMetricRE + `)$`)
metricNameRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^([a-zA-Z_]|` + templateReplaceRE + `)([a-zA-Z0-9_]|` + templateReplaceRE + `)*$`)
labelNameRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+$`)
type mapperConfigDefaults struct {
TimerType TimerType `yaml:"timer_type"`
Buckets []float64 `yaml:"buckets"`
Quantiles []metricObjective `yaml:"quantiles"`
MatchType MatchType `yaml:"match_type"`
GlobDisableOrdering bool `yaml:"glob_disable_ordering"`
Ttl time.Duration `yaml:"ttl"`
type MetricMapper struct {
Defaults mapperConfigDefaults `yaml:"defaults"`
Mappings []MetricMapping `yaml:"mappings"`
FSM *fsm.FSM
doFSM bool
doRegex bool
cache MetricMapperCache
mutex sync.RWMutex
MappingsCount prometheus.Gauge
type MetricMapping struct {
Match string `yaml:"match"`
Name string `yaml:"name"`
nameFormatter *fsm.TemplateFormatter
regex *regexp.Regexp
Labels prometheus.Labels `yaml:"labels"`
labelKeys []string
labelFormatters []*fsm.TemplateFormatter
TimerType TimerType `yaml:"timer_type"`
LegacyBuckets []float64 `yaml:"buckets"`
LegacyQuantiles []metricObjective `yaml:"quantiles"`
MatchType MatchType `yaml:"match_type"`
HelpText string `yaml:"help"`
Action ActionType `yaml:"action"`
MatchMetricType MetricType `yaml:"match_metric_type"`
Ttl time.Duration `yaml:"ttl"`
SummaryOptions *SummaryOptions `yaml:"summary_options"`
HistogramOptions *HistogramOptions `yaml:"histogram_options"`
type SummaryOptions struct {
Quantiles []metricObjective `yaml:"quantiles"`
type HistogramOptions struct {
Buckets []float64 `yaml:"buckets"`
type metricObjective struct {
Quantile float64 `yaml:"quantile"`
Error float64 `yaml:"error"`
var defaultQuantiles = []metricObjective{
{Quantile: 0.5, Error: 0.05},
{Quantile: 0.9, Error: 0.01},
{Quantile: 0.99, Error: 0.001},
func (m *MetricMapper) InitFromYAMLString(fileContents string, cacheSize int) error {
var n MetricMapper
if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(fileContents), &n); err != nil {
return err
if n.Defaults.Buckets == nil || len(n.Defaults.Buckets) == 0 {
n.Defaults.Buckets = prometheus.DefBuckets
if n.Defaults.Quantiles == nil || len(n.Defaults.Quantiles) == 0 {
n.Defaults.Quantiles = defaultQuantiles
if n.Defaults.MatchType == MatchTypeDefault {
n.Defaults.MatchType = MatchTypeGlob
remainingMappingsCount := len(n.Mappings)
n.FSM = fsm.NewFSM([]string{string(MetricTypeCounter), string(MetricTypeGauge), string(MetricTypeTimer)},
remainingMappingsCount, n.Defaults.GlobDisableOrdering)
for i := range n.Mappings {
currentMapping := &n.Mappings[i]
// check that label is correct
for k := range currentMapping.Labels {
if !labelNameRE.MatchString(k) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid label key: %s", k)
if currentMapping.Name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("line %d: metric mapping didn't set a metric name", i)
if !metricNameRE.MatchString(currentMapping.Name) {
return fmt.Errorf("metric name '%s' doesn't match regex '%s'", currentMapping.Name, metricNameRE)
if currentMapping.MatchType == "" {
currentMapping.MatchType = n.Defaults.MatchType
if currentMapping.Action == "" {
currentMapping.Action = ActionTypeMap
if currentMapping.MatchType == MatchTypeGlob {
n.doFSM = true
if !metricLineRE.MatchString(currentMapping.Match) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid match: %s", currentMapping.Match)
captureCount := n.FSM.AddState(currentMapping.Match, string(currentMapping.MatchMetricType),
remainingMappingsCount, currentMapping)
currentMapping.nameFormatter = fsm.NewTemplateFormatter(currentMapping.Name, captureCount)
labelKeys := make([]string, len(currentMapping.Labels))
labelFormatters := make([]*fsm.TemplateFormatter, len(currentMapping.Labels))
labelIndex := 0
for label, valueExpr := range currentMapping.Labels {
labelKeys[labelIndex] = label
labelFormatters[labelIndex] = fsm.NewTemplateFormatter(valueExpr, captureCount)
currentMapping.labelFormatters = labelFormatters
currentMapping.labelKeys = labelKeys
} else {
if regex, err := regexp.Compile(currentMapping.Match); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid regex %s in mapping: %v", currentMapping.Match, err)
} else {
currentMapping.regex = regex
n.doRegex = true
if currentMapping.TimerType == "" {
currentMapping.TimerType = n.Defaults.TimerType
if currentMapping.LegacyQuantiles != nil &&
(currentMapping.SummaryOptions == nil || currentMapping.SummaryOptions.Quantiles != nil) {
log.Warn("using the top level quantiles is deprecated. Please use quantiles in the summary_options hierarchy")
if currentMapping.LegacyBuckets != nil &&
(currentMapping.HistogramOptions == nil || currentMapping.HistogramOptions.Buckets != nil) {
log.Warn("using the top level buckets is deprecated. Please use buckets in the histogram_options hierarchy")
if currentMapping.SummaryOptions != nil &&
currentMapping.LegacyQuantiles != nil &&
currentMapping.SummaryOptions.Quantiles != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot use quantiles in both the top level and summary options at the same time in %s", currentMapping.Match)
if currentMapping.HistogramOptions != nil &&
currentMapping.LegacyBuckets != nil &&
currentMapping.HistogramOptions.Buckets != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot use buckets in both the top level and histogram options at the same time in %s", currentMapping.Match)
if currentMapping.TimerType == TimerTypeHistogram {
if currentMapping.SummaryOptions != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot use histogram timer and summary options at the same time")
if currentMapping.HistogramOptions == nil {
currentMapping.HistogramOptions = &HistogramOptions{}
if currentMapping.LegacyBuckets != nil && len(currentMapping.LegacyBuckets) != 0 {
currentMapping.HistogramOptions.Buckets = currentMapping.LegacyBuckets
if currentMapping.HistogramOptions.Buckets == nil || len(currentMapping.HistogramOptions.Buckets) == 0 {
currentMapping.HistogramOptions.Buckets = n.Defaults.Buckets
if currentMapping.TimerType == TimerTypeSummary {
if currentMapping.HistogramOptions != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot use summary timer and histogram options at the same time")
if currentMapping.SummaryOptions == nil {
currentMapping.SummaryOptions = &SummaryOptions{}
if currentMapping.LegacyQuantiles == nil || len(currentMapping.LegacyQuantiles) == 0 {
currentMapping.LegacyQuantiles = n.Defaults.Quantiles
if currentMapping.LegacyQuantiles != nil && len(currentMapping.LegacyQuantiles) != 0 {
currentMapping.SummaryOptions.Quantiles = currentMapping.LegacyQuantiles
if currentMapping.SummaryOptions.Quantiles == nil || len(currentMapping.SummaryOptions.Quantiles) == 0 {
currentMapping.SummaryOptions.Quantiles = n.Defaults.Quantiles
if currentMapping.Ttl == 0 && n.Defaults.Ttl > 0 {
currentMapping.Ttl = n.Defaults.Ttl
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
m.Defaults = n.Defaults
m.Mappings = n.Mappings
if n.doFSM {
var mappings []string
for _, mapping := range n.Mappings {
if mapping.MatchType == MatchTypeGlob {
mappings = append(mappings, mapping.Match)
n.FSM.BacktrackingNeeded = fsm.TestIfNeedBacktracking(mappings, n.FSM.OrderingDisabled)
m.FSM = n.FSM
m.doRegex = n.doRegex
m.doFSM = n.doFSM
if m.MappingsCount != nil {
return nil
func (m *MetricMapper) InitFromFile(fileName string, cacheSize int) error {
mappingStr, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileName)
if err != nil {
return err
return m.InitFromYAMLString(string(mappingStr), cacheSize)
func (m *MetricMapper) InitCache(cacheSize int) {
if cacheSize == 0 {
m.cache = NewMetricMapperNoopCache()
} else {
cache, err := NewMetricMapperCache(cacheSize)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to setup metric cache. Caused by: %s", err)
m.cache = cache
func (m *MetricMapper) GetMapping(statsdMetric string, statsdMetricType MetricType) (*MetricMapping, prometheus.Labels, bool) {
defer m.mutex.RUnlock()
result, cached := m.cache.Get(statsdMetric, statsdMetricType)
if cached {
return result.Mapping, result.Labels, result.Matched
// glob matching
if m.doFSM {
finalState, captures := m.FSM.GetMapping(statsdMetric, string(statsdMetricType))
if finalState != nil && finalState.Result != nil {
v := finalState.Result.(*MetricMapping)
result := copyMetricMapping(v)
result.Name = result.nameFormatter.Format(captures)
labels := prometheus.Labels{}
for index, formatter := range result.labelFormatters {
labels[result.labelKeys[index]] = formatter.Format(captures)
m.cache.AddMatch(statsdMetric, statsdMetricType, result, labels)
return result, labels, true
} else if !m.doRegex {
// if there's no regex match type, return immediately
m.cache.AddMiss(statsdMetric, statsdMetricType)
return nil, nil, false
// regex matching
for _, mapping := range m.Mappings {
// if a rule don't have regex matching type, the regex field is unset
if mapping.regex == nil {
matches := mapping.regex.FindStringSubmatchIndex(statsdMetric)
if len(matches) == 0 {
mapping.Name = string(mapping.regex.ExpandString(
if mt := mapping.MatchMetricType; mt != "" && mt != statsdMetricType {
labels := prometheus.Labels{}
for label, valueExpr := range mapping.Labels {
value := mapping.regex.ExpandString([]byte{}, valueExpr, statsdMetric, matches)
labels[label] = string(value)
m.cache.AddMatch(statsdMetric, statsdMetricType, &mapping, labels)
return &mapping, labels, true
m.cache.AddMiss(statsdMetric, statsdMetricType)
return nil, nil, false
// make a shallow copy so that we do not overwrite name
// as multiple names can be matched by same mapping
func copyMetricMapping(in *MetricMapping) *MetricMapping {
var out MetricMapping
out = *in
return &out