# FSM Mapping ## Overview This package implements a fast and efficient algorithm for generic glob style string matching using a finite state machine (FSM). ### Source Hierachy ``` '-- fsm '-- dump.go // functionality to dump the FSM to Dot file '-- formatter.go // format glob templates using captured * groups '-- fsm.go // manipulating and searching of FSM '-- minmax.go // min() max() function for interger ``` ## FSM Explained Per [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite-state_machine): > A finite-state machine (FSM) or finite-state automaton (FSA, plural: automata), > finite automaton, or simply a state machine, is a mathematical model of > computation. It is an abstract machine that can be in exactly one of a finite > number of states at any given time. The FSM can change from one state to > another in response to some external inputs; the change from one state to > another is called a transition. An FSM is defined by a list of its states, its > initial state, and the conditions for each transition. In our use case, each *state* is a substring after the input StatsD metric name is splitted by `.`. ### Add state to FSM `func (f *FSM) AddState(match string, matchMetricType string, maxPossibleTransitions int, result interface{}) int` At first, the FSM only contains three states, representing three possible metric types: ____ [gauge] / (start)---- [counter] \ '--- [observer] Adding a rule `client.*.request.count` with type `counter` will make the FSM to be: ____ [gauge] / (start)---- [counter] -- [client] -- [*] -- [request] -- [count] -- {R1} \ '--- [observer] `{R1}` is short for result 1, which is the match result for `client.*.request.count`. Adding a rule `client.*.*.size` with type `counter` will make the FSM to be: ____ [gauge] __ [request] -- [count] -- {R1} / / (start)---- [counter] -- [client] -- [*] \ \__ [*] -- [size] -- {R2} '--- [observer] ### Finding a result state in FSM `func (f *FSM) GetMapping(statsdMetric string, statsdMetricType string) (*mappingState, []string)` For example, when mapping `client.aaa.request.count` with `counter` type in the FSM, the `^1` to `^7` symbols indicate how FSM will traversal in its tree: ____ [gauge] __ [request] -- [count] -- {R1} / / ^5 ^6 ^7 (start)---- [counter] -- [client] -- [*] ^1 \ ^2 ^3 \__ [*] -- [size] -- {R2} '--- [observer] ^4 To map `client.bbb.request.size`, FSM will do a backtracking: ____ [gauge] __ [request] -- [count] -- {R1} / / ^5 ^6 (start)---- [counter] -- [client] -- [*] ^1 \ ^2 ^3 \__ [*] -- [size] -- {R2} '--- [observer] ^4 ^7 ^8 ^9 ## Debugging To see all the states of the current FSM, use `func (f *FSM) DumpFSM(w io.Writer)` to dump into a Dot file. The Dot file can be further renderer into image using: ```shell $ dot -Tpng dump.dot > dump.png ``` In StatsD exporter, one could use the following: ```shell $ statsd_exporter --statsd.mapping-config=statsd.rules --debug.dump-fsm=dump.dot $ dot -Tpng dump.dot > dump.png ``` For example, the following rules: ```yaml mappings: - match: client.*.request.count name: request_count match_metric_type: counter labels: client: $1 - match: client.*.*.size name: sizes match_metric_type: counter labels: client: $1 direction: $2 ``` will be rendered as: ![FSM](fsm.png) The `dot` program is part of [Graphviz](https://www.graphviz.org/) and is available in most of popular operating systems.