# statsd exporter [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/prometheus/statsd_exporter.svg)][travis] [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/prometheus/statsd_exporter/tree/master.svg?style=shield)][circleci] [![Docker Repository on Quay](https://quay.io/repository/prometheus/statsd-exporter/status)][quay] [![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/prom/statsd-exporter.svg)][hub] `statsd_exporter` receives StatsD-style metrics and exports them as Prometheus metrics. ## Overview ### With StatsD To pipe metrics from an existing StatsD environment into Prometheus, configure StatsD's repeater backend to repeat all received packets to a `statsd_exporter` process. This exporter translates StatsD metrics to Prometheus metrics via configured mapping rules. +----------+ +-------------------+ +--------------+ | StatsD |---(UDP repeater)--->| statsd_exporter |<---(scrape /metrics)---| Prometheus | +----------+ +-------------------+ +--------------+ ### Without StatsD Since the StatsD exporter uses the same UDP protocol as StatsD itself, you can also configure your applications to send StatsD metrics directly to the exporter. In that case, you don't need to run a StatsD server anymore. We recommend this only as an intermediate solution and recommend switching to [native Prometheus instrumentation](http://prometheus.io/docs/instrumenting/clientlibs/) in the long term. ### DogStatsD extensions The exporter will convert DogStatsD-style tags to prometheus labels. See [Tags](http://docs.datadoghq.com/guides/dogstatsd/#tags) in the DogStatsD documentation for the concept description and [Datagram Format](http://docs.datadoghq.com/guides/dogstatsd/#datagram-format) for specifics. It boils down to appending `|#tag:value,another_tag:another_value` to the normal StatsD format. Tags without values (`#some_tag`) are not supported. ## Building and Running $ go build $ ./statsd_exporter --help Usage of ./statsd_exporter: -statsd.listen-address=":9125": The UDP address on which to receive statsd metric lines. -statsd.mapping-config="": Metric mapping configuration file name. -web.listen-address=":9102": The address on which to expose the web interface and generated Prometheus metrics. -web.telemetry-path="/metrics": Path under which to expose metrics. ## Tests $ go test ## Metric Mapping and Configuration The `statsd_exporter` can be configured to translate specific dot-separated StatsD metrics into labeled Prometheus metrics via a simple mapping language. A mapping definition starts with a line matching the StatsD metric in question, with `*`s acting as wildcards for each dot-separated metric component. The lines following the matching expression must contain one `label="value"` pair each, and at least define the metric name (label name `name`). The Prometheus metric is then constructed from these labels. `$n`-style references in the label value are replaced by the n-th wildcard match in the matching line, starting at 1. Multiple matching definitions are separated by one or more empty lines. The first mapping rule that matches a StatsD metric wins. Metrics that don't match any mapping in the configuration file are translated into Prometheus metrics without any labels and with certain characters escaped (`_` -> `__`; `-` -> `__`; `.` -> `_`). In general, the different metric types are translated as follows: StatsD gauge -> Prometheus gauge StatsD counter -> Prometheus counter StatsD timer -> Prometheus summary <-- indicates timer quantiles -> Prometheus counter (suffix `_total`) <-- indicates total time spent -> Prometheus counter (suffix `_count`) <-- indicates total number of timer events If `-statsd.add-suffix` is set, the exporter appends the metric type (`_gauge`, `_counter`, `_timer`) to the resulting metrics. This is enabled by default for backward compatibility but discouraged to use. Instead, it is better to explicitly define the full metric name in your mapping and run the exporter with `-statsd.add-suffix=false`. An example mapping configuration with `-statsd.add-suffix=false`: # comments are allowed test.dispatcher.*.*.* name="dispatcher_events_total" processor="$1" action="$2" outcome="$3" job="test_dispatcher" *.signup.*.* name="signup_events_total" provider="$2" outcome="$3" job="${1}_server" This would transform these example StatsD metrics into Prometheus metrics as follows: test.dispatcher.FooProcessor.send.success => dispatcher_events_total{processor="FooProcessor", action="send", outcome="success", job="test_dispatcher"} foo_product.signup.facebook.failure => signup_events_total{provider="facebook", outcome="failure", job="foo_product_server"} test.web-server.foo.bar => test_web__server_foo_bar{} YAML may also be used for the configuration if the passed filename ends in `.yml` or `.yaml`. The above example mapping, in YAML, would be: ```yaml mappings: - match: test.dispatcher.*.*.* labels: name: "dispatcher_events_total" processor: "$1" action: "$2" outcome: "$3" job: "test_dispatcher" - match: *.signup.*.* labels: name: "signup_events_total" provider: "$2" outcome: "$3" job: "${1}_server" ``` Using the YAML configuration, one may also set the timer type to "histogram". The default is "summary" as in the plain text configuration format. For example, to set the timer type for a single metric: ```yaml mappings: - match: test.timing.*.*.* timer_type: histogram buckets: [ 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1 ] labels: name: "my_timer" provider: "$2" outcome: "$3" job: "${1}_server" ``` Note, that one may also set the histogram buckets. If not set, then the default [Prometheus client values](https://godoc.org/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus#pkg-variables) are used: `[.005, .01, .025, .05, .1, .25, .5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10]`. `+Inf` is added automatically. `timer_type` is only used when the statsd metric type is a timer. `buckets` is only used when the statsd metric type is a timerand the `timer_type` is set to "histogram." One may also set defaults for the timer type and the buckets. These will be used by all mappings that do not define these. ```yaml defaults: timer_type: histogram buckets: [.005, .01, .025, .05, .1, .25, .5, 1, 2.5 ] mappings: # This will be a histogram using the buckets set in `defaults`. - match: test.timing.*.*.* labels: name: "my_timer" provider: "$2" outcome: "$3" job: "${1}_server" # This will be a summary timer. - match: other.timing.*.*.* timer_type: summary labels: name: "other_timer" provider: "$2" outcome: "$3" job: "${1}_server_other" ``` ## Using Docker You can deploy this exporter using the [prom/statsd-exporter](https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/prom/statsd-exporter/) Docker image. For example: ```bash docker pull prom/statsd-exporter docker run -d -p 9102:9102 -p 9125:9125/udp \ -v $PWD/statsd_mapping.conf:/tmp/statsd_mapping.conf \ prom/statsd-exporter -statsd.mapping-config=/tmp/statsd_mapping.conf ``` [travis]: https://travis-ci.org/prometheus/statsd_exporter [circleci]: https://circleci.com/gh/prometheus/statsd_exporter [quay]: https://quay.io/repository/prometheus/statsd-exporter [hub]: https://hub.docker.com/r/prom/statsd-exporter/